Thanksgiving Cards – The New Christmas Cards?

Everyone expects to receive Christmas cards from family, friends and even establishments where they do business. No one really expects a Thanksgiving card, so why not get a jump on the holiday season?

This year I have decided to send out Thanksgiving cards to friends and family to show how thankful I am to have each and every one of them in my life. While they are busy prepping for the holiday, they will receive a card from me and know that they are being thought of. While everyone tends to spend time with family for that special dinner, a card can slow them down for a minute and fill them with the joy of being appreciated.

It seems as almost as Thanksgiving dinner is coming to an end, you star to get flooded with Christmas cards. Wouldn’t it be nice to share a beautiful Thanksgiving card with friends when everyone else is receiving Christmas cards? The holidays come and go so fast that I like to get an early start on mailings, decorations, and shopping of course. This year, as every year, I will turn to The Gallery Collection for my Thanksgiving cards…and Christmas cards too!

Why You Should Send Thank You Cards

What ever happened to sending someone a Thank You card? Technology evolved and took over every aspect of the manner in which we do things. It has made us lazy and quite insensitive. We no longer write personal notes or sentiments to those we appreciate as a symbol of our gratitude. Instead we shoot them an email or a text that conveys a simple, emotionless message. Sometimes we are too busy to even complete a word that we resort to text slang, SMH (Shaking my Head)! Did we ever stop to think of how impersonal those texts and emails are?

Knowing that someone actually took the time to pick out a nice card, chose the words they wanted to use in describing how grateful they felt towards you can bring about quite a remarkable feeling of importance. Receiving a personal Thank You card always gives you a wonderful conversation piece because it is something you will want to display in your home upon receiving it. One quickly forgets the text or email that simply says thank you, but a card lasts longer than a quick enter on the delete button. Let’s take a moment to reconnect in the manner we used to, send a personal Thank You card.

Holiday Party Ideas That Won’t Break The Budget

Throwing a party doesn’t have to break your budget. There are lots of simple things you can do that don’t cost a lot, but make a great impression.


Keep decorations simple. There are probably things that you already have that can be used to decorate your space. Some ideas:

1. Fill a glass bowl with red ornaments to use as a centerpiece.
2. Hang Christmas tree ornaments around the house or space. Christmas tree ornaments can be hung on just about anything, not just the tree.
3. Holiday table cloths or runners can be used to decorate the mantel, end tables.
4. Pull out photos from Christmas’s past and hang them around the room. They will make for great conversation as well as look great!

Keep the menu simple. Finger foods are a great way to do this. There are a variety of premade options that you can buy at the grocery store or food clubs. If you want to make your own, you’ll save even more. Try to have a variety of types of dips and chips and crudite. Try to have a variety of colors. Serve the food on colorful platters.

Another thing you can do is to ask your guests to bring their signature dish. They may enjoy showing off their dish and it will help keep your costs down, while creating a varied menu.

Most of all remember the purpose of a Holiday Party is to enjoy the season with those your care about and to be grateful for the good things we have in life. Relax and enjoy!