The Appropriateness of Seasons Greeting Cards

When it’s time to place your order of holiday cards, you should ask yourself which message is best – Merry Christmas or Season’s Greetings? I usually prefer to purchase greeting cards with Season’s Greetings on the cover when choosing business Christmas cards for co-workers and associates because it’s a benign and pleasant phrase that pertains to most if not all people. Of the holiday card recipients who are not your family or your close friends, you shouldn’t assume that everyone celebrates Christmas. There’s also Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, and many religions don’t even celebrate any of the aforementioned holidays. So play it safe with Seasons Greeting cards so as not to accidentally offend anyone who is to receive a card from you.

With your family and friends, however, you don’t have to play it so safe. If all of your relatives and close acquaintances celebrate Christmas, then why not send a holiday card that says Merry Christmas. I highly doubt your Aunt Mary who has gone to mass every Sunday for her entire life would be offended in anyway if you send her a Merry Christmas card. There’s a time and place for political correctness, and it should not interfere with how you express your sentiments to your loved ones during the holiday season. For my family and friends, I purchase a separate set of holiday cards with Merry Christmas on the cover. I prefer to pick cards that are festive and fun because when it comes to the people I love most, I like to leave a smile on their faces after they’re done reading my personalized Christmas cards.

Animal Holiday Cards – A Welcome Inspiration

I don’t consider myself a “loner,” but every now and then I like to take a hike by myself in the nearby mountains. It gives me an opportunity to clear my mind and reflect on any issues at hand as I enjoy the peaceful scenery around me. I went on one such hike a couple weeks ago, just before winter started to really show its face. This time, however, was unlike any other. My experience made me reconsider Holiday cards with animals as an inspirational greeting, and I felt compelled to share my story with you.

There were so many people out that Sunday afternoon; families having picnics, couples sharing private moments, even a Boy Scout troop. I ventured far off the beaten path and found a nice place to sit along a clearing by the cliff’s edge. My mind wandered to the Christmas cards I had already been receiving in the mail. I thought about the wildlife cards, the Christmas photo cards of families (some that I rarely see), and the glitter I got all over myself when I pulled one Christmas tree card from its envelope. When suddenly, I heard it…a rustling from somewhere. I couldn’t quite figure out where, but it was close. A big gray animal, which I originally mistook for a dog (thanks to that fresh image in my mind from one of the holiday animal cards I had received), emerged from the brush. My first instinct told me to get out of there as quickly as my feet would carry me, but I stayed. I watched the animal warm itself in the sun, as it scratched its back on a nearby bush. The animal looked so peaceful standing there, and it didn’t even seem to know I was watching.

Finally, I removed myself from that serene moment and let my logical side consider the scene. It was probably not a nice, tame, family dog like the ones on my personalized Christmas cards. It was most likely a wild coyote, and I thought it best to slip out of the clearing as quietly as I could. I hiked back down the mountain, having achieved more than I wanted to when I set out that Sunday morning. I wondered if I should tell all those other people enjoying the mountain about my encounter with the animal, but thought it best to leave everything as peaceful as it was when I arrived. I went home and ordered my Christmas cards online – a beautiful wildlife scene. And you can guess where I got my inspiration from.