There is something romantic about taking the time to write out a card in calligraphy. The defining characteristics of calligraphy are beautiful handwriting, elegant penmanship, style of handwriting and beauty of a line. But it is more than just a combination of all those things. It is an art and skill that involves touch, pressure, hand movement and flow. Both beauty and grace can become a mastery of work to be proud of. It is also an excellent way to add a special touch to your business greeting cards. With a little practice you can form delicate lettering for an elegant touch.
With a few tools, practice and patience you can create your very own work of art. Open up your creative juices and follow these easy steps. Think of all the cards, invitations and heartfelt letters you can compose. Before you get started you will need the following items.
Felt tip pen/calligraphy pen– convenient, disposable, does not need to be dipped in ink. The tip is broad and flat instead of round.
Fountain pen – refillable, long lasting, dipped in ink. The nib grade fits into slot and holds the ink.
Steel point pen – inked with dropper, creates fine detail, tip needs replacement.
Old Fashioned Quill pen – cut off end to an angle, dipped in ink.
You will notice the calligraphy pen/felt tip pen is slanted at an angle. This allows for narrow or thick lines. As we flatten the angle, the lines get wider. This is the basis of Calligraphy. Choose what you are comfortable with and try different ones as you feel more confident. Use different ink colors to fit what you are working on. These items are available at your local craft/art store.
You will also need fair quality paper. To practice any paper will do. As you progress you might want to go for a thicker quality of paper. Try even using a lined or graph paper to make use of a straight line and height. Good lighting is also important. Have a desk lamp on to make sure you are well lighted. If available, a slanted desk seems to work best. If not, any flat surface will do. Now you are ready to begin.

Get used to the pen you are working with. Practice different angles without touching the pen to paper yet. Hold the pen at a 45 degree angle. Use your arm not your fingers to apply pressure. Keep the pen at a constant angle. Lead the tip making sure not to press too hard into the paper. Point the tip in the same direction unchanging the angle diagonally away from you. Start with the letters A-D paying attention to height and spacing. Practice lower and upper case. Feel the flow and angle of the pen lightly touching the paper. Sharpen straight up and down strokes, vertical and horizontally. With a bit of repetition anyone can add that special touch to a simple piece of paper. Just give it a try and find the artist in you. Remember all it takes is practice and patience.
I could never write calligraphy, my handwriting is the worst. But I think it’s a beautiful idea for cards. If I could, I would!
My middle school offered electives and I took calligraphy in 6th grade. I loved it. However, I haven’t done it in years… unlike riding a bike, the skill kind of vanishes over the years if you don’t practice.
Calligraphy looks beautiful on a greeting card or party invitation. It really makes an impression and shows the time and effort put in. I used to be able to write calligraphy but have since forgotten. You’ve inspired me to try again!