3 Perfect Quotes For Your Christmas Cards

The holiday season is my favorite time of year.  I love taking this opportunity to acknowledge all those that have had an impact in my life no matter how big or small.  This is the perfect chance to show appreciate for the people who have touched your life and who mean so much to me.

I also feel that at this time of year, all of us need to focus on the reason why it is so special.  Sure it is great to give and receive presents and to attend all those festive gatherings, but we need to keep our focus on the true meaning of the season.  I take this time to add one of these special quotes in my Christmas cards.

  • “May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love.” By Ada V. Hendricks
  • “What is Christmas?  It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.  It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace.”  Agnes M. Pahro
  • Sing hey!  Sing hey! For Christmas Day; Twine, mistletoe and holly.  For a friendship glows in winter snows, and so let’s all be jolly!”  Author unknown

I know the last one is a little more lighthearted but sometimes it is the perfect fit.

Don’t Feel Left Out – Industry Specific Holiday Cards

During the holiday season, you’ll notice hundreds of different holiday cards go on sale across major retailers and online. The only problem, however, is that they don’t cater to your company or industry! Sure you might be able to design one yourself (which is a valid option), but that takes extra time out of your already busy schedule. If you’re going to purchase holiday greeting cards, they should really represent your organization and be simple to setup.

Fortunately, the Gallery Collection has compiled a big list of industry specific greeting cards over the years to cater to your specific company’s needs. Whether you’re a construction company, law firm, or real estate agency, we’ve got a card for you! One of my industry favorites is this cute little dental card with festive teeth.

If you’re company falls into one of these categories, we’ve definitely got you covered for industry-specific cards:

Make sure to give them a look! As with most Gallery Collection designs, you’ll be able to enter your company name, customize your envelopes, and choose / create an imprint to put inside your card to really customize the entire design. Looking to design your own card? You can do that too! Just upload your own design / photo and our team will help you make it as great as can be.

18th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 2 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 2 Finalists!

Gobble, Gobble! Celebrating Thanksgiving in the Office

Thanksgiving is a time to show thanks for what you have and for those that are part of your life.  It is also a time to show others what they mean to you and why you are thankful they are part of your life.  The same can be done at the office.

Having a “Wall of Thanks” is a great way to recognize all the individuals and their contributions to the business and to each other.  Set up a wall in a common area that everyone has access to.  You can either hang a chalkboard with chalk nearby or have a large pad of post-it notes.  Everyone can take this opportunity to write a note of thanks in appreciation of what someone has done for them.

A fun idea is to have a Thanksgiving recipe contest.  With the American culture consisting of such a mix of nationalities, many households have such a variety of takes on the basics such as stuffing, potatoes, etc.  The participants can bring in their dish along with the recipe.  I love the idea of the winner getting their Thanksgiving turkey as the prize.

Another great idea to show how thankful you are is to do a clothes drive and give back.  Set up a box in the work kitchen for the entire month of December than as a group, bring your donations to the local homeless shelter. 

Celebrate this Thanksgiving in your office by showing thanks, having fun and giving back.

Benefit of Purchasing Thanksgiving Cards

If you’ve never given any thought to giving out cards for the Season of Giving . . . boy are you missing out. Whether it’s for clients or for personal contacts, sending Thanksgiving cards is an opportunity to make a memorable impression. Be the first one to send out holiday wishes as the season of celebration begins and the beautiful Fall display ends. As the air gets crisper, it’s easy to rush into the hectic holiday hubbub with the buzz of winter holidays approaching. Getting a jump on the holiday season is smart and classy.

Send the warm tone of the season and celebrate the Fall colors with a burst of brilliance on your card. Since the season moves so quickly, this nice gesture helps pause, reflect, and celebrate longer. And besides sending the spirit of Thanksgiving, a card get others excited for the food and festivities to come!

These cards are also a chance to celebrate gratitude. There never seems to be a ‘right time’ for many things, but it is so appropriate to say thanks during Thanksgiving. Send thanks to all those who put in hard work at the office. Lend appreciation to family with a card that ushers in the Fall Season with all its colors. Family can’t always get together for the actual day, so it’s an extra special way to reach out and let them know you are thinking of them.

It is a unique way to set the tone for the holiday season and what a great time to stand out. Thanksgiving cards are also an inclusive, non-offensive and non- secular sentiment that’s easy to pass on before the many winter festivities come. So pause to give thanks this year. You’ll thank me later.

Why Purchase Foil Greeting Cards?

The variation of greeting cards available today is truly staggering, hours spent in stationary stores browsing card shelves can yield unsatisfactory results or none at all! Browse the better way on The Gallery Collection, a search field and category links lets you see only the cards that pertain to your needs and the option to filter card types makes it even easier to find what your looking for. Greeting cards run quite a range in price but all are of the highest quality. A bit of foil accents along with embossed areas gives an otherwise passing design a noticeable pop that people will notice.

The tactile sensation that embossed cards give is a joy for anyone running their hands over the card and feeling the images they see in 3 dimensions make for a card that will surely secure a place on the recipients respective mantle. I’m a big fan of the foil greeting cards as it provides them with a bit of glitz and glamour, the different foils you can find in The Gallery Collection is impressive. Ranging from gold to silver and many different colors the foils can also be textured or faceted, filled with glitter of shiny. People feel special receiving cards with foiling as they harken back to a royal feeling of rich metals and gilding, subconsciously these cards seem extra valuable and will catch the light in beautiful ways in any household.

Take a moment to check out the available option in The Gallery Collection and you wont be sorry you did. Once you find a card you love you are given the chance to customize the interior sentiment that is also printed in foil of your choice as is the custom greeting you type and pick a font for. In my opinion, the range of options and customization available is paramount and makes for a superior card to any you’d find on a rack or shelf plus you get to build it from the comfort of your own home, save on gas and time!

18th Annual Create a Greeting Card Scholarship Contest – Round 1 Finalists Announced!

Congratulations to our Round 1 Finalists!

Business Greeting Cards 101

As the holiday season quickly approaches, it’s not only time to start gift shopping for friends and family on your list, but it’s also time to start thinking about the holiday greeting cards you will be sending to your clients and colleagues. One of the joys of the holiday season is the arrival of holiday cards. Opening these greetings of all sizes, colors and shapes brightens any business day, and it’s the perfect way to say “thank you” for your business for the year, or give a personal greeting that helps solidify a business relationship.

If you’re like many, you’ve left your corporate greeting card order to the 11th hour before and have experienced the mad scramble to ensure your cards reach their destination before the holidays. I am here to assure you there is no reason to fret and to provide some guidelines on how to maximize this truly special time of year. With that being said, I encourage you to begin the process early to ensure a stress-free holiday season. Here are five tips for writing corporate greeting cards that may be useful to you as you get started:

  1. Order Early – You are already ahead of the curve by thinking about your holiday greeting cards now. In fact, right now is the perfect time to order your cards, especially if you plan to include customization, company logos or special designs. Use the next week or two to select and design your cards, and get your order in by the end of the month to ensure you have them in-hand on time. In addition, it provides the opportunity to take advantage of the notable discounts various companies offer this time of year, sure to keep your finance office happy.
  2. Be Unique – You can, of course, just select a standard design from the card catalog, but why not try a different approach? You can create a very unique and memorable card that doesn’t have to break your budget. Some ideas include using the typically family-oriented photo card format to show a picture of your team, designing an opulent, foil embossed greeting card that exudes luxury, formatting an industry specific card that highlights your company’s specialization or selecting a humorous card to evoke laughter.
  3. Make It Personal – Your greeting card is a reflection of how much you care about and value your clients and colleagues, so be sure to send the very best. Never substitute email or social media for a card you sign and mail. It’s convenient but not as personal or heartfelt as addressing, stamping and mailing a physical card…or as fun to receive. Also, take this time to thank your clients for their continued business and support. Holiday cards present the prime opportunity to highlight the important part your clients have played in your company’s progress this year. Another elegant accent is the use of signatures by your corporate governance which adds additional flair and a unique personal touch.
  4. Remain Neutral – Be sensitive to other people’s religious beliefs and cultural practices. For business greeting cards, choose a design that is secular, subdued and tasteful. Save the cards that express your personality or beliefs for your personal list. Be sensitive to the message as well. If you’re not sure if your audience celebrates Christmas, choose a more generic greeting, such as “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings.”
  5. Don’t Forget Other Holidays – Who says a holiday greeting card only has to be for the traditional holidays? Greeting Cards sent at any time outside the Christmas season stand out. Differentiate your business considering sending a Thanksgiving card or a New Year’s card to separate yours from the masses that only hit the mailbox every December. Your goal is to catch the attention of your recipients, and sending cards at unique times of year will do just that.

Put Your Company Name Up Front

When designing your holiday cards or birthday cards this year, try keep in mind what it is you do with the cards you receive from business associates and friends.  My guess is that you take those cards and display them on a table or your desk, place them in a decorative card rack or pin them up on a bulletin board.

While these are the typical destinations for our greeting cards, it does not allow for the people viewing the cards to see who the cards are from.  I hate when I walk into the office during the holiday season and see a gorgeous new card added to the mix and have to untack it from the bulletin board to see who it is from.  Why take all that time and money to send a beautifully designed card and then make it difficult for others to see that the card is from you?

Put your company name on the front and your company will be displayed and remembered.  This is a great way to promote your business while showing your caring side. People remember when businesses take the time to acknowledge the special moments or holidays in their clients’ or employees’ lives.