Employee Birthday Cards Lift Office Spirits

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I know when I hear those words or receive a card my initial reaction is a big smile.  Most people expect that yearly card from their moms, kids, other family members.  But sometimes it’s the little gesture from an unexpected source that makes that big smile into a huge smile coming straight from the heart.  Employee birthday cards are just the thing to bring on this feeling.

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Giving employee birthday cards will lift the spirit and make the employee feel valued and special.  Last year, my supervisor gave me a birthday card and I was shocked.  The feeling of warmth made me feel joy the entire day.  This is an easy way to make me know that the company I work for doesn’t just care about the productivity I am generating, but that the company cares about me as an individual.

Employee birthday cards can change a person’s attitude for the better.  A simple card shows that you are sincerely appreciated for all that you do.  Knowing that you matter to your boss leaves you with an uplifting feeling.  If the employee feels honored by the acknowledgement, he or she will want to do whatever necessary to make the business successful.  Celebrating an employee’s birthday with a card is a simple way to lift his or her spirits and create a successful work environment.