Celebrating Thanksgiving In The Office

LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION … Pick a location near work or near to employees homes, you can always do a party on any budget.  Ask employees they might just want to cater in and have a nice party in the office.  Music is always important for a great party, send around a paper and ask employees to put down 2 songs that are there favorites.  This might help if you are not sure to have a band or get a DJ.  Find out from employees if they would want a sit down dinner or a buffet.  Maybe even just finger foods and desserts.  A great corporate party is the memories and the fun between fellow employees, but a personalized cocktail or an appetizer named after one of the company products is always a nice thing to remember.  Little gifts on the table, a gorgeous centerpiece, a pretty location, it is always nice to have a night to remember with your coworkers.  Of course cash is usually an issue with many people so you would not want to go overboard on a fancy restaurant that some people might not be able to afford the clothes to go to the event.  A Holiday bonus is always a nice gift to receive, but again some companies also do not have the extra money either – there are plenty of gorgeous and affordable gifts out there.

Don’t Forget to Send Thanksgiving Cards!



During the holiday season, being one of the first to send my cards has always been important to me. I want to stand out from the crowd. Last year I decided to mix things up and do things a little different and boy was it a success!

I sent out Thanksgiving cards instead of Christmas/Holiday cards. The impact was amazing for a few of reason.

First off, I was the first holiday card people received. This stuck in their minds. During the craziness of December, no one was wondering did so and so send us a card this year? My card was truly remembered for its unique timing. I beat the holiday rush by sending Thanksgiving cards and will continue this new tradition into the future.

Secondly, there was no room for offending anyone. I send only cards to my American customers, family and friends. Wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving with the added message inside of joy through the entire Holiday Season and New Year was appreciated. They were thankful for my wishes.

Lastly, sending Thanksgiving cards alleviated me of rushing to get out Christmas cards in the hectic and exhausting month of December. I am so busy dealing with holiday gifts and parties and decorating. Now, I do not have to add Christmas writing, addressing and sending to that load.
Don’t forget to send Thanksgiving cards this year to stand out from the crowd and make your life easier!

10th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 4 Winners Announced!

Congratulations to our Fourth Round Winners!