What to Write in your Sympathy Cards

I have sent many sympathy cards, too many as far as I am concerned, but that is a part of life. Each time I sit down to convey my condolences I get stumped, so I let a nicely imprinted sympathy card help so that my message can be short. When composing your message, keep in mind that less is more. A brief phrase like “Our thoughts and prayers are with you” or “Our deepest sympathies” is enough for now. A few weeks after the funeral, sending thinking of you cards is appropriate. At that time you can write about a fond memory of the deceased or how much they meant to you.

Unfortunately, I have also been the recipient of many sympathy cards so I know first hand that they are welcomed and appreciated. When a loved one is acknowledged in death, the survivors learn how much that person was liked and how well they were thought of during their time with us. Receiving company sympathy cards for the deceased is especially heart warming as most of the deceased’s time was probably spent at work. When sending business sympathy cards to your co-workers Emily Post writes:

There is no set formula as to what to say. Only one rule should guide you in writing letters of condolence: Say what you truly feel. Your clear expression of sympathy and caring for your co-worker is what matters the most. Sit down at your desk as soon as you hear of the death and let your thoughts be with your coworker as you write.

Business Sympathy Cards Let Others Know you Care

Suffering the loss of a loved one is devastating and each of us grieves that loss in our own way. However, when that loss affects a dear friend or business colleague, you want to reach out and just let them know they are in your thoughts. Sending business sympathy cards is the ideal way to do that without being invasive. It doesn’t intrude on a very private time, yet sends the message that someone shares their pain.

Having an elegant, classic assortment box of sympathy cards on hand, appropriate for personal or business use, would be ideal. Just as perfect as they are with a simple, heartfelt sentiment, there is also enough room for a personalized note, lending a warm, heartfelt touch. Sometimes just knowing others are remembering you at such a difficult time helps the pain a bit.

Sympathy Cards Offer Comfort during Difficult Times

Over the years I have sent many sympathy cards to family, friends and colleagues as well as business sympathy cards to acquaintances at work. I’ve never really given much thought to how these greeting cards are received or the words that are expressed inside of them. That is until I was on the receiving end; Two years ago I lost my husband of thirty-two years very suddenly.

After the shock of that experience wore off, I had the opportunity to go through all the greeting cards, condolence notecards, and flower cards that were sent immediately after his death. While the words of love and sympathy that were expressed by family and friends were very much welcome, it was some of the sympathy cards and notes that I received from total strangers that made some of the most lasting impressions. These greeting cards were from people that I had never met, but that my husband had dealings with in his job. I’ve always thought of my husband as a very honest, kind and ethical person. To have strangers confirm in these greeting cards what I have always known was very comforting. To know that he made a lasting impression in people’s lives makes my children and me very proud.

Sympathy Cards for the Loss of a Pet

Dealing with the death of a loved one is a devastating life event. We often use sympathy cards to connect with people during these difficult times. I often feel that I should not approach someone in person as I do not want to make them cry as well. I cannot do it myself without breaking down into tears. How do you tell someone how sorry you are for their loss? Sometimes it is easier to express your feelings in personal sympathy cards.

It is equally devastating when a person loses their pet. Pets have become important members of many American families, providing enjoyment, companionship, and unconditional love for their owners. There are now all kinds of services for pets including health insurance, day care, “hotels” instead of kennels, and even greeting cards.

As my own children grew up and moved out on their own, I began to acquire cats. Actually, the cats somehow found me, probably knowing what a soft heart I have when it comes to four-legged, furry friends. Both of my children brought home a stray cat before leaving home, so my two cats eventually became the four I now have. Over the years, I have lost three cats and was devastated for a long time after each of them passed on. Princess, Callie, and most recently Baby are gone now, but the mere mention of their names still brings tears to my eyes.

If you know someone who has lost a pet, do not hesitate to express your condolences by sending sympathy cards. Their pet was a very precious part of their life. It was not “just a cat” or “just a dog” and they are never replaceable because each animal is a unique being. If you cannot find the right words to express yourself in person, send sympathy cards. There are greeting cards available specifically for pet loss, but you can certainly use traditional sympathy cards. Thoughtfully chosen sympathy cards or notecards with handwritten sentiments let the recipient know you are thinking of them. Their loss is real and they need to know that others do care.

Sender of Greeting Cards (a.k.a. The Thoughtful One)

I’ve noticed that among our family and friends, we seem to acquire labels. Perhaps among your acquaintances, you can name the best cook or the trivia buff, the gullible one or the cynic, the non-stop talker or the shrinking violet, the athlete or the know-it-all. In my family and circle of friends, I am known as “the thoughtful one.” This actually was an easy reputation to acquire; I’m a habitual sender of personalized greeting cards. I’ve been like this since early childhood, when I carefully made my own cards with construction paper and crayons. Later, as a stay-at-home Mom with a budget as small as my tykes, I sometimes got pretty creative with my homemade greeting cards.

As interests and activities multiplied, social circles kept expanding. My siblings, cousins, and friends acquired spouses, children, and eventually, grandchildren. Even my children and their friends acquired children! Alas, time flew and before I knew it, I had at least two full-time jobs and a list of birthdays a mile long, which now also included business associates who had become friends. And let me tell you, when you’ve “spoiled” people by always remembering their birthdays, they won’t let you get away with suddenly “not remembering.”

I had long since converted from homemade to store bought cards but found my shopping trips for greeting cards to be too frequent. I even missed an occasional birthday or anniversary mailing; I just couldn’t find time for the card hunt! A few years ago, I found my solution and salvation. I now keep on hand a beautiful box of assorted birthday cards. At a glance to the calendar or on a moment’s notice, having this box of assorted greeting cards means that I’m always prepared to send off happy birthday greetings…without delay!

I also started keeping a stockpile of assorted greeting cards for other occasions so I’m always prompt with sympathy cards, thank you cards, anniversary cards, and get well cards. I even have a supply of blank note cards for when I just want to let someone know that I’ve been thinking of them.

No one suspects how easy and economical it is for me to be so thoughtful. But I’ve heard some lovely comments over the years: “You always remember,” “Every year I look forward to getting your beautiful birthday card,” “It wouldn’t seem like my birthday without getting your cheery card.” And there it is, with so many less complimentary titles that might have been applied to me, I have been labeled as “the thoughtful one.”

Sympathy Cards Help to Show That you Care

When an employee suffers a loss, an employer can find itself at a loss as well. How do you extend your sympathies and condolences? Although it can be hard to know the right thing to say or do, giving sympathy cards to employees who are going through a difficult time is always an appropriate gesture.

There really is no easy way to handle this type of situation but you want to make sure that you extend your sympathy and show that you value your employees. It is important to show support for a colleague who has experienced a loss. A simple and heartfelt “I’m sorry for your loss” can let a person know that he or she is thought of during a difficult time.

The 35 or 40 hours a week that employees spend at their jobs is sometimes more than they spend with their own families. It is said by many that once you become comfortable at a job your coworkers become your second family. This is the case for many employees at my company. We share in each other’s triumphs as well as challenges, often expressing ourselves with greeting cards through life’s ups and downs.

By having a box of business sympathy cards at your side, you can easily have a suitable card on hand to give to employees, ensuring that they know their second family cares for them when it counts the most.