Thanksgiving Greeting Cards begin the Holiday Season

Thanksgiving is a great time of year for my family. We have traditions that have lasted for as long as my sister and I can remember. When we think of the Thanksgiving season, we think of football, pumpkin picking, apple pie, the start of Christmas shopping, and Christmas card writing.

For many, this can also be a very hectic time of year with the preparation for Thanksgiving Day. Creating the guest list and the menu, preparing festive decorations for the home and for the dinner table, along with the actual cooking and baking for dinner can take hours out of the week. With all the hustle and bustle of getting my Thanksgiving dinner just right, the thought of sending or receiving Business Thanksgiving cards never even crossed my mind.

In the midst of last year’s holiday chaos, I received my first Thanksgiving card from the gym where I workout. I was shocked to receive a business greeting card from my gym, but very pleased nonetheless. I had only been working out there for a few months, so it was a nice gesture to send me a personalized Thanksgiving card. I remember thinking, “What a great idea!” Companies that send corporate greeting cards show their customers that they really do care and that their clients are more than just dollar signs. The fact that they sent it during the Thanksgiving season reminded me just what that day is all about – giving thanks.