Top 10 Get Well Gifts

No one wants their friends to get sick, but most of us at some point will need to send a  Get Well gift. And at that point, the question always is: What to get?


Borrowing from a late night TV host, here is a list of Top 10 Get Well Gifts:

  1. Candy/chocolates. An obvious one, but almost everyone  enjoys a sweet indulgence when they are not feeling well.
  2. Plants/flowers, balloons. Put these in the category of “eye candy” or something to brighten up the room.
  3. Magazines/books, puzzle book. Boredom is a main complaint of those who  are bedridden, so something to pass the time is a welcome distraction.
  4. Itunes gift card. In our new tech-savvy world, apps can take the place of puzzle books (see #8). Let your recovering friend choose from the thousands of game/puzzle/activity apps available as another way to alleviate boredom.
  5. Soup. Grandma was right. Whether homemade or store bought, a nice bowl of warm soup can really hit the spot.
  6. Gifts of comfort. Whether it is:
  7. Cozy, fuzzy socks
  8. Scented candle
  9. Luxurious hand lotion. Nothing says “feel better” like comfy gifts.
  10. Drinks. Bottle of wine, or a flavored tea.
  11. For the recovering friend who has received “all of the above”, think about a gift they can look forward to using once they are on the mend: movie tickets, or a gift certificate for a manicure .

I hope this was helpful, and even more than that, I hope you never need to use it!

Some Of Our Favorite Company Birthday Party Ideas

At most offices, if you were to take a poll about  Office Birthday Parties, you would find a wide variety of responses, ranging from love to loath.  I happen to love them,  and think they are a fun way to socialize and have fun with the people you spend most of your day with. Of course, company guidelines must always be followed, but here are some of our favorite company birthday party ideas… One year we did a retro party, you know, like when you were a kid: Cake, candles, deviled eggs, and even Pin the Tail on the Donkey.  Another time we tried Take your Cupcakes to Work Day: everyone brought in a dozen of their favorite cupcakes to share. That was a big hit.

office party

The trick is to keep costs and prep time down, while keeping the morale and fun level high.  In recent years our office birthday parties have evolved into  a routine that seems to please everyone. We celebrate once a month, on the last Friday of the month. Everyone who celebrated a birthday that month is honored, and (here’s the best part) the birthday celebrants bring in the food. Just like when you were in elementary school, the birthday kids bring in the goodies! So, you only have to bring in goodies one time each year, and you can bring in your favorites, since it is your own “party”.  We have been doing this for a few years now, and everyone looks forward to it each month.

Why You Should Be Sending Out Personalized Birthday Cards

With technology’s advances and the diversification of methods made easy by the ever-expanding and intricate internet, it’s easier than ever to find something relatable to nearly an niche and yet one thing remains constant—we still order gifts, have them shipped to the delight of the recipient who still has the honor of opening their cherished packages on their birthday while taking note of who was kind enough to have them in their remembrance at their special time of year.  Imagine the dismay that would be created if we sent them a picture of their gift instead?  It could have a cute little note at the bottom of the email or maybe on a social networking site with the caption underneath:  “Enjoy this image of your gift, I enjoyed sending you an example of what it would look like.”  I think if anything, this would be received as a joke at best and an insult at worst.

Personalized Birthday Cards

Seems ridiculous doesn’t it?  That’s how some people feel when they get an e-card as opposed to what they consider the real thing.  Sure, it’s easier to send it that way, faster and certainly less costly but what is the real value earmarked on that?  Not much by the real thing in comparison right? When it’s time to send out that birthday card this time around–keep it real and keep it right.   Send out something that can be remembered for a long time to come.