Business Birthday Cards Show Your Customers You Care

Have you heard the saying – “If we don’t take care of our customers, someone else will”?  I think that says it all-customer retention is so important, it keeps a business thriving-sounds like a no brainer but many times over looked because we are so busy doing other things.

Let's Celebrate! Birthday Card

Sending Business Birthday cards is a smart way to keep one step ahead of the competition. In these hard economic times, sending a card is a cost effective way to let your customers know you are still in business and that you still appreciate their loyalty.  Business relationships are more than just emails and phone calls, people appreciate the thoughtfulness of a genuine greeting card that has been personalized and mailed to them.  You can be sure when your customer has a need, you will be the first company they think of.

Here are some great phrases to write on the inside of the card:

“We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us and we look forward to providing you with the best possible service into the future.”

‘’Our sincere thanks for your valued business. We appreciate having you as our customer and look forward to serving you again. “

“Thanks for placing your trust in us.”

Don’t forget the HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
These phrases work just as well in your Business Holiday cards; you are sending them, right?