Why Should My Company Start Giving Anniversary Cards?

Ever wonder if the tradition of giving Anniversary cards to your employees is worth it for your company? Here’s a few reasons for the hype.

It makes your employees feel appreciated and valued. Taking a few minutes to ready a card shows your employees that you care. They’ve given years of their time and effort to your business. The least you can do is say thank you.

It should be obvious, but grateful employees work harder than workers who feel neglected or unimportant. Even though it is such a tiny gesture to give a card, it will speak volumes to your employees. You could even put in a small gift card as an added bonus to look forward to. You want your employees to feel like they matter because they will want to work for you.

The Gallery Collection has dozens of Anniversary cards to choose from. Find a card your employees will look forward to receiving. Many companies get a different design for each year their employees have been there. You could also use the imprint line to congratulate them, thanking them for their “___ years” of service. It’s a small detail that will make all the difference! Many employees cherish these Work Anniversary cards and collect them year after year. Start this thoughtful tradition in your office!

Why Sympathy Cards Are Important

It can be difficult to know what to say or do when a friend or relative loses a loved one. And that difficulty can be compounded when the one suffering a loss is a co-worker; someone you spend hours a day with but aren’t necessarily close to.

Sympathy cards are important because they allow us to acknowledge a deeply personal experience as unobtrusively as possible.

Sympathy cards allow us to express what we might feel too awkward to say in person. Sometimes it’s hard to know the right words, or the right time. Sympathy cards perfectly sum up the sentiment we hope to convey, offering messages of comfort and compassion that can be read whenever the bereaved is ready.

Death shouldn’t be treated like a secret or something ‘we don’t talk about’ and it can mean so much to those who are mourning to know they’re being thought of with kindness, that their loss matters and they’re not alone.

While it might be hard to read early on, the thoughtful words of a sympathy card can provide comfort as time passes and there are many who save and re-read notes of sympathy whenever they’re in need of that comfort and connection.

As a business it’s important to respect your employees as individuals. Acknowledging such a profound personal event with a thoughtful sympathy card speaks volumes about your business and how it values its employees. Gallery Collection offers a wide variety of beautiful, high-quality sympathy cards and messages of compassion that perfectly convey your offer of support and comfort during a difficult time.

Mark Twain said, ‘It’s never wrong to do the right thing’ and sending a sympathy card is a gesture that will be appreciated at a time when kindness and consideration are needed most.

17th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 8 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 8 Finalists!

Should I Purchase Presentation Folders?

Owning a small business can be tough. Often a small business owner is working countless hours out of his or her home, reaching out to friends and family to establish a circle of clients or customers and looking for ways to extend their reach. My best friend has a photography business and while she loves the memories she captures for her clients, it’s been a struggle to increase her client lists. She is very active on social media, showing off what she can do for her clients. My suggestion to get to the next level? Presentation Folders. The old saying, “You have to spend money to make money” is still relevant in the digital age. Presentation folders can be a smart investment for any small business.

Often a small business invests (either in time and effort or money) in an eye-catching logo for advertising purposes. My friend has a beautiful logo for her business, but there are not many opportunities for her to use it. Getting a folder to give to her clients with that logo printed on the front will help keep her and her business in mind whenever her past clients are in need of a photographer.

When she’s on location, in a park or at a party, having a few folders pre-set with samples, pricing, and available options would be perfect for when passersby see her at work and consider hiring her as well. A business card alone is nice, and can work for networking events, but they can get lost very easily. That presentation folder can have a much greater impact. Add in a business card placed in a special slit in the inside pocket of the folder, and she’ll look just as professional as her competition. One of the reasons why a customer chooses a small business is the personalized service and attention to detail that is not the hallmark of large chains.

Large companies use custom folders for informational packets. Schools get custom folders for students and staff to use. Wouldn’t your business benefit from such an effective marketing tool?

Birthday Cards can Bring Joy to the Office

When told the words “Office job”, many might think of boring, dull, and tedious tasks. It certainly can be a mentally draining job that enforces you to do repetitive work. What if I told you there was a simple way to brighten up the office atmosphere!? Birthday Cards! Even though some don’t want to think about aging and celebrating birthdays, the atmosphere created by sharing a birthday card signed by everybody portrays a lot of essential feelings for a workplace.

  1. A card signed by everybody with sentimental words like: “I’m glad you’re working with us!”, “Enjoy your birthday!”, or anything positive, is sure to let the receiver of this card know that he/she is cared about and develops a sense of belonging in the work place. This reinforces relationships between employees.
  2. Getting one of the mentioned sentimental phrases hand written can truly bring a grin to many people’s faces! Science fact: When smiling or laughing, Neurotransmitters called endorphins are released by the brain to give us a feeling of happiness. This also helps relieve stress! Smiling = Not Stressed = Happy Employee = MORE PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE!
  3. Birthday Cards can be very lackluster and show little appreciation when they are from a cheap dollar store. However, you can fix this by purchasing one of the Gallery Collection’s Birthday Assortment Boxes! You get a variety of birthday cards (to have many employees receive different designs) and each card has a beautiful greeting on the inside to make somebody smile. You know what happens when you smile! These cards make the receiver feel like they are worth it!

Essentially, the whole surprise of getting the workplace to sign a birthday card and give it to an employee who was not expecting ANYTHING but a boring day at work can really change somebody’s life. Maybe it will influence him/her to treat others more kindly from that day onwards. Appreciation and care can go a long way.

Fun Birthday Facts

Ah, birthdays…mostly a joyous occasion until you start to get up there in years like me in which case you may start to want to slow the clock down a bit.  All in all though, birthdays are fun to celebrate.  Before you send out those Birthday Cards, here are some interesting and fun birthday facts that you may or may not be aware of:

  • The month of August has more birthday celebrations than any other month.
  • The month with the least amount of birthdays is February.
  • If you are celebrating a birthday today, it will only be 31,536,000 seconds until your next one.
  • May 22nd is the least common birthday. 
  • October 5th is the most common birthday.  For those of you backtracking, that’s some New Year’s Eve fun.
  • The most popular song in the English language is “Happy Birthday to You.”  Because it’s copyrighted, the song makes tons of money from licensing fees which is why you rarely hear it sung on TV.
  • What goes up and never comes down?  Your age of course.
  • Upwards of two billion dollars are spent in the US on birthday cards every year.
  • In a room with 23 people, there is a 50/50 chance that someone else in the room will share your birthday.  If you increase the number of people to 70, your chances increase to 99%.
  • The first birthday balloons were made out of animal intestines filled up with water.
  • The sun will travel 584,337,600 miles from one birthday to the next.
  • Noisemakers used for birthdays originated in Europe as a way to ward off evil.
  • What did one candle say to the other? Don’t birthdays burn you up.

Happy Birthday!

The Baby Countdown is Officially On – Send a Baby Congratulations Card

   The baby countdown is officially on. I am an expecting father of a baby girl. My life is filled with excitement, nervousness and pure joy, all at the same time. The feelings are real, and the importance in being a parent has hit me in the face.  I want to be the best father that I can be. I am constantly reading articles and books for preparation. I am also actually listening to the unsolicited advice from veteran fathers at my job.

This is strange for me, because I am the type of man that separates work from my personal life. There is no person at my job that has any clue about who I really am and how I conduct my life. I don’t reveal the “complexities of me” to my co-workers. Our conversations are superficial, even when they may not seem like it to an onlooker.

However, I have forced myself to slightly change this philosophy. In reality, I have no idea about the complexities of my co-workers as parents. “Parent” is not just a title, like the respective ones that we have when we punch in. Parenting may be the most important responsibility that there is in life. The importance is the same no matter race, religion, or orientation.

I am finding that it is actually ok to peel back a layer of complexity. It’s not just about me. It’s ok to overlap this part of my life with my work life. Parenting doesn’t have a time off button. It is continuous. I will need guidance and support. Big and small. A simple baby congratulation card is a great reminder that parenting is a special thing.

Should I send Anniversary Cards to Employees?

Should you send your employees Anniversary cards? It makes your employees feel special. Not only did you care to remember, you went a step further and congratulated them in a quality card. Some long-term employees might even keep your cards every year, so this can really be a distinctive way to thank your employees for their commitment. It’s not often that employees get thanked for their diligence, so sending a card is an extra sentiment that will perk your employees up.

If you are worried about the cost, there is a simple solution. Buying cards in bulk reduces the price. This is especially helpful if you have a large company with many employees. The Gallery Collection offers specific card designs, in quantities of 25, or Assortment boxes (which contain 35 cards each). There are many ways to customize your cards, but if cost is your concern, many features are included in the price. For assistance, call at the toll-free number 800-950-7064 or contact The Gallery Collection via the website.

If you want your employees to feel proud of where they work and appreciated for all they do, consider getting them Anniversary cards. You could even have the inside include something to the effect of: “Thank you for your _______ of continued service!” and in the blank fill in the number of years you have had the honored employee.

17th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 7 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 7 Finalists!

Business Birthday Cards to Boost Morale

A fact of life is that we all get older. As much as we like to avoid the aging process, it is inevitable. That being said, as long as we are having a birthday, we may as well celebrate another year of life. We get that from family and friends and it gives us a lift. However, since we spend almost one third of our lives working it is nice to be acknowledged when we are on the job. Business Birthday Cards can be a morale booster.

Imagine being an employee coming to work on their birthday, they are dragging a little with the added year and suddenly they see a card on their desk. They open the birthday card and it’s from the company wishing them a fabulous birthday. Can you see the smile on their face? You have just lifted the spirits of your employee and made them feel appreciated. For you to remember their birthday will increase their morale for longer than just that one day.

Another scenario is business associates. You deal with many people when conducting business. So whether the person is a client or a customer, they will really appreciate you taking the time to send greetings to them on their birthday. It says you care about the people you deal.

Business birthday cards are an asset to any company. They raise the morale of employees which in turn increases their level of commitment to doing a good job. They also increase the probability of having repeat customers. A business that cares – succeeds.