Doing the Right Thing with Thank You Cards

Some years ago, there was this guy on the radio on one of those all-talk programs who gave out advice to listeners on personal finance, as well as on how to handle oneself under certain situations one may encounter during a particular day. One thing that he always told his listeners was: “You can’t go wrong doing the right thing”.

Following that adage on a daily basis will not only keep you out of trouble but will also give a deep feeling of joy for being an overall good person. One way of being nice to someone is to acknowledge when an individual has done a good turn for you. And a great way to show appreciation is to reciprocate by sending a thank you card to that great someone, or corporate thank you cards if business related.

When is it a good time to send out a thank you card? Well, I would think the answer is anytime. Certainly, to acknowledge the receipt of a gift of any kind, whether for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or any other kind of special event, is a must. However, to send out a thank you card to show sincere gratitude when someone has done “the right thing” can make the sentiment expressed even more special. A good deed, a favor, anything that is done unexpectedly – it can be a terrific opportunity to say “thank you” with a thank you card.

One such occasion that happened to me was when my family was moving into our new home. After a long day of not only lifting boxes to and from the old house but also supervising the movers to make sure they didn’t break anything, we were pretty tired. While taking a break, finally, as afternoon turned into evening, our doorbell rang. We were new to the neighborhood, so who the heck could it be? It turned out to be our friend Kathy, her arms filled with bags of food that she had picked up at the local fast food establishment. She handed the bags to us, turned back to her car and shouted out, “Enjoy!” And she was gone. Naturally, we were flabbergasted and overwhelmed.

Our friend certainly did “the right thing” by showing her generosity. And the thank you card she deserved was sent out as soon as we found the greeting cards buried amongst all the boxes piled up in the new house. Not to mention how good the chicken tasted!

2 thoughts on “Doing the Right Thing with Thank You Cards”

  1. Thank you cards are not used as much as they should be these days. I try and make an effort anytime a good deed is done for me to spend an extra few minutes getting a thank you card and sending it off.

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