Fun Birthday Facts

Ah, birthdays…mostly a joyous occasion until you start to get up there in years like me in which case you may start to want to slow the clock down a bit.  All in all though, birthdays are fun to celebrate.  Before you send out those Birthday Cards, here are some interesting and fun birthday facts that you may or may not be aware of:

  • The month of August has more birthday celebrations than any other month.
  • The month with the least amount of birthdays is February.
  • If you are celebrating a birthday today, it will only be 31,536,000 seconds until your next one.
  • May 22nd is the least common birthday. 
  • October 5th is the most common birthday.  For those of you backtracking, that’s some New Year’s Eve fun.
  • The most popular song in the English language is “Happy Birthday to You.”  Because it’s copyrighted, the song makes tons of money from licensing fees which is why you rarely hear it sung on TV.
  • What goes up and never comes down?  Your age of course.
  • Upwards of two billion dollars are spent in the US on birthday cards every year.
  • In a room with 23 people, there is a 50/50 chance that someone else in the room will share your birthday.  If you increase the number of people to 70, your chances increase to 99%.
  • The first birthday balloons were made out of animal intestines filled up with water.
  • The sun will travel 584,337,600 miles from one birthday to the next.
  • Noisemakers used for birthdays originated in Europe as a way to ward off evil.
  • What did one candle say to the other? Don’t birthdays burn you up.

Happy Birthday!

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