How do you shop for greeting cards? When I was in the market for our yearly supply of birthday cards, I wasn’t exactly sure where to start. My predecessor would make trips to the local discount store to purchase greeting cards. No offense to her as she was doing the best she could, but the cards were always so flimsy and looked cheap. This was not how I thought our business should be represented.
The first thing I did was hit the internet. I went to multiple sites and requested catalogs. This was a great way to start. Most companies not only sent me a catalog but a sample of their greeting cards and sometimes even their envelopes. It was really helpful as I was able to compare the quality of greeting cards from each company.
Once I narrowed down my choice to The Gallery Collection, I hopped on their website to see their full line of greeting cards. It was so difficult to select one from all the beautiful designs. They were nice enough to send me samples of my 6 favorite. I then passed them along to my colleagues in the Human Resources Department for a vote. We have the perfect birthday cards that I am proud to send to our customers and staff.