Corporate Birthday Cards featuring Gift Boxes

If you are looking for high-end corporate birthday cards, look no further than The Gallery Collection’s design #571AE, Blue Ribbon Birthday Card. This majestic card is printed on plush, heavy paper stock with a high-gloss finish and is smooth to the touch. It features the use of lustrous cornflower blue and silver foils. The refractive silver foil picks up light and transmits an array of spectral colors, giving off a shimmering effect as you change your point of vision or set the card in motion. A white package wrapped in the azure ribbon of the card’s title is set against a polished white background. A thin silver border frames the gift and both the package and surrounding environment are adorned with twinkling chrome stars. The words “Happy Birthday” appear in a decorative font below the present.

Design #571AE Blue Ribbon Birthday Card
Design #571AE Blue Ribbon Birthday Card

Client and employees who receive these business birthday cards are certain to be convinced of your sophisticated taste and careful consideration. Sending a card of this obvious quality will convey to your recipients just how much they matter.

A fun, colorful alternative would be design #466AE, Birthday Box Sparkle Greeting Card. This corporate birthday card features an emerald bow atop a box swathed in a bright and cheery blue, green, and orange striped paper. The package is set against a sleek burnished background, which consists of a white border and a smoky watercolor mist at center. Minute refractive silver specks cover the jade wrappings and the area around the object, lending the design a glittering quality. The words “Happy Birthday” appear in a large, simple cerulean script at the base.

Design #466AE Birthday Box Sparkle Greeting Card
Design #466AE Birthday Box Sparkle Greeting Card

This unisex card is ideal for employers to present to their workers or employees to exchange amongst themselves. It is a clean, mirthful design good for nearly any centennial. Those who receive it are sure to have their spirits buoyed.

Corporate Get Well Cards are Good Medicine

I just got a get well card from my bank, and I can’t tell you what a pleasant surprise it was to receive. Since I’ve been with the same branch for a few years, I’ve gotten to know several of the tellers and the manager and they always have a nice, warm welcome when I come in. It makes it pleasant to do business there.

It turns out that one of the tellers has a son in the same lacrosse league as my son. Last month their two teams played each other and when she heard my son’s name mentioned she came looking for me. Unfortunately, I was missing a really exciting game. My husband explained that I was home with the flu and everyone was trying to avoid me so they didn’t get it too. I hadn’t had the flu in years and I can’t believe how long that miserable feeling lasts!

Well, a few days later, when my husband brought in the mail; there was a piece addressed to me. It was a beautiful get well card from the bank that the manager and all the tellers had signed. I was feeling slightly better by then, but the card was like a shot of medicine and really picked me up. How thoughtful of them to think of me and send a card.

When I returned to work, I mentioned the bank’s get well card to my boss and he decided to order some company get well cards to keep on hand for our employees and clients. I told him I’d be happy to be the one to send them out because I now know how pleasant it can be to get one when you’re feeling less than perfect.

Business Congratulations Cards with a Stellar Sentiment

Design #104AY, Stellar Congratulations Greeting Card, truly reflects its name. This business congratulations card features a cream matte background with the words “Congratulations” in a script font that moves in a circular pattern towards the center of the design. The sentiment appears in two separate areas of the card, one near the top in rainbow foil and one near the bottom of the card in a solid icy blue foil. Along with the words, there are embossed dots and stars that also form into the same circular infinity pattern that sweeps across the entire front of the design.

Design #104AY Stellar Congratulations Greeting Card
Design #104AY Stellar Congratulations
Greeting Card

The prominent color of the design pattern starts out as an icy blue foil but as the stars, dots, and sentiment swirl towards the center, they change into bold rainbow foil that appears slightly different on each card design. The size of the stars and dots start out large but as they swirl towards the center of the card the embossed pattern get smaller in size, giving it an infinity look. Once the pattern reaches the center, there’s a bold solid colored foil star that adds more to the infinite depth of the design. This business congratulations card is the perfect card for business or personal usage, to show expression of joy, success, good fortune, a job well done, promotion, receiving an award, anniversary or any personal milestone in your recipient’s life. The reasons to send this card are endless, making this elegant design appealing to all.

Business Birthday Cards and the Ripple Effect

We all realize that businesses are trying to save money now more than ever. With that being said, we must also find ways to bring some joy to the customers and workforces that are hanging in there with us and working for a better tomorrow.

Sending business birthday cards is one way to celebrate with business associates and employees that won’t break the bank. Everyone loves being remembered and respected. Whether a million dollar client, a young growing client, your CEO, or the high school kid in the mailroom is the recipient of the birthday card, your business will have earned the reputation of one that really cares.

The ripple effect of simple gestures like sending birthday cards is incalculable. Having worked for companies that did and companies that didn’t send business birthday cards, I do have a point of view on the subject. The difference it makes is in the subtle lift in the attitude of how you or your company is perceived by the recipient. As with all good gestures, the other benefit is that it also makes the sender feel good.

Your business birthday cards will help your business, but making sure they are green will help the world. Why not make a good thing better by ensuring that your purchase is from a company that is looking toward the future. In this day and age, most people do turn the card over to see if it is made with environmental awareness. Broaden your benevolence by including the saving of our planet.

Corporate Congratulations Cards Reward Special Effort

My brother’s company has a terrific tradition each month of choosing a “Star Employee” and then surprising him or her with special corporate Congratulations cards. Even though the company’s name is printed at the bottom of the cards, the boss usually writes a note and hand signs one of the cards, which makes it a little more special. Who doesn’t like recognition and approval?

This smart company rewards its employees for their achievements while cleverly encouraging them to work smarter and be even more productive. It’s a very positive way to applaud accomplishments and promote success.

At any time throughout the year, beautiful congratulations cards are also handed out for special recognition – such as for someone surpassing their goal or successfully completing an extensive project. People know when they’re appreciated and respected and usually respond by being even better employees.

However…when you’re named a “Star,” it’s not just about the greeting cards that you receive! Inside the cheerful, high quality congratulations cards you always find something special. It’s often a gift certificate for lunch to a popular restaurant that’s close to work. Sometimes it’s a pair of tickets to a movie. Not enough to make anyone else overly jealous…just something extra to let you (and everyone else) know that you’ve done a good job and that you’re valued.

Every employee looks forward to finding out who gets the “Star” cards each month and it makes them all a little more conscientious and aware of their efforts. For this success-oriented company, it’s a small, inexpensive incentive that makes a big difference. It’s also one more reason my brother likes working there.

Etiquette for Sending Thank You Cards

Throughout the years I have found it very rewarding, and still is, to send and receive words of appreciation and/or gratitude in thank you cards. I have often been asked when it is appropriate to send thank you cards and would like to share the following suggestions with you.

A thank you card is an expression of appreciation for a thoughtful act, gift or gesture and should be sent as quickly as possible, generally within a week of receipt of a gift or gesture. In the case of a gift, always make a specific reference to the gift received, such as, “Thank you so much for the blue sweater. How did you know blue was my favorite color?”

A thank you card is appropriate in the following situations:

• After being hosted as a house guest
• After receiving gifts/visits during a hospital stay
• Gifts that were received by mail
• Wedding gifts
• Baby shower gifts
• After receiving sympathy letters, flowers or mass cards
• Notes or gifts of congratulations
• Having been given a party in your honor
• Having accomplished a commendable task
• Having received a job referral
• Volunteered services
• That special teacher
• A helpful co-worker

Select thank you cards that reflect your personality and keep a supply on hand. It is important to personalize your thank you cards with a hand written message.

If you receive a gift you dislike you should still show appreciation for the thought that went into selecting it for you. You might say, “Thank you for the gift. I will always think of you whenever I use/wear it.”

I’m hoping this has been helpful to those of you who care enough to send thank you cards.