Sending Birthday Cards Is Still Important For Business

Sending a birthday card to a business partner or even a competitor can be a delicate situation. Personal or professional? Comical or creative? Choosing the right card to send is as important as sending the card itself.

Know Your Audience – Someone who appreciates a humorous card that works at a law firm is the same person that appreciates a humorous card who teaches ‘comedy and tragedy’ at your local university. If you are sending a card to an individual, it is crucial to tailor that card to their personality.

Variety – There are cards for all emotions and all walks of life, so don’t be afraid to get personal. However, if the relationship is one of a strictly business or causal manor, sending a more generic card can work in your favor to still show you care, but are also someone of a professional ilk. This tactic will avoid sending the card with a tiny cat in a bowtie blowing out candles to someone who frankly, wouldn’t get it.

To Send or Not to Send in Bulk – That is the question. The answer varies depending on your company, and the company you are sending birthday cards to. Is it crucial to send a birthday card to every business contact you have? Probably not. But, sending a card to as many connections as possible can only help extend the good will and keep you and your business relationship fresh on their mind. Buying just one box of business cards can, in all likelihood, cover almost all of your business-related birthdays. This purchase can be beneficial financially for you, and also make you look savvy to your business partners for remembering their special day.

In our technological world, the personal touch of sending a greeting card is becoming a lost art form. There is definitely something to be said for opening and reading a physical card rather than an e-card with a cheesy popup message. Sending a birthday card to your colleagues and associates is a small but important touch to keep you on the forefront of your business relationships.