Should I send Anniversary Cards to Employees?

Should you send your employees Anniversary cards? It makes your employees feel special. Not only did you care to remember, you went a step further and congratulated them in a quality card. Some long-term employees might even keep your cards every year, so this can really be a distinctive way to thank your employees for their commitment. It’s not often that employees get thanked for their diligence, so sending a card is an extra sentiment that will perk your employees up.

If you are worried about the cost, there is a simple solution. Buying cards in bulk reduces the price. This is especially helpful if you have a large company with many employees. The Gallery Collection offers specific card designs, in quantities of 25, or Assortment boxes (which contain 35 cards each). There are many ways to customize your cards, but if cost is your concern, many features are included in the price. For assistance, call at the toll-free number 800-950-7064 or contact The Gallery Collection via the website.

If you want your employees to feel proud of where they work and appreciated for all they do, consider getting them Anniversary cards. You could even have the inside include something to the effect of: “Thank you for your _______ of continued service!” and in the blank fill in the number of years you have had the honored employee.

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