Groundhog Day Advice: 3 Business Mistakes You Should Avoid Repeating

What are the Finger Lakes?”  If you recognize this question, you may have watched the movie “Groundhog Day.”  Maybe more than once.  Maybe so many times that it feels like you’ve been watching it in a never-ending and repeating day.  In the film, Bill Murray’s jaded meteorologist character Phil lives out February 2nd in seeming perpetuity in the heart of Punxsutawney, PA, the home of the illustrious prognosticating groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil.  Stuck reliving the same day over and over again, he continually encounters the same people, events, and happenings of the day.  He has watched that day’s episode of “Jeopardy!” so many times that he is able to divine “What are the Finger Lakes?” before the answer is even read aloud to the amazement of others watching the show with him. 

In the real world, this sort of anticipatory behavior may at first seem to be advantageous for a business.  There could be a benefit from predictability for sure.  However, predictability is bred from static behavior and practices, which can hinder creativity, growth, and new ideas.  Repetition is not necessarily a good thing.  In this vein, here’s some pertinent Groundhog Day advice: 3 common business mistakes you don’t want to repeat.

  1. Overpromising Customers – It is always better to be realistic in what you can offer customers rather than promising the world.  Customers will respond much more positively to the exact same result if that result is presented honestly from the outset as the best you could provide rather than as a missed deadline, poor measure of quality, etc. that was promised to be sooner or better but not quite met.
  2. Undervaluing Employees – Unless your business is a one-person show, you must acknowledge that your business is nothing without your employees.  It is essential to not overlook the contributions they make every day to help continue the business itself.
  3. Complacency – Even though your business may be at the pinnacle of your industry today, it is never a good idea to assume things will never change.  Even through no fault of your own, it’s possible that your industry itself may become obsolete as newer and better technology comes along.  Periodically looking for innovations or improvements is an important part of maintaining the health of any business.

Birthday Cards – Let’s Get Personal

When I was a kid, I loved getting mail.  I’m not sure I can really explain it but I got such a thrill from getting any type of mail.  I had tons of pen pals and learned such interesting things from my overseas pals especially.  Didn’t really matter what type of mail it was but it was an extra special bonus if it was a birthday card or Christmas card and if it contains money, well then it made my whole year! 

Now that I am an adult, and social media is alive and well, my mail is not what it used to be since it now mostly consists of advertisements I didn’t solicit.  If you’re wondering, I do make every effort to go paperless and discontinue any mail that I can (and you should too!) but I do still make it known to friends and family how much I like seeing a personal birthday card or letter in my mailbox every once in a while. 

I’ll take a birthday greeting on Facebook, Instagram or anywhere else but there is something just so special about receiving and opening a birthday card that someone picked out for me, thought enough to send out and took the time to write a personal message.  Now I’m on a mission to bring back the personal touch.  Instead of just wishing my nephew a happy birthday last week via text, I sent him a card and included his name spelled out in origami dollar bills.  He couldn’t say enough about how that was one of the best gifts he had ever gotten.  So I say, let’s get personal!

Handling Change in the Workplace

Many of us hear the word “Change” and immediately get anxious.  Why do we have to change?  What’s wrong with the way we are doing things now?  From now on when you hear the word “Change”, you should imagine the word chance in your mind.  A change in the workplace is a chance to make your workplace better.  Stay optimistic and change will be a good thing.  Here are ten tips for you to follow:

  1. Stay positive. 
  2. Remember that the entire workforce family is facing the same changes.
  3. Know that change is constant and that without change neither your business nor you can move forward.
  4. Take this opportunity to learn new skills.  We recently made a change in my office on how we are going to train new hires.  I was able to enrich my portfolio by learning how to use a new training system.
  5. Talk, Talk, Talk.  Keep everyone in the loop on what is going on.  Ask questions if you do not know the answer.  Communication is the key to success.

When a change is coming down the pike in your workplace, accept the change and celebrate the positives!

Invitations for Every Business Occasion

Through my years I have worked for many companies with different theories on how to celebrate their business success.  Most held holiday parties for their employees in order to honor them for their hard work and dedication.  Some sent invites to special clients to show their thanks for their continued patronage. 

But what about other reasons to celebrate?  My last company sent the invitation on the left to all its clients and employees.  They do a big celebration every February because during the holidays things were always so hectic. 

Another company had this light hearted party invitation on the right to celebrate what they called the Spring Fling.  It was always such fun.  They would host the party at an outdoor venue so everyone could dress down, enjoy some cocktails and munch on delicious appetizers catered from a local hot spot.

The type of invitation you select for your next party will send a clear message of what time of party you are hosting.  It is obvious in the first that it is going to be a holiday party boasting all the traditions.  The February Fiesta invitation reads as a swanky soiree whereas the Swing Fling invite seems to let you know that this party is going to full of fun and relaxation.

Cure for the Office Winter Blues

We all know that summer time is fun time.  The weather is beautiful, many people go on vacations during this time and pretty much enjoy not having to deal with shoveling, snow and freezing temperatures any longer!

Once the summer is over, however, we seem to somehow skip through Fall and head straight to Winter, both physically and mentally!  Many people feel an emotional shift during the months of January through March, after the Holidays are over, which can change people’s moods in the office.  One way to cure the office Winter Blues is to have a “Winter Celebration” party!

Just think how excited you and your coworkers would be to have a themed-lunch or breakfast party to bring some life to the mundane winter day.  It will break up the winter months and add some excitement to employees and their tastebuds!  If it can’t be lovely warm weather outside the office, why not just pretend it is inside the office?!  Go ahead and party away those cold weather blues!

18th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 5 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 5 Finalists!

Business Cards are a Must

A business card is a little paper card that represents your business and gives all of the necessary information that you want your customer to have. In most cases, a business card will have the name of the business/company, the services that the business/company provides, the address, the telephone number, the fax number, email address or social media/ web site that the business may have.

On Gallery Collection, you get to create your own business card. The Website allows you to customize your business card, choose the quantity of the cards, pick out the card size, and choose which paper type you want the business card to be printed on. It gives you the preference of either Matte Card stock, or Glossy Card stock. My preference is the Glossy Card Stock! The Glossy card stock is the way to go! Having a glossy business card will not only make your business card look more professional, but it will make it ‘pop out,’ and draw customers and passersby’s  to pick it up! If you want your company or business to look sheik, clean and cool I advise you to get the glossy business cards!

Easy Does It – Presentation Folders

Presentation folders from the Gallery Collection are making it easy for you to impress your customers.  These high quality, customizable folders have two 4 inch pockets that can hold up to 25 sheets of standard sized paper in each pocket and have a universal business card slot on the right pocket making them perfect for presenting sales information, handing out important forms and marketing materials and for use internally for employee information. 

The Gallery Collection pocket folders are available in black, blue, green, burgundy, cream, white and matte white with embossing available in gold, gold prismatic, silver or silver prismatic. You can actually have your logo and other information right there on the front cover.  You can also have customization done on the inside and back cover depending on the details.  One plus is that you can get a digital proof of your folder before the printing process begins to ensure the quality of your logo.  The Gallery Collection also offers you the ability to order a physical sample of your folder at an additional charge.

These professional Presentation Folders are useful products that can be foil stamped with your custom logo and imprint.  All this and they are made in the United States.  There are not many products that can say that nowadays. 

Presentation folders are the way to go to impress your clients and customers.

5 Ways to Promote Your Business

Whether you are a new company just starting out, at the peak of your business or struggling to make a successful go of it, you should be putting in an effort to promote your business.  Get your name out there as much as you can.  You want to be the first business that comes to mind in the heads of your potential customers to fill their needs.

  1. Set up your company on as many search engines as possible.  These include such sites as Google, Bing and Yahoo.
  2. Use social media.  Set up accounts with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.  Be sure to write a good description of your company and services offered.  Participate in conversations to get your user name out there.  This is a great way to network with other businesses in your field and potential clients.
  3. Sending postcards or mailings that showcase your specialty is a great way to spread the word to local customers and other business about yourself.
  4. Another great way to promote your business is to offer free consultations and or samples depending on what your business offers.
  5. Lastly, I suggest you go the old fashion route and break out the phone book.  Directly reach out to local customers with a phone call introducing yourself.  The personal touch really goes a long way to build up business.

Don’t just sit there!  Get your name out there by promoting your business!

18th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 4 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 4 Finalists!