Bringing Summer Into the Office

Summer has sprung. You’re sitting at your desk daydreaming about sunshine instead of fluorescent lighting beating down on you. Here are a few tips on how to make those summer days spent inside working less mundane.  

  • Friday Sundae Funday – Every Friday coworker’s each bring a different topping and ice cream.
  • Go for a walk – Even if it’s a 15 minute break, get up and walk outside. Soak up the Vitamin D.
  • Take Lunch Outside
  • Have an ugly/tacky Hawaiian shirt day.
  • Go bowl Fishing – Everyone’s name get put into a glass bowl. The name chosen gets to leave an hour early.
  • Make lemonade and frozen drinks with tiny umbrellas.
  • Play summer music in the lunchroom and invite coworkers to dance it out.
  • Go outside, throw down a blanket and just relax.
  • Play a sport, indulge in yoga or simply stretch out.
  • Plan an after work get together.

Don’t forget the long days of summer don’t end when you get out of the office. It’s light out until 9 so get outdoors and enjoy after your day is done.

Let’s Talk Christmas Cards In July!

Wait, what? Christmas cards. . .in July?? You read that right. Here’s why you should be thinking about your Christmas cards now.

Let’s be real, events creep up on all of us. No matter how diligent we are, time passes and we lose track of it, and other things come up, and BAM the occasion is at your doorstep and you’re unprepared. Getting your cards before December ensures that you will have cards to send out this year.
Thinking about your cards early also gives you the leisure to shop around. Many card vendors have their best sales before crunch-time, so peruse throughout the year to find your best deal. Plus, there is the most selection before everyone else is thinking about their Christmas cards.

Ordering your cards early means you won’t have to splurge for expedited shipping — to you or to your recipients — and you can relax knowing that your cards will make it to their destinations on time. Not rushing also means you are less likely to forget about someone. And if you send your cards out early enough, who knows, you might receive more cards from people who might not have otherwise sent you a card. Talk about Holiday cheer!

Lastly, when you purchase your Christmas cards in the summer, you also get your brain geared toward Christmas earlier than you regularly might. This means you’ll find yourself slowly stocking up on gifts as you notice them. This will leave you with only a few more things to get as December approaches, with money to spare because many of the items you’ve gotten already were on sale (and not picked over). Score!