Birthday Wishes for Everyone

As a human resources manager I am always looking to make sure the morale of the company is at an all-time high. Any little thing can matter in that regard. We try to plan socials after work to make sure our employees interact with each other, there’s the good old company picnic, and the one that never fails; the Holiday party. However, you must do the little things along the way as well.

One of those little things is the employee birthday card. Sounds like such a given in today’s world that you would get a card for an employee’s birthday but believe me most companies miss this small step towards morale boost. People like to know that you are thinking about them. This is true in life and definitely true in business. So make sure to get online and order those cards for the year because a five minute order process will go leaps and bounds to bringing the morale up in your company this year. Also make sure to vary up the cards so everyone does not get the same one. That will show you went the extra mile for your employees and they will appreciate you for it.