Eco-Friendly Holiday Cards and Lessons Learned

I consider myself a fairly open-minded person and I also love to learn new things. I remember so many times being in school and learning the lesson for the day and having a light bulb go off in my head as I finally caught on to the concept that my teacher was trying to get across. I see it now in my own children’s faces when they finally get something that I am trying to teach them.

The reason I mention this is because I recently had another light bulb shine bright in my head when I went to order my Christmas cards. It finally occurred to me that I can make a difference in the environment with the purchases I make. So for the first time this year, I am choosing environmentally friendly holiday cards to send to my friends and family. I know there are still a lot of things that I can do in my daily life to be more environmentally friendly but I can honestly say that I do think about the environment and make conscious decisions to help protect it for my myself, my children, and my children’s children. By choosing products that are made using eco-friendly methods, I can make a difference. The Gallery Collection offers many Christmas cards made from wind power as well as recycled cards and also FSC certified energy sources.

I always enjoy sending my greeting cards during the Christmas season but this year, I feel really good about sending environmentally friendly cards. And now I’m off to see what other purchases I can make that will help protect Mother Earth. Any excuse for some more shopping!