Tired of Being Politically Correct During the Christmas (Holiday) Season

“It’s beginning to look a lot like the season of the year that generally brings snowwwwww.”

Sound familiar? Of course not. Bing Crosby is probably turning over in his grave. “It’s beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS” is the way it should be. It should also be the way it is in December. Personalized Christmas cards have gone the way of the dinosaur over the last few years. Everyone is trying to be PC (politically correct is the term).

Christmas used to mean carols playing on the radio, trees being sold on street corners, and everyone wishing each other a “Merry Christmas.” What happened? When did Christmas turn into a dirty word? Everything now seems to be geared for the “Holidays.” When was the last time a shopkeeper wished you a Merry Christmas? Quite a while, I’m sure. While I respect everyone’s religious persuasion, I do feel like I am being short shifted.

Christmas is more than just a religious holiday; it is a feeling of happiness and goodwill. If I wish you a Merry Christmas, I just want to share my joy of the season with you. Likewise, if I were to receive a Happy Hanukkah or a Kwanza card from a friend or co-worker, my thought would be “isn’t that nice that they took the trouble to include me in their holiday wishes.” I guess what I’m trying to say is, there is no hidden agenda. I’m just happy and want to share my happiness with those around me. If that’s politically incorrect, then that’s what I want to be.