The Business Birthday Cards Plan

Here is a plan I came up with that will surely keep your name in good with your bosses. The title of the plan is Birthday cards for Business Use. I think the idea has a great deal of merit, and it will only take a little of bit of effort on your part. It is essential when making a plan that you keep a list of what is needed. You can use old birthday cards to write lists on the back of them…this will keep you focused on your goal.

First, at the top of a birthday card, write your goal. Second, list the people who you would like to look favorably on you. This is essential as you cannot leave off anybody who is in a higher position or works for the higher person or is likely to mention that you sent business birthday cards to some and will be jealous that they didn’t get one.

Next, you must establish when the important birthdays are. This can be accomplished by casually mentioning your zodiac sign to the human resources people and by speculating on what signs your bosses are. Or perhaps, you can start a conversation with one of the higher ups and mention that you thought he had a birthday coming up. Or you could just ask someone in Human Resources point blank when so and so’s birthday is. Of course, you’ll have to explain that you are planning to send a birthday cards to these people and then they may expect you to add them to the list and then…hmmm.

Ok, this is the new plan. Put a suggestion in the suggestion box that everyone in the company would probably like to receive business birthday cards from their co-workers and wouldn’t it be nice if the company ordered some appropriate cards and someone could be in charge of seeing that the cards are signed and sent out. This will probably become your job, since you made the suggestion. Goal accomplished. Your name is in front of the bosses, everybody thinks you’re a nice person, and all you have to do is send out a birthday card every once in a while.

2 thoughts on “The Business Birthday Cards Plan”

  1. Hello Dolly. You are a shrewd one. What a great idea to get noticed by the boss by sending a birthday card. We all like our birthdays to be recognized so I am sure the boss does also. Did he think of you as a kind, caring person? I am thinking of trying the same thing. You provided some great suggestions on how to get the right dates. I just sent an e-mail to our human resources department asking for the dates of my bosses birthdays. I will let you know how I make out and their reaction to receiving birthday cards from an employee.

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