Benefits of Anniversary Cards

Much like a birthday, a work anniversary gives a person recognition. It makes them stand out from the crowd even if it is only for one day. As an employee, they are no longer that little cog in the wheel. They are singled out and made to feel important for the time they have put into the company. It is their one day to stand out from the crowd and shine.

A simple anniversary card signed by upper management and/or co-workers is a good start in recognizing the recipient’s efforts and contributions made over the past year. Add a cake and some simple snacks along with a Happy Anniversary song (sung to the lyrics of Happy Birthday) and everyone in the office is sure to know it is that someone’s special day. Co-workers will stop by their desk to offer their congratulations as well as to grab some food. A mini party in the making to break up an otherwise regular work day!

Aside from making the recipient feel good for the day, an added benefit is that others in the office will realize that their special day will also be celebrated. This is a great morale booster within the office. It gives others something to look forward to and it opens lines of communication amongst co-workers. They look back on the year they started, discuss people and events that have occurred over the years, and look forward to their future years with the company.

So keep sending work anniversary cards to keep employees happy and proud with a heartfelt Happy Anniversary on their special day!

Birthday Cards Send a Positive Message to Employees

There is an easy way to keep morale up throughout the year, give employee birthday cards!  Everyone wants to be thought of as being important.  When a company gives you a birthday card it tells you that you matter to them.  That brings a sense of loyalty and helps build passion towards your brand and believe me you want your employees to be passionate about working for you.

There are many different cards to choose from on the internet but do not make the mistake of just getting one.  Vary it up so that you can switch up which cards go to each employee.  Try to keep track of it too; do not give the same cards to the same department.  Vary it up so everyone sees you put in an effort.  Those little things get noticed by employees.

Bring smiles to everyone’s faces when their big day comes around each year.  It is a simple gesture but one that will not be forgotten.  Most employees are so proud to get a card from their company that they bring it home and show it off to their friends and families.  That little gesture then becomes a big deal to everyone involved so make sure to go the extra mile for the ones who go the extra mile for you!

Why Should My Company Start Giving Anniversary Cards?

Ever wonder if the tradition of giving Anniversary cards to your employees is worth it for your company? Here’s a few reasons for the hype.

It makes your employees feel appreciated and valued. Taking a few minutes to ready a card shows your employees that you care. They’ve given years of their time and effort to your business. The least you can do is say thank you.

It should be obvious, but grateful employees work harder than workers who feel neglected or unimportant. Even though it is such a tiny gesture to give a card, it will speak volumes to your employees. You could even put in a small gift card as an added bonus to look forward to. You want your employees to feel like they matter because they will want to work for you.

The Gallery Collection has dozens of Anniversary cards to choose from. Find a card your employees will look forward to receiving. Many companies get a different design for each year their employees have been there. You could also use the imprint line to congratulate them, thanking them for their “___ years” of service. It’s a small detail that will make all the difference! Many employees cherish these Work Anniversary cards and collect them year after year. Start this thoughtful tradition in your office!

Why Sympathy Cards Are Important

It can be difficult to know what to say or do when a friend or relative loses a loved one. And that difficulty can be compounded when the one suffering a loss is a co-worker; someone you spend hours a day with but aren’t necessarily close to.

Sympathy cards are important because they allow us to acknowledge a deeply personal experience as unobtrusively as possible.

Sympathy cards allow us to express what we might feel too awkward to say in person. Sometimes it’s hard to know the right words, or the right time. Sympathy cards perfectly sum up the sentiment we hope to convey, offering messages of comfort and compassion that can be read whenever the bereaved is ready.

Death shouldn’t be treated like a secret or something ‘we don’t talk about’ and it can mean so much to those who are mourning to know they’re being thought of with kindness, that their loss matters and they’re not alone.

While it might be hard to read early on, the thoughtful words of a sympathy card can provide comfort as time passes and there are many who save and re-read notes of sympathy whenever they’re in need of that comfort and connection.

As a business it’s important to respect your employees as individuals. Acknowledging such a profound personal event with a thoughtful sympathy card speaks volumes about your business and how it values its employees. Gallery Collection offers a wide variety of beautiful, high-quality sympathy cards and messages of compassion that perfectly convey your offer of support and comfort during a difficult time.

Mark Twain said, ‘It’s never wrong to do the right thing’ and sending a sympathy card is a gesture that will be appreciated at a time when kindness and consideration are needed most.

The Baby Countdown is Officially On – Send a Baby Congratulations Card

   The baby countdown is officially on. I am an expecting father of a baby girl. My life is filled with excitement, nervousness and pure joy, all at the same time. The feelings are real, and the importance in being a parent has hit me in the face.  I want to be the best father that I can be. I am constantly reading articles and books for preparation. I am also actually listening to the unsolicited advice from veteran fathers at my job.

This is strange for me, because I am the type of man that separates work from my personal life. There is no person at my job that has any clue about who I really am and how I conduct my life. I don’t reveal the “complexities of me” to my co-workers. Our conversations are superficial, even when they may not seem like it to an onlooker.

However, I have forced myself to slightly change this philosophy. In reality, I have no idea about the complexities of my co-workers as parents. “Parent” is not just a title, like the respective ones that we have when we punch in. Parenting may be the most important responsibility that there is in life. The importance is the same no matter race, religion, or orientation.

I am finding that it is actually ok to peel back a layer of complexity. It’s not just about me. It’s ok to overlap this part of my life with my work life. Parenting doesn’t have a time off button. It is continuous. I will need guidance and support. Big and small. A simple baby congratulation card is a great reminder that parenting is a special thing.

Should I send Anniversary Cards to Employees?

Should you send your employees Anniversary cards? It makes your employees feel special. Not only did you care to remember, you went a step further and congratulated them in a quality card. Some long-term employees might even keep your cards every year, so this can really be a distinctive way to thank your employees for their commitment. It’s not often that employees get thanked for their diligence, so sending a card is an extra sentiment that will perk your employees up.

If you are worried about the cost, there is a simple solution. Buying cards in bulk reduces the price. This is especially helpful if you have a large company with many employees. The Gallery Collection offers specific card designs, in quantities of 25, or Assortment boxes (which contain 35 cards each). There are many ways to customize your cards, but if cost is your concern, many features are included in the price. For assistance, call at the toll-free number 800-950-7064 or contact The Gallery Collection via the website.

If you want your employees to feel proud of where they work and appreciated for all they do, consider getting them Anniversary cards. You could even have the inside include something to the effect of: “Thank you for your _______ of continued service!” and in the blank fill in the number of years you have had the honored employee.

Business Birthday Cards to Boost Morale

A fact of life is that we all get older. As much as we like to avoid the aging process, it is inevitable. That being said, as long as we are having a birthday, we may as well celebrate another year of life. We get that from family and friends and it gives us a lift. However, since we spend almost one third of our lives working it is nice to be acknowledged when we are on the job. Business Birthday Cards can be a morale booster.

Imagine being an employee coming to work on their birthday, they are dragging a little with the added year and suddenly they see a card on their desk. They open the birthday card and it’s from the company wishing them a fabulous birthday. Can you see the smile on their face? You have just lifted the spirits of your employee and made them feel appreciated. For you to remember their birthday will increase their morale for longer than just that one day.

Another scenario is business associates. You deal with many people when conducting business. So whether the person is a client or a customer, they will really appreciate you taking the time to send greetings to them on their birthday. It says you care about the people you deal.

Business birthday cards are an asset to any company. They raise the morale of employees which in turn increases their level of commitment to doing a good job. They also increase the probability of having repeat customers. A business that cares – succeeds.

Is it Necessary to Send Business Christmas Cards?

If your company is working under budgetary constraints, not sending out holiday cards may seem like a no brainer. Why would you spend money on that, when there are so many other things that are needed to run a company? Inventory, supplies, salaries, to name a few. If you are trying to get the word out, you are likely spending money on some type of advertisement. If you run an ad in the local newspaper, you are likely putting out a good chunk of change. You have no guarantee that your customers or potential customers will even see it. So, is it necessary to send business Christmas cards? That is the question!

Sending Christmas cards may not seem like a very important task. However, when you think about it, it becomes clear that it is. Everyone wants to feel appreciated and thought of. The holidays are a cheerful time of year and a perfect time to remind people of how much they are appreciated. By sending Christmas cards you are letting your customers and clients know that you are thinking of them. Not just when they are utilizing your services, but for the rest of the year as well. Along with great service, these small measures are what keep customers coming back.

You may wonder how this would attract potential new business. Most offices that receive Christmas cards, hang them up on display. People are walking in and out and most likely will stop to look at the cards. When they do, they will see your company name, proudly printed on the inside. While spending a very nominal amount per greeting card, you have sent out an advertisement that will be seen by many.

My Appreciation for Cards Assortments

Sometimes one card design isn’t enough, or by the time you remember the occasion it is too late to order cards! In these cases, an all-occasion assortment box of cards can come in very handy. With cards covering birthdays, anniversaries and everything in between; you can be sure to be prepared for all last minute card needs with an all-occasion assortment box on hand.

The assortment of all-occasion cards found in these boxes are varied enough to ensure a selection that will please even the most particular card sender. There are also birthday, sympathy, thank you, holiday, get well and congratulations boxes available – if you know the occasion you want to be prepared for. Or if you are looking for a more on demand need, you may consider picking up a religious art or fine art assortment box. These blank cards can be individually tailored for occasions as they happen. Your recipients will surely appreciate the unique card designs contained therein as you pick the perfect design for the occasion in question.

The cards you will find in any of the assortment boxes are the same outstanding quality that Prudent proudly stands behind and knowing these cards cannot be found in stores will give you piece of mind that your sentiment will not be lost in the deluge of cards people often receive on special occasions. Thirty-five cards can be found in each box along with envelopes for each. Many people give an assortment box as a gift for birthday or holidays with positive results. People can always find a use for greeting cards. We appreciate the flexibility and variety found in our card assortments, and we think you will too! After all, variety is the spice of life.

Birthday Greeting Cards Are Special

Birthday cards are a special way to celebrate someone’s birthday. They are a thoughtful and personal gift that shows the recipient that you care about them.

There are many things that make birthday cards so special. First, they are a physical manifestation of your care and appreciation for the recipient. In today’s digital world, it is all too easy to send a quick text message or email to wish someone a happy birthday. However, a birthday card is a tangible object that the recipient can hold onto and cherish for years to come.

Second, birthday cards are a way to show the recipient that you have put thought into their gift. When you take the time to choose and write a birthday card, it shows the recipient that you have taken the time to think about them and what they would like. Even if the card is simple, the gesture is meaningful.

Lastly, birthday cards are a way to create lasting memories. Birthday cards can become cherished keepsakes that the recipient will treasure for years to come. They can look back at the cards and read your messages to reminisce about their special day and all the people who care about them.