You must check out the newest personalized Christmas cards from the Gallery Collection. Being the devout Catholic that I am, I only send religious Christmas cards; I refuse to send out Season’s Greeting cards – except to my non-Christian friends, of course. Jesus is the reason for the season and I proudly proclaim this when choosing the Christmas cards I send each year. I know it’s politically correct to say “Season’s Greetings” – even shopping mall employees are forbidden to wish us a Merry Christmas. Although last year I told the cashier that if she didn’t wish me a Merry Christmas I would leave without buying anything. Knowing which side her bread is buttered on, she mouthed it very quietly but I could tell she agreed with me.
One of The Gallery Collection’s new and exquisite designs, #126CW Madonna & Child Religious Christmas Card, features a painting by Sassoferrato, who is also known as Giovanni Battista Salvi. The colors of red, white, and blue in the Virgin Mary’s robes are so vivid. The material is so soft you can practically feel it and the detail in the folds of her robes are so well defined. Looking at Mary’s young beautiful face you can’t help but feel the anguish her expression foretells. You can feel the love she has for this babe – the fruit of her womb – yet she seems to be looking to the future at the trials and tribulations he will endure. Her arms are wrapped around him trying to protect him from all harm, as a mother is to do. She seems to be at peace yet her eyes are not completely closed. She knows that her love is not enough to keep this special child safe and so she will remain vigilant. Yet the baby Jesus is sleeping soundly. He knows that he is in good hands – his mother’s and his father’s. He has his hand resting on top of his mother’s, the child protecting the mother. He’s telling her not to worry. He knows the end will be triumphant. This beautiful image is surrounded by a shiny gold regal border, the old juxtaposed with the new, that seems to remind us that this event is as alive today as it was 2,000 years ago.

Religious Christmas Card
Another new design that I will be sending to my non-Christian friends and associates is design #094CX, Golden Greetings Holiday Card. This card is of such high quality, rich paper stock. There are three ornamental designs – a tree, a stocking, and a bell – on the cover that are embossed and detailed in gold foil. There are silver foil snowflakes that sparkle and reflect beautiful colors; they seem to pop off the paper! The three designs are more commercial than “Christmassy” and since it reads “Season’s Greetings,” you can really send this holiday card to anyone and still be politically correct. The personalization in gold foil (not gold ink) on the inside of the card is so classy and it ties the outside and inside together nicely. I must say, while it’s not a religious Christmas card, it is rather impressive.

Hi Moira, loved your blog. I agree with you that #126CW Madonna & Child is a beautiful representation of Sassoferrato’s painting. It truly depicts the “reason for the season”. I am glad you brought it to my attention. I am going to order it for my own use right now.
This card is so beautiful. I ordered a sample of it from The Gallery Collection, cut out the picture and framed it. The black frame I used makes the gold border pop and sparkle. I have it displayed in my living room right next to a detail of the Sistine Chapel where God is creating Adam. I hope The Gallery Collection continues making beautiful cards from religious masterpieces.