Working Dads – Tips To Achieve Career And Parenting Success

Juggling both work and parenting can be a very demanding task not only for mommy’s – but for daddy’s as well! Here are some tips to ensure you’re getting an A+ at work while being the best dad you can be.

  1. Schedule time every day to do something with your children. Even if it’s reading them a bed time story or giving them a bath before bed. Writing this down and having a plan can help make it easier. It’s also important to ask your children questions, no matter how little they can be. Kids remember everything, so they’ll remember the times when you’re available and unfortunately when you’re not as well.
  2. Just say no to some work activities. Sometimes there are after-work activities with coworkers you just don’t have to say yes to. Sure, you’ll be missing some funny stories at that happy hour everyone went to, but you’ll catch up with your coworkers next time. Kids grow up too fast to not embrace the present and spend time with them while their young. Trust me, they won’t want to spend time with you once their teenagers!
  3. Sometimes long hours are inevitable. Sometimes we have bosses that make life harder than it should be. It’s up to you to communicate any concerns you have with deadlines and schedules with your superiors. The best bosses are flexible enough to understand you have a life outside of work.

9th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 8 Winners Announced!

Congratulations to our Eighth Round Winners!

9th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 7 Winners Announced!

Congratulations to our Seventh Round Winners!

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9th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 6 Winners Announced!

Congratulations to our Sixth Round Winners!