Birthday Cards in the Business Environment

While some people think it is cute, others think it is funny, I think it is … unfortunate.  What, you may ask, am I talking about?  I am talking about my birthday.  The one day that is special to each one of us, I have to share with, of all people, my husband.  We have the same birthday – not year, just birth date.  So, not only do I get “combined” gifts and “pooled” festivities but I also get shared birthday cards from family and friends!  Nothing is special to just me on my birthday … except when I go to work.

When I go into the office on my birthday, there waiting for me at my desk are birthday cards, addressed only to me (and not my husband), from my coworkers and managers.

This is when I feel special.  Business birthday cards are a great way to bring the occasion of a birthday into the workplace and nothing says “Happy Birthday” better than a card.  Giving birthday cards to employees, coworkers and even business associates is a great way to extend your birthday wishes to those people in the business environment.   It can help to build employee morale and create goodwill.  It can also be a great opportunity to congratulate an employee on a special accomplishment. Sending a birthday card to a business associate provides a way to express your birthday wishes and, at the same time, convey your appreciation to them for their business.  It can also provide a vehicle to offer an incentive such as a discount or premium to help celebrate their birthday.

Birthdays are special. It is a day in a person’s life that should be cherished and celebrated. When you are at work on your birthday, the use of a business birthday card can be a great way to accomplish this!