Top Ways to Welcome New Employees in the Workplace

Starting a new job can be a daunting task. There are new people to meet, company policies to learn, not to mention that navigating the office can be a quagmire. When a company hires new people, they should always consider how to welcome new employees in the workplace. The more comfortable the new employee feels the quicker they will be able to produce quality work.

It is wise to have a game plan. You know ahead of time that a new employee is starting on Monday, so what should you do?

  • Inform the team that there will be a new team member and ask them to make the person feel comfortable.
  • The supervisor or team leader should introduce the new employee around, taking a moment or two to explain what everyone’s position is.
  • Assign someone to give the person a tour of the office. Perhaps there are other teams that they will be working with and they should know who and where they are located. Also it gives a person time to adjust to the layout of the office.
  • Inform them of the break and lunch policy. Is there a kitchen or do you order out. If you order out what is the policy. All of these may seem minor but can make a new employee unsure of the protocol and they may feel uncomfortable asking on the first day.
  • Assign someone to be a mentor that can help with any questions for the first few days.

We all want to get up in the morning and feel comfortable going to work. Knowing who, what, when and where policies, people and locations are in a new office will make their second day and all future days less stressful. Integrating the newest employee into the fold quickly is a great way to cement good morale. And one more thing, a welcome card could also go a long way in making the new employee feel comfortable. It’s a simple gesture, but will be greatly appreciated.