Showing Thanks to Employees During Thanksgiving Season

Showing thanks to your employees during Thanksgiving season shouldn’t be the only time you let them know that they are appreciated and valued. It is however, the perfect time to ramp it up. After all, that is what Thanksgiving is all about. Giving thanks!

Often, depending on the type of business you have, the holidays are usually busy. Production has to increase. This means that your employees are putting in extra hours. It also means they have less time at home to do their own preparations. They need to know that their hard work and dedication means something. An appreciated employee equates to a more productive employee. If a person knows that they are a valued team member, he or she tends to be more loyal to doing what needs to be done, to get the job done!

There are many small things that can be done to boost morale. Here are a few:

  1. Send them a Thanksgiving Card. A simple greeting card can go a long way in making people feel appreciated.
  2. Create a Thank You wall! Post names and what the person has done to help things run smoothly. If you can’t list all the names individually, post the departments and their contributions.
  3. Provide treats at break times.
  4. Have a raffle. The prize(s) don’t have to be huge, but be sure that all employees have a fair chance to participate.
  5. Post words of encouragement and thanks throughout the building.
  6. If possible, provide a luncheon. This doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe a Pizza Party.
    These are just a few suggestions. You can likely come up with some others. Regardless of what you decide to do, please don’t underestimate the power of showing appreciation. Be visible, be present and be sure to say thank you.

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