Congratulations to our Fifth Round Winners!










Great submissions, I think all 10 could make for a wonderful greeting card. Love entry 1550 and 1266.
Such great submissions… I can definitely see entry #1476 on a greeting card with some added typeset title like “Winter Wonderland” or “Season’s Greetings” — yassss!!!!!
These are incredible. I am really wowed by everyone.
Congratulations to all of this month’s finalist. I especially like the entries with the reindeer and the one with the city street covered in snow. I’m partial to city scenes as I live in a big city myself.
These submissions are amazing. This will be a difficult decision to make.
A lot of creativity in these submissions! We ordered cards from the last winner!
So many unique and creative ideas. I look forward to finding out who the winner is.
There are too many to choose from. Rooting for them all.
#1249 is my pick, but great job to each and every person who entered! 🙂
I like 1249 a lot. It really looks like it could be one of your cards.
I’m always amazed at the talent!
Loving the nighttime scene in the park. They all look like they could become beautiful cards.
The Merry Christmas ornament drew me in. It looks so ready to be a card and I like the composition.
Many good options to choose from. Makes me glad I am not the judge!
Entry # 1266 is one of my favorites. I love the colors and the swirls in the sky. I could totally see this on one of the Gallery Collection Holiday Cards! Good luck to the artist!
The reindeer and the little girl – Entry 1550 – is beautiful. It somehow brings me back in time. The artist conveys a classic view of winter and the holidays.
A lot of love went into these beautiful works of art. You can tell.
I gravitate towards the painting of the cardinal. I really like the way it was done. My vote!
The wreath hanging on the tree with the cardinal is my choice. It seems very peaceful and simple.
It would be cool to see a Halloween entry win. That would be different!
These submissions all look good. The winter scenes would really make good cards for Christmas and the New Year.
I am particularly fond of the puppy in the gift box. Reminds me of my little dog!
The Tis’ the Season with the cute couple is adorable!! Makes me smile!
I can’t pick a favorite. So many are nice enough to be the winner. It’s got to be a thrill to have your very own design featured with a national company, and the prize money is so generous, too.
It is tough to decide on just one and this is only one of many rounds. I’ve seen a lot of great work in each post.
I feel that they would all make best-selling cards. Best of luck to everyone who made it this far.
Always exciting to see the winners from years past. My personal favorites were 1476 and 1215.
Awww! That dog in the giftbox is so cute. Always wished that I woke up to that on Christmas morning when I was a kid!
The cardinal is something different. Got my vote.
When does voting end? I liked many in this round.