Be Unique – Ideas To Decorate Your Cubicle

When you are feeling stressed or unhappy at work you might not think of how to get out of the doldrums.  You might just be in need of a change in you workspace. It might be time for some new visuals or decorations. You can place things on your cubicle wall that will make you take a second or a deep breath and remember a moment. Giving you pause to change your mindset and take a mental break.   Maybe a holiday is coming or the seasons are changing. It really picks me up when I make a few changes to my workspace.  Some favorite things can become ideas to decorate your cubicle. There are pictures of family, friends and neighbors that bring you to a happy space. It doesn’t matter whether they are nearby or far away.  Some pictures taken during a holiday celebration, or a very special wedding perhaps!  Some of the best pictures are those where you catch someone off guard.  One of my favorite all time fun decorations are drawings by my children, and the children of some of my co-workers. It really is adorable and funny for office co-workers and also anyone visiting the office to see such colorful items tacked to the walls and given such a prominent spot.  What can you think of to break the spell of a dull day???