Top Ways to Welcome New Employees in the Workplace

Starting a new job can be a daunting task. There are new people to meet, company policies to learn, not to mention that navigating the office can be a quagmire. When a company hires new people, they should always consider how to welcome new employees in the workplace. The more comfortable the new employee feels the quicker they will be able to produce quality work.

It is wise to have a game plan. You know ahead of time that a new employee is starting on Monday, so what should you do?

  • Inform the team that there will be a new team member and ask them to make the person feel comfortable.
  • The supervisor or team leader should introduce the new employee around, taking a moment or two to explain what everyone’s position is.
  • Assign someone to give the person a tour of the office. Perhaps there are other teams that they will be working with and they should know who and where they are located. Also it gives a person time to adjust to the layout of the office.
  • Inform them of the break and lunch policy. Is there a kitchen or do you order out. If you order out what is the policy. All of these may seem minor but can make a new employee unsure of the protocol and they may feel uncomfortable asking on the first day.
  • Assign someone to be a mentor that can help with any questions for the first few days.

We all want to get up in the morning and feel comfortable going to work. Knowing who, what, when and where policies, people and locations are in a new office will make their second day and all future days less stressful. Integrating the newest employee into the fold quickly is a great way to cement good morale. And one more thing, a welcome card could also go a long way in making the new employee feel comfortable. It’s a simple gesture, but will be greatly appreciated.

Welcome Cards Make You Feel At Home

Greeting Cards are probably the most welcome mail we get. We get holiday cards, birthday cards, easter, mother’s day, etc. The one thing they have in common is they make us feel good. Sending and receiving cards benefits the sender as well as the receiver.

Let’s go the extra mile to make new employees feel great about working at our company. Sending or giving them welcome cards will calm their first day jitters. An employee will be instantly happy to be in a company that thinks enough of them to make them feel welcome. Nobody wants to be just a number.

Do you belong to a club or organization? A great way to encourage a new member is to send them a Welcome card. Especially when the group divides into a circle of friends in the organization, will the inductee feel more comfortable with a card in hand. We all need encouragement when we are the newbies.

Putting ourselves in other people’s shoes will certainly give us a better grasp of how the newest people feel. Let’s get on the Welcome train wherever we are. A warm greeting in a card and a smile is the best feeling. Welcome aboard!

Top 5 Mistakes New Employees Make

Let’s face it, being the new kid sucks. It sucks even more when you are the new employee. As you walk into your new job awkwardly and try to look as if you’ve been here for years, you try your hardest to seem unphased. That was your first mistake, of course you are phased by the new environment. There are 5 HUGE mistakes that all new employees make and I’m going to help you identify them and never let it happen again.

1.Not taking training seriously

This is probably one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a new employee. You sit through countless hours of training and look over tons of paperwork. While sitting in your chair and jotting down notes you get the sense of, “Do I even need to know this once I start working?”. All too many of times do new employees come out of training knowing just as much as they did going into training. You MUST take your training seriously if you want to keep your job and understand your responsibilities.

2.Not navigating a RELIABLE travel route for work

Whether it be by car, bus, train or bike you need a reliable travel route for work. The endless excuses of traffic, transit delays and car troubles are just that EXCUSES. It is your responsibility and yours alone to get to work in a timely fashion. Your excuses only show your new superiors that you are unreliable.

3.Buying cafeteria food

Buying cafeteria food is one of the overlooked mistakes. You don’t know how much anything costs. You don’t know how long it takes to prepare, which can cause your break to possibly overlap. I think the best option is to wait one week before ordering cafeteria food. By the second week you have become acquainted with the travel route, office layout and time blocks. It is also more cost efficient to bring your own lunch.

4.Getting too comfortable too fast

This is a terrible mistake to make as a new employee. You should never ever get too comfortable. I say this because you are on a test drive, you haven’t bought the car yet. You may have been hired but you are still walking on thin ice. You are on a 90 day probation period with every new job you start. That means that if you mess up badly in those first 90 days you will be fired. Your boss is still deciding if it was a good decision to even hire you.

5.Making friends

This is the BIGGEST mistake to make as a new employee. You are at work to work and earn a living not make friends. Now that doesn’t mean you are going to be a hermit at work, just professional. Sometimes being professional gets confused as being an introvert at times. I just feel that you should always protect your work environment with your life. Having small talk isn’t a crime but don’t forget the main reason you are here.