Business Greeting Cards…A Golden Opportunity

Holidays and Special Occasions come and go…very much like an opportunity. Some opportunities are often very obvious while others may be somewhat obscure. As a business, whether small or large, the use of greeting cards can offer a golden opportunity to keep your company’s name and image in front of your customers throughout the year, strengthen relationships with business associates, and foster goodwill amongst employees. Here are some tidbits for a properly executed business greeting cards program:

Holiday Cards – extend your good wishes of the holiday season. But keep in mind that the card design and greeting should reflect the holiday that the individual celebrates.

Birthday Cards – can be sent to employees as a form of promoting goodwill and adding a personal aspect to these relationships. Birthday cards sent to business associates or customers can be a means of building relationships and offers the opportunity to express your gratitude for their valued business. In either case, be mindful of the type of card that is sent. For instance, a humorous card may not be appropriate for everyone. Birthday cards can be sent to the office or to the home depending on the type of relationship. If the relationship is one that is more casual and personal, then it is appropriate to send to the home. If the relationship is more formal, then it would be best to send to the office.

Thank You Cards – provides a way to thank a customer for an order or a business associate for a sales lead or referral. Thank you cards can also be a means of offering a promotion or discount to customers and clients as a special thank you for their continued business. Thank you cards may also be used to provide encouragement and thank an employee for a job well done. These greeting cards can be customized with your message and company name but should be hand signed and hand addressed. If the card is blank on the inside, at least three sentences should be written with the first sentence specifically mentioning the specific item or deed which you are thankful for. Remember to check for any spelling and grammatical errors.

Get Well, Sympathy, Thinking of You Cards – can be sent to an employee or business contact who is ill or has experienced a loss. Thinking of You cards can be used interchangeably with either of these occasions in which you may not want to specifically mention an illness or death. A hand written note should be included and the card should be sent to the home.

Keep the above in mind and your business greeting cards will surely turn into a golden marketing opportunity.

Keep an Assortment of Birthday Cards on hand – someone will really appreciate it!

One of my fondest memories from childhood was celebrating my birthday each year. Because I was a child, of course the presents mattered most, but I always enjoyed receiving birthday cards from my parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. The enjoyment has carried on through out my adolescence and into adulthood.

In today’s fast-paced world, there are many ways to wish someone in your family, a co-worker, or a client a happy birthday. In my opinion an e-mail, phone call, or electronic birthday card takes a big back seat to getting the real thing…an actual birthday card. I think everyone should have a box of assorted birthday cards on hand to reach out and brighten up that special day of those around you.

I am always happy to open birthday cards from family members, friends, or business associates. I believe the time it takes to wish someone a happy birthday is time well spent. Your recipients will enjoy your warm wishes for sure, and what an easy way to keep in touch and let them know how important they are, just by sending greeting cards! I think this gesture requires just a bit of effort, but will be rewarding for both the sender and the card opener. And naturally…this all hit me when I was reading my birthday cards this year!

How I Spent my Birthday

When I asked my boss for my birthday off, I was told that in order to grant my request, she would have to have my word that I would detail the happenings of my birthday for her. I thought that perhaps she was taking “living vicariously” a bit too far, but I agreed.

Taking my birthday off was, of course, all part of my master plan. I was able to spread the event across two days because my colleagues acknowledged it the day before (Wouldn’t we all spread it across the entire week, if we could?). I was presented with a birthday cake, a giant chocolate chip cookie, and various birthday cards, suggesting the gifts and cake and ice cream that might be in store the next day. If there is anything bad about being born in January, it may be that your friends and colleagues are all on diets and refuse to partake in the birthday goodies! Oh well, more to take home.

I headed home that night with my arms full of left over birthday cake and presents. Out of habit, I woke up around seven the next morning, but I smiled and rolled back over to enjoy an extra couple of hours of sleep. When I finally got up, it was a little after nine and I wondered how I would spend my morning. A friend called and offered to take me to iHop, and I wondered no more. Eggs, bacon, coffee, and a never-ending stack of pancakes – it sure beats the instant oatmeal I toss in my bag on usual mornings while I’m rushing out the door!

I stopped at Mom & Dad’s after breakfast, where I was presented with cards from them and from my little brother, who isn’t very little anymore, considering he’ll be twenty-five this July. I reminded my mother that I am officially “pushing thirty” now, and it made me feel a little better that, while I may be kissing my twenties goodbye in another year, she’s the one who has to come to terms with the fact that her oldest is about to enter a new decade. Perhaps I should send her a Thinking of You card around New Year’s, 2009!

With birthday cards often comes money or gift cards, both of which I received that afternoon. I immediately high-tailed it to Best Buy and spent it all in no time flat. I have a few talents, but spending is the one I excel at most. I was home in time to watch Oprah as I logged on to my email to see who else had remembered my birthday with greetings and well-wishes. Then it was off to dinner with another friend. The scale may not like me too much after my day of pancakes and cheese fries, but my stomach was quite satisfied!

Before I knew it, it was another morning of the alarm clock ringing and me having to figure out what I was going to wear to work. I got to my desk this morning and thought how glad I was to have left all the birthday cards on my shelf on Monday afternoon instead of taking them home. My birthday may be over in the official sense, but those cards allow me to extend the feeling a little longer.

Remember your Clients with Business Birthday Cards

Does your company send out birthday cards to your customers? Does your company give you an employee birthday card each year? If they don’t, I think it would be a good suggestion! The tradition of sending birthday cards started in England about 100 years ago. Originally, greeting cards were often sent as an apology when you could not visit someone in person. Today we regularly send birthday cards, whether you can make the visit or not.

Business birthday cards are a nice gesture from a business to their employees and/or their clients and customers. It is a nice way for companies to show their appreciation and let you know that you are remembered on your birthday. Sending birthday cards is a good way for businesses to gain respect from their customers and to show them that they are more than just a number or a dollar sign. A lot of companies make the mistake of forgetting about their clients once a deal is sealed and they become a customer. But sending a business birthday card is a simple way to be sure your important customers know you haven’t forgotten about them, and it’s an easy way to make a lasting impression.

So if the company you work for does not do this already, make the suggestion of sending out birthday cards to your employees and clients. By showing them that you’re thinking of them on their special day with a birthday card, they will continue their business with you, turning this common ritual into an inexpensive, yet extremely prosperous investment.

Birthday Wishes

Wouldn’t it be nice if all your birthday wishes could come true? To me, a perfect birthday would go as follows:

• Waking up in the morning without the use of an alarm clock. What a drag it can be getting up to the same buzzing sound every morning.
• A nice hot breakfast in bed. Nothing starts the day off better than some bacon and eggs.
• A commute to work without any traffic!
Business birthday cards filled with birthday wishes from my co-workers. While we’re at it, maybe the cards will include a big bonus.
• Dinner at a restaurant of my choice. That’s right…no cooking for the birthday boy.
• A nice big chocolate cake with about 10 less candles on top of it. I don’t want anyone to know my true age.

Finally, what’s a birthday without the gifts? Chances are that I will be getting the same old standard presents: New socks, a gift card and maybe even a book or two. It would be great if I could replace those gifts with the following:

• Two tickets to the next big baseball game.
• Birthday cards filled with thousand of dollars.
• A big screen television with a matching recliner chair.
• A surprise vacation to some place warm.

Okay, so maybe I’m not being realistic. But it sure would be nice if I could just get one of my birthday wishes.

Say Happy Birthday with Business Birthday Cards

Today is my birthday and I have to go to work. My coworkers barely acknowledge my presence as I walk through the office. The mumblings of “good morning” are hardly audible as they sit at their desks and sip their morning cups of java. The atmosphere is bleak at best as everyone is trying to focus on the necessities of the day. I need to remind myself that today is my birthday…it is my special day.

As I get to my desk, I happen to see an envelope with my name on it proudly displayed on my keyboard. I open the envelope and there within lies a beautiful employee birthday card highlighted with shiny foils and rich colors printed on a thick card stock and signed by my supervisors. They did remember after all!

This scene may or may not be a memory for you. But while sending birthday cards to friends and family is a highly regarded tradition in today’s world, the use of birthday cards in the business environment is still a rather unique idea. Sending personal birthday cards is the biggest occasion for card sending, representing 60% of the total everyday greeting card market. Many people look forward to receiving cards because it allows them to stay in touch and makes them feel as if they are important. Well, why not consider the use of birthday cards in the business setting?

The use of business birthday cards can help to encourage a positive work environment by promoting goodwill and adding a personal touch to these relationships. Birthday cards sent to business associates can help strengthen and build business affiliations by providing an opportunity to say “thank you” for their valued business. Business birthday cards offer a means of having your name in front of your clients throughout the year and not just during the holiday season.

Whether they are used as a tool for offering a special promotion to clients and customers, a way of telling employees that they are important, or as a reminder to former business associates that you still exist, business birthday cards offer an opportunity for you and your company to stand out.