Bringing Summer Into the Office

Summer has sprung. You’re sitting at your desk daydreaming about sunshine instead of fluorescent lighting beating down on you. Here are a few tips on how to make those summer days spent inside working less mundane.  

  • Friday Sundae Funday – Every Friday coworker’s each bring a different topping and ice cream.
  • Go for a walk – Even if it’s a 15 minute break, get up and walk outside. Soak up the Vitamin D.
  • Take Lunch Outside
  • Have an ugly/tacky Hawaiian shirt day.
  • Go bowl Fishing – Everyone’s name get put into a glass bowl. The name chosen gets to leave an hour early.
  • Make lemonade and frozen drinks with tiny umbrellas.
  • Play summer music in the lunchroom and invite coworkers to dance it out.
  • Go outside, throw down a blanket and just relax.
  • Play a sport, indulge in yoga or simply stretch out.
  • Plan an after work get together.

Don’t forget the long days of summer don’t end when you get out of the office. It’s light out until 9 so get outdoors and enjoy after your day is done.

Change of Scenery – Outdoor Business Meetings

Outdoor business meetings? Really!? That is such a crazy idea. Or at least that was my first thought. But just think about. With the weather beginning to turn, how great it would be to ditch the stuffy office and fluorescent lighting for fresh air and warmth from the sun?

Think about trying this for your next business meeting. A change of scenery may be the thing to shake out the cobwebs and get your employees to come up with some new and innovative ideas.   Changing scenery by going outdoors has the same effect as if you are recharging your battery. You will get out of that stuffy office and get your staff’s blood pumping.

I know when I go outside, I feel an immediate sense of relaxation and stress relief. The results of this make me more creative and more proactive. It makes it easier to concentrate and simply makes me happier. Why wouldn’t you want this for your employees?

If your staff is more relaxed, they may even feel a little more courageous about giving input or suggestions. They may talk more from their hearts and give you more effectual feedback. Outdoor business meetings will make your employees more energetic and more engaged.

The benefits of a change of scenery for your business meetings are abundant. Bring your staff outdoors for a productive business meeting.

Low Calorie Recipes For Work



These are quick easy low calorie recipes for work. It will keep you full until the next meal without fail. It is also something you can eat either as a breakfast or lunch. For those worried about carbs, the early part of the day is fine for a higher carb intake since you have the rest of the day to burn them!
REMEMBER: Carbs are helpful for lunchtime walks!

Sliced banana with peanut butter on crisps.
1 medium banana – 105 Calories, 0.4g Fat, 27g Carbs, 1.3g Protein
2 tablespoons All Natural (Better’n Peanut Butter) – 100 Calories, 2g Fat, 12g Carbs, 4g Protein
3 Wasa Crip N Lite Crispbread (Crackers) – 60 Calories, 0 Fat, 13g Carbs, 2g Protein
Total – 265 Calories, 2.4 Fat, 52 Carbs, 7.3 Protein

Spread the peanut butter between the 3 crispbreads and cut up the banana and divide evenly between the crisps and that’s it! Delicious as well!

Sliced cucumbers with hummus in a whole grain pita.
1 Whole Grain Pita (Toufany) – 155 Calories, 1g Fat, 30g Carbs, 6g Protein
1 Cucumber Medium – 45 Calories, 0.3g Fat, 10g Carbs, 2g Protein
2 oz Hannah’s Hummus – 120 Calories, 9g Fat, 10g Carbs, 4g Protein
2 ribs Romaine Lettuce – 10 Calories, 0g Fat, 0.02g Carbs, 0.6g Protein
Total – 330 Calories, 10.3 Fat, 50 Carbs, 12.6 Protein

Slice along one side to open the pita, spread 2 oz. hummus (any flavor, mine is roasted red pepper) along the inside of the pita. Add thinly sliced cucumber cut lengthwise, a few ribs of chopped romaine lettuce to plump it up and you are all set! Tastes really refreshing, better than you might believe. Try it, you’ll like it!

Fitness Tips for the Office

Keeping in shape is one of the hardest things to do. When you work in an office it gets a little harder since you have to sit all day. I have 3 tips to keep you in shape in the office without disrupting the workplace.

Take the Stairs:  This here is a sacrifice because I know we all love the ease of an elevator. But this is a fitness conversation. The trip up the stars in the morning will be your cardio and weight training. Your bag will act as a weight while you do inclined leg lunges up the stairs. The walk up the stairs will burn fat and slim your arms, thighs and legs. And the walk down the stairs will be your daily dose of cardio.


Healthy Well Portioned Lunch & Snacks: Now some people get a bit dismayed when they hear well portioned healthy meals. It’s easier than you think and tastier as well. You breakfast can be a banana with a muffin or bagel and cottage/cream cheese. Your lunch should consist of 1 cup of grain (i.e. rice, potatoes, quinoa), 1lb of protein (i.e. chicken, beef, pork, veal, fish), 2 cups of vegetables (i.e. spinach, broccoli, kale) and a glass of water/fruit juice. Your afternoon snack should consist of a muffin, water/fruit juice, and an apple.


Leg Lifts: This is an exercise that you can do at your desk without anyone even noticing. It’s also great for your calves and abdomen. As you sit at your desk every now and again just lift your legs up side by side and hold them straight for 10 seconds. Now do this 10 times and repeat this every hour after your lunch.


If you continue this routine every day for 3 months, I guarantee you will be satisfied with the results.

5 Tips To Beat Fatigue At Work

It’s easy to feel like you’re starting to drag at work.  People often turn to excessive amounts of caffeine or sugar to get them through the day.  Despite the quick increase in energy, this ultimately results in a caffeine or sugar crash a few hours later.  Even just powering through the fatigue can have its drawbacks.  Here are 5 tips on how to beat fatigue at work.

  1. Start your day on a good foundation: Sleep

A good night’s rest can go a long way.  Getting the right amount of sleep is key, but it is also important to get quality sleep.  Avoid as many distractions as possible by turning off the television, music, cell phones and tablets.  If you still have light pollution in your bedroom, try using a sleep mask.  You will feel ready for a productive day after a long quality rest!

  1. Don’t skip meals!

This one is tough because it is easy to forget to eat when you’re busy.  Unfortunately, this will lead to a huge drain in energy.  Even a small breakfast, like cereal or yogurt, will make a difference.  If your job allows it, keep a health snack at your desk.  A handful of pretzels or almonds will provide a quick recharge.  Most importantly, never skip lunch.

  1. Find a reason to get away from your desk

Moving around will provide an energy boost because it increases blood circulation.  Maybe you have something to file or copies to make.  If you can’t get away from your work station, try standing for a few minutes instead of sitting.  You can also try small stretches at your desk.  Wiggle your toes, move your ankles around, move your shoulders and neck around.  It’s simple enough that you can do it while getting your work done.

  1. Look away from the computer

Constantly staring at a computer screen will cause significant eye strain and fatigue.  Every 20 minutes, look away from your computer at a distant object (20 feet away) for 20 seconds.  This is known as the 20-20-20 rule.

  1. Remember that there is a world outside of work

It may feel counterproductive to walk away from your work, but powering through it is exhausting.  Try to go outside for lunch or even a 10 minute break.  At the very least, walk past a window and sit somewhere else for a few minutes.  A change of scenery can go a long way in helping to unwind and relax.  While you’re out there, forget about everything that’s happening at your desk.  You will feel recharged and more productive when you return to your desk.