This has been an ongoing debate for years. Do I go with the dark stock paper or the light stock paper for my greeting card? Which is more elegant? Which makes more of a statement?
On the one side, the dark stock paper, whether it be black, blue, green or red, has a unique flair. It is not something you see all the time. When you add the gold or silver foil imprinting, the words just jump off the page. The negative feedback to the dark paper is that it is a little down beat. It doesn’t scream cheer as you would expect from a greeting card.
The other side of the debate is the light stock card. Whether you are looking at a white or buff background card, it is the norm. You will find cards printed on these two colors everywhere. There is no distinction to these cards. In this case, you have to rely on the front picture and the inside message to really make your point. These cards do exude a brightness and perkiness to your sentiments. You also have more options as far as imprint colors. You can use blue, black, green or red ink besides the option of silver or gold foil.
I feel it is all personal preference. No matter what card stock, dark or light, that you choose to go with, it is the message you are sending that counts.