Benefits of Anniversary Cards

Much like a birthday, a work anniversary gives a person recognition. It makes them stand out from the crowd even if it is only for one day. As an employee, they are no longer that little cog in the wheel. They are singled out and made to feel important for the time they have put into the company. It is their one day to stand out from the crowd and shine.

A simple anniversary card signed by upper management and/or co-workers is a good start in recognizing the recipient’s efforts and contributions made over the past year. Add a cake and some simple snacks along with a Happy Anniversary song (sung to the lyrics of Happy Birthday) and everyone in the office is sure to know it is that someone’s special day. Co-workers will stop by their desk to offer their congratulations as well as to grab some food. A mini party in the making to break up an otherwise regular work day!

Aside from making the recipient feel good for the day, an added benefit is that others in the office will realize that their special day will also be celebrated. This is a great morale booster within the office. It gives others something to look forward to and it opens lines of communication amongst co-workers. They look back on the year they started, discuss people and events that have occurred over the years, and look forward to their future years with the company.

So keep sending work anniversary cards to keep employees happy and proud with a heartfelt Happy Anniversary on their special day!

Why Should My Company Start Giving Anniversary Cards?

Ever wonder if the tradition of giving Anniversary cards to your employees is worth it for your company? Here’s a few reasons for the hype.

It makes your employees feel appreciated and valued. Taking a few minutes to ready a card shows your employees that you care. They’ve given years of their time and effort to your business. The least you can do is say thank you.

It should be obvious, but grateful employees work harder than workers who feel neglected or unimportant. Even though it is such a tiny gesture to give a card, it will speak volumes to your employees. You could even put in a small gift card as an added bonus to look forward to. You want your employees to feel like they matter because they will want to work for you.

The Gallery Collection has dozens of Anniversary cards to choose from. Find a card your employees will look forward to receiving. Many companies get a different design for each year their employees have been there. You could also use the imprint line to congratulate them, thanking them for their “___ years” of service. It’s a small detail that will make all the difference! Many employees cherish these Work Anniversary cards and collect them year after year. Start this thoughtful tradition in your office!

Should I send Anniversary Cards to Employees?

Should you send your employees Anniversary cards? It makes your employees feel special. Not only did you care to remember, you went a step further and congratulated them in a quality card. Some long-term employees might even keep your cards every year, so this can really be a distinctive way to thank your employees for their commitment. It’s not often that employees get thanked for their diligence, so sending a card is an extra sentiment that will perk your employees up.

If you are worried about the cost, there is a simple solution. Buying cards in bulk reduces the price. This is especially helpful if you have a large company with many employees. The Gallery Collection offers specific card designs, in quantities of 25, or Assortment boxes (which contain 35 cards each). There are many ways to customize your cards, but if cost is your concern, many features are included in the price. For assistance, call at the toll-free number 800-950-7064 or contact The Gallery Collection via the website.

If you want your employees to feel proud of where they work and appreciated for all they do, consider getting them Anniversary cards. You could even have the inside include something to the effect of: “Thank you for your _______ of continued service!” and in the blank fill in the number of years you have had the honored employee.

Why Anniversary Cards are Important

Anniversary greeting cards are a personal and thoughtful way to celebrate your appreciation for a loved one, colleagues, or friends. They are a tangible reminder of your shared memories and bond you might have.

Here are some of the benefits of buying anniversary cards:

  • Express your appreciation. Anniversaries are a time to express your appreciation for employees. A greeting card is a perfect way to do this. You can write a personal message to say how much you value them and how grateful you are for their support or work.
  • Show that you care. Taking the time to choose and write a greeting card shows that you care about them and the relationship. It is a small gesture that can make a big difference.
  • Create lasting memories. Greeting cards can become cherished keepsakes that will last for years to come. They can look back at the cards and reminisce about special moments or events.
  • Support a small business. Many greeting card companies are small businesses. By buying a greeting card from a small business, you are supporting their livelihood and helping them to thrive.

Here are some additional tips for choosing and writing anniversary cards:

  • Choose the perfect card. There are many different types of anniversary cards available from the Gallery Collection, so you can choose one that reflects your relationship or business relationship with the recipient.
  • Write a personal message. The most important part of the greeting card is the personal message. Take some time to write a thoughtful message that expresses how appreciated and valued the person is.

Buying an anniversary greeting card is a small gesture that can make a big difference.

Anniversary Card Your Way to Great Employee Relations

Cards are a great morale booster for your employees. Imagine how productive people are when they are happy. Now imagine how successful sending Anniversary cards on the start date of employment to your company will be to boosting morale. A great investment in your company is to have a cheerful and productive employee base.

In this age, how refreshing would it be to present an atmosphere of interest in the comings and goings of your employees. They are not just a number in your organization but rather an important asset to hold onto in the ever changing world of business.

When you give anniversary cards at work that are signed by the President, manager, and supervisor, a feeling of belonging to a great organization will be the immediate result. One of the greatest morale boosters a company can have is caring for their employees. It tells a person that they are recognized in a personal way and valued as a member of the company. Follow up the anniversary card with a personal visit and a congratulations and you have just hit a home run. How fabulous to work for a company where you can feel appreciated.

Happy Anniversary to you and many more years of great employee relations!

Sending Anniversary Cards to Employees

Sending anniversary cards to your employees send a message to them that their time with your company means something to you.

When I celebrated my one year anniversary, my boss stopped by my desk and dropped off a beautiful card and actually sang a quick song. (I know a little corny, right?) The card was signed by her, my immediate supervisor, the owner of the company, the CEO and the COO. It was wonderful. I have to say, all of this attention from my boss and supervisor made me feel like my work was valued.

The greeting inside the card not only said, “Happy Anniversary” but it stated that they “Appreciated my contributions and they realize I am part of their success.” What a fantastic thing to hear from the people you work for.

This type of inspiration motivates me to give all I can to my company. Sometimes all it takes is a small gesture to give an employee the encouragement they need to do everything in their power to make the company a priority. Sending anniversary cards to your employees will instill loyalty and promote a positive work environment. Inspiration and motivation stimulate effective employees. Take a little time to show appreciation with employee anniversary cards and your business will create and maintain a high-quality workforce.

Greeting Cards Highlight – Anniversary Cards

Anniversary Banner Greeting Card – Design 568AR

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This is the perfect card to congratulate someone on a milestone anniversary.  It could be a couple’s 1st, 5th, 25th, or 50th anniversary.  Maybe it could be an anniversary for a co-worker at your business.  Either way, you want to make sure that you give the best card you can give.  You can’t ever go wrong with one of our most vibrant and colorful cards full of banners and streamers!

Anniversary Fleur-De-Lis Greeting Card – Design 747AY

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The card presents a golden and blissful “Happy Anniversary” on the front.  It’s an elegant way to congratulate a loved one for a wedding anniversary, especially with the beautiful Fleur-De-Lis on the front.  A Felur-De-Lis is French for “lily” or “iris” and has multiple special religious and non-religious meanings.  Some of them being purity, chastity, wisdom, and the continuing presence of heraldry in everyday life.  It is also known to symbolize the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity.

Surprise Anniversary Card – Design 274AY

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Are you part of a group or family looking to give your best wishes to a loved one for a special anniversary?  You can help surprise them with a card from all of you!  The exploding gift box on the front is perfect if the anniversary event will include gift-giving.

Corporate Happy Anniversary Card – Design 78YAY

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Looking for a professional card that is appropriate for a corporate or business occasion?  This card was specifically designed to fit these needs.  Not only is this another perfect card to give in a corporate setting, but the design on the front has a beautiful mix of Gold, Green, & Pearl foils.

Happy Anniversary Star Card – Design 86FAR

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This is certainly a card that will catch your eye!  The golden star dazzles the front cover along with a gorgeously written “Happy Anniversary” in golden embossed foil.  The gold color really shines with the “dark as night” background. You also get 2 free gold gel pens with your order on dark stock cards.  This is a hard deal to pass up on, especially since it is one of the most attractive Anniversary cards on the website.

Celebrate Your Valuable Employees with Anniversary Cards

Making an employee feel valuable is essential to any company’s bottom line. An employee who feels respected by his or her company is going to work harder for that company. Giving anniversary cards to your employees is a simple way to show an employee how important they really are. Who doesn’t feel special when they receive an anniversary card? It says not only am I just a number, but I am someone my employer remembers and cares about.

A result in giving your employees anniversary cards will be a positive work environment. You are basically giving an acknowledgement of your employee’s commitment to the company. Making an employee feel that their year has been a noted success will inspire the employee to work harder and stay an asset to your company. Think how you personally feel when someone acknowledges you and your dedication. There is nothing like this feeling. When you feel good, your feelings are spread to those around you. Anniversary cards can in fact lead to a positive work environment for all.

Anniversary cards for your employees are a simple way to build your staff without going too elaborate. Create a system that alerts you daily with all of your employees’ start dates. You can check this daily and personally drop by his or her desk with the card. Making it personal will give you the opportunity to see the joy you have created with your gesture of an anniversary card. Remember, if you show someone they are valuable they will want to impress you further!

Appreciate Your Employees with Anniversary Cards

     Who doesn’t like being praised? It is human nature to feel the need to know that what we do matters. When we are children we look to our parents for praise that we’re doing things as they should be done and as we get older we get the feedback from teachers and coaches. Once in the work field it is easy to forget to praise employees and in my opinion that is very important for the morale of the company. We should be appreciating our employees when they do their job well and go above and beyond. Even more we should show them that appreciation on their anniversary with the company. There is no better way to show the employee that you care then with a wonderful anniversary card.

Colorful Ribbon Anniversary Card - Design H4RAY
Colorful Ribbon Anniversary Card – Design H4RAY


     Such a simple yet wonderful gesture to show that what they do and their role in the company matters. Anniversaries are special no matter the occasion and in this day in age not a whole lot of companies are seeing that as an opportunity to give their employee acknowledgement. With a beautiful card we can help boost the morale of the company and show someone that you remembered. Most times it’s the small things a person does that others appreciate most.

Corporate Anniversary Party Ideas

What an amazing accomplishment these days to have a corporate Anniversary party to mark a milestone in a company’s history.

I’ve seen some smaller businesses around town recently put up a banner in the window announcing their one year anniversary and having a sort of “open house” for folks to drop in to offer congratulations and maybe even leave with a small trinket marking the occasion. On a larger scale a burger place in my neighborhood recently celebrated 50 years in business and rolled back their prices for the day to what they were 50 years ago. The place was mobbed. For anyone who perhaps didn’t frequent that establishment before, it was a chance to sample the food, but I think it was more a sense of community and pride. Even a way to say “thanks” to the people who made that burger place the success it was for 50 years. They even had anniversary cards that they gave to all the employees as thanks for their hard work.


My favorite corporate anniversary party idea is to put up pictures that tell the story of a company’s past. It’s always fun to see the products that started it all or pictures of the founding fathers (and mothers). What a special treat it would be to have some of those folks on hand. Maybe, as in the case of the company where I work, the business is in the hands of the son of the founder. In that case, you can sense and even feel the pride of being a part of that company’s history, and future.

Most time, corporate anniversary parties fill in the blanks for folks too. Maybe there is something you never knew about a company. An anniversary celebration is the perfect way to share that with everyone. After all, the success a company realizes should be shared with those responsible for it. Employees and customers alike can all celebrate the success. For employees it’s a chance to know more about the place and people that are your second family. For customers it’s a way to know that you are appreciated for your loyalty.

It’s a chance to celebrate the past and look to the promise of the future.