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- Raffles. Customer service week is fun when the whole company gets in on the fun. One idea is to place golden stars randomly around the whole office. Place them under people’s desks, in the lunch rooms, and even in the bathroom. Each gold star represents one raffle ticket towards great prizes. That whole week, stars will be continually placed around the office during different points of the day in order for everyone to collect some. On Friday or the last day of the workweek, the drawing is held.
- Educate. Customer service should not be treated lightly. For every day during customer service week, send out a company-wide e-mail with a tip on how to provide the best customer service possible. Another alternative to this idea is to provide a fun workshop individuals can attend to refresh them on the importance of customer service. Attract more signups by raffling off something at the workshop.
- Thank them. Show gratitude to your employees by saying thank you. One idea here is to round up the customer service team into a meeting. During the meeting, showcase messages from the company leaders and even some customers thanking the customer service representatives for their hard work and dedication to service. This is a nice pat on the back for all, especially after a busy but productive time on the phones.