My Favorite Birthday Greetings

It can be difficult to know what to say in a birthday card, especially when you are used to just buying a card with a greeting already inside. That’s why The Gallery Collection has a huge selection of greetings to choose from as well as a team of highly trained staff to help you create the perfect card (or you could always opt for one of their many preprinted Birthday Assortment Boxes). Here are what I consider to be my favorite greetings they offer for birthday cards.

If the birthday card is meant for personal use, try selecting one of these greetings from The Gallery Collection:

B3 The fun mix of fonts on this greeting and neat addition of a star accent makes this lengthy greeting stand out. It is a sincere sentiment bubbling with personality.

B7 The font on this birthday greeting is swirly and cutesy. Plus, the graphic of a cake above it makes it both short and sweet!

J2 This birthday greeting would work for anyone on your recipient list. It is elegant and sincere without being the least bit stuffy.

If the birthday card is for your business to send out to clients, consider using one of these greetings:

B4 The arched layout of this greeting makes it stand out. It feels personal but not too jovial for a business associate.

B1 This greeting delivers warm wishes in a professional yet friendly tone.

J3 There is something regal about this font! The sentiment is endearing and the addition of the scroll beneath the words will leave your recipient feeling cared about.

If the birthday card is meant for an employee or coworker, try one of these greetings:

M4 Short, to the point, and cheery!

A8 This greeting makes the card feel like it’s from the whole gang. Plus, it’ll leave plenty of room to add personal messages!

B6 A longer, formal greeting that still packs a whole lot of tenderness.