Company Holiday Cards Can Help Your New Business

Due to the economic downsizing my husband lost his job and went on the unemployment line for a while. He had a passion for food and wanted to start a business with this idea. Having a culinary background in college it seemed like a great idea!  They say do what you love and it won’t feel like you are working.  He had a brainstorm for a small business venture just before the holidays.  We were thinking of different ways to market our new business, we wanted it to be a little personal and reach people in a timely matter.  It would be beneficial to reintroduce ourselves to our community.  While our children were growing up he was very active in coaching sports and volunteering his time, now we were reinventing the wheel. I mentioned to him to send out company holiday cards to our prospective customers. We would be advertising and sending Season’s Greetings at the same time.

Sending corporate Christmas cards is a perfect way to be introduced to our new business associates. We included our company name, telephone number and website information on the bottom of our calendar card.  Potential customers can use them as a reference to remind them we are open for business year round.

12 thoughts on “Company Holiday Cards Can Help Your New Business”

  1. Great idea! Holiday cards are a perfect way to get your business recognized while bringing some cheer to potential clients.

  2. Thats a great idea, I actually did the same thing about 6 months ago. I also included a ‘1st Time customer’ special coupon. That helps me track the time frame of sending out and redemption. Good luck to you.

  3. I get plenty of cards from Doctors and Dentists in my area at the holidays but I can’t recall getting any from new local businesses. I think this is a great idea! Best of luck for a successful new adventure.

  4. Love the idea of sending out calendar cards to clients. What a great way to ensure your card remains seen all year round! Wishing you much success in your business. Thanks for the tips.

  5. Let’s be honest, most business cards and greeting cards do get thrown away or lost. I always try to include a calendar or some other useful information on my promotional materials. Calendar greeting cards would be a nice attempt at getting your business noticed and remembered!

  6. It really is a great idea to promote your business! I’m planning to use a couple of my illustrations to create a customized greeting cards that serve as promotional mailers as well.

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