Post-Interview Thank You Card Tips


You’ve aced the interview, but you aren’t quite done yet. Here’s some helpful tips on how to properly close the interview by saying thank you with a card or note:

1. Addresses interviewer(s) by name and spell those name(s) correctly.
2. Choose an appropriate Thank You card design. Keep in mind that this card is an extension of you and how you’re presenting yourself, so choose wisely.
3. Write neatly and clearly. Use a legible color.
4. Plan what you’re going to say.
5. Reference the conversation you had without summarizing. Add to the depth of the main points or expand on an important issue. Pose questions when appropriate.
6. Reflect on additional useful qualities that you possess as well as reinforcing ones you’ve mentioned.
7. Focus on how you can and will improve the company upon your employment there. Give concrete examples and use your previous employment to support your claim.
8. Realize that they might have talked to dozens of people that day. Remind the interviewer(s) of who you are.
9. Realize that you might not have been the best candidate they spoke to—demonstrate to them why you truly are worth noticing so you don’t get dismissed.
10. Send it in a timely manner. A late Thank You note is not going to help support how you “take initiative.”
11. Don’t follow-up immediately after your Thank You note. There are exceptions, but generally this is unnecessary and looks desperate.