Were you just asked to purchase holiday cards for your company? Whether you are a seasoned pro or you found this page from frantically googling for guidelines . . . Here are some ideas to get you moving.
Firstly, it’s important to be aware of you audience. Think of who will be receiving these cards. Are they religious? Mixed religions? Non-affiliated? What’s their age? Answering questions like these should help significantly condense your options, whether you’ve narrowed it down into a category of cards or have decided to get more generic (Holiday, Seasons Greetings, or Winter scene) cards.
Next, think about the intent of your company Holiday card—is it meant to gain customers or show thanks for their business? Then keep it polished, maybe use foil to create an elegant, sincere card. Are these festive cards for your employees or a close boss? These should boost morale, show appreciation, and perhaps be funny or casual.
Think of your budget—if you need hundreds of cards, buying in bulk could save you money. Also if you choose The Gallery Collection, you even have the freedom of customization. You quickly and easily create a holiday card, choosing from hundreds of card designs, dozens of greetings, or write your own!
No more excuses, it’s time to select your perfect company christmas cards!
All practical tips… thanks!