The Magic of Business Birthday Cards

As a small business owner, I realized early on the importance of ‘the personal touch’ when it came to clients and employees alike. No one wants to feel like a number or a cog, and it was when I approached every connection on a more individual level that I saw the most amazing things happen. Remembering a child’s name or asking after a spouse (and paying attention to the reply!) goes a long way towards building a strong, loyal relationship. But the most positive reaction was always in response to receiving business birthday cards. It seems simple, but this outwardly small gesture always had the biggest impact. I could see the sense of worth and importance in their eyes as an employee would read the slew of well-wishes from co-workers, knowing they were valued and, let’s face it, well-liked. And I could hear in the voice of a client their genuine appreciation at being remembered on their birthday, knowing that time was taken out of a busy business day to make sure they knew the relationship was an important one. In the space of a short, meaningful birthday wish, a wealth of value and gratitude was shared.

Business Birthday Cards
I always keep a box of assorted birthday cards on hand and keep careful tabs on upcoming birthdays for all of my employees and clients. It doesn’t take long to pick the perfect card, and this personal, thoughtful gesture can flourish into an enthusiastic, dedicated staff, committed clients and a highly regarded business.

Keep Birthday Cards Alive!

Today is a faced paced world. We want everything yesterday! All the emails, tweets, texts and Facebook. Everyone is connected at top speeds. Instead of going to the bank to cash your check, just take a picture of it on the newest iPhone. Forgot to send your wife flowers for your Anniversary? Buy them online and have them shipped that same day. There are plenty examples of how disconnected we are these days. Something as simple as taking a few minutes to write out birthday cards is now replaced by e-cards. There is something cold about that. I admit Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with family members who live apart, but we need to stop electronic communication for special events and show people that we really care.

Birthday Cards

What ever happened to checking the mailbox to find birthday cards waiting for you instead of your computer? Where are the singing telegrams now days? Do we still use them or are we just flash mobbing our way through birthday greetings now? I feel the only people still using actual business birthday cards are in the office. Either from co-workers or employers, they seem like a lasting breed to extend physical cards that you can touch. I know I’m over exaggerating. I really do think sending someone a card, for any occasion, beats an electronic one. I much prefer to jot down a personal note inside the card and hand address the envelope. It’s the simple pleasures in life we take most for granted. Keep birthday cards alive and let your hands get a workout instead of your keyboard.

Birthday Cards Are A Real Necessity

I have been a small business owner for 27 years now. I know a few things about ups and downs and how to deal with them. Like many people out there, I have never experienced a “down” as bad as the past 5 years. I went from a thriving business to struggling to just pay the bills. I am the type of owner who puts his employees first and while I have had to cut costs, I have not laid anyone off. I take pride in this and I know my employees appreciate it as well. While they aren’t happy I had to get rid of Bagel Friday and summer trips to Great Adventure, they understood the reasoning behind the decisions. I only had one cost cutting idea backfire on me, and it was definitely not the one I expected. Every year I would give my employees a birthday card with a very nice personal message in it thanking them for their hard work. While the birthday cards aren’t overly expensive, I figured why not save a few bucks? I did not foresee the disappointment following this decision.

Birthday Cards

A long time employee’s birthday happened to be the first one to come after this decision. He was actually upset and thought that I had forgotten his birthday. The mix up was quickly cleared up but I could tell he was still disappointed he didn’t get a card. I got similar reactions from other employees as well. Everyone seemed to be ok with losing the impersonal events like Bagel Friday but not getting  business birthday cards really seemed to affect morale. They truly appreciate the personal touch I gave to their birthday. Needless to say I began spending the extra money again to get those wonderful birthday cards. I even wrote out cards for those birthdays that I had missed. Even after 27 years of owning a business I am still learning new lessons every day.

Business Birthday Cards – What A Great Concept

One day on my way to my office, I was trying to think of a way to boost the morale of my co-workers, as well as try to find a way to improve the way we interact with our clients. As I approached the elevator, I noticed someone was holding a birthday card they had received. “That’s it!” I said to myself. “I’ll send out business birthday cards!” I headed to my desk and went online to The Gallery Collection. They had such a wonderful selection of birthday cards I was bound to find a few I liked. Well, I not only found birthday cards, they also had assortment boxes for all occasions. I was having a ball ordering everything I needed to fill my needs. And I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

Business Birthday Cards

After I ordered my birthday cards and all occasion cards, I went in search of lists for birthdays and anniversaries of co-workers and clients. Wow, I can’t believe how many are coming up so fast. I made my list, and once I received the cards I got started on signing and sending them all out. I was thanked by the people I work with and business seems to have picked up. All from a birthday card. What a concept!

Birthday Cards Mean Something to Me

When you receive a birthday card at work do you push it to the side, do you toss it next to your TPS reports and let it collect dust? If that describes your yearly birthday ritual maybe it is time to start thinking about this another way. In a world of impersonal hiring and firings, where a lot of workers barely actually set foot in an office…there’s something special about being remembered. There’s something special about not being forgotten. There’s something special about those birthday cards.

Birthday Cards Have Meaning

Business birthday cards signed by your co-workers are a keep-sake. Believe me; I have a whole wall of them. Take some time to look at these old cards. Oh look, there’s when I turned 35. Bill from accounting wrote about how my Yankees aren’t that good. Little did he know they would go on and win the World Series that year! Now let’s gander at the year I turned 32. Nancy from production drew a funny picture of my cat Smitty. Little did I know I would end up getting Smitty cat friend to live with that we now call Ms. Holly. And little did I know I would have to deal with seven kittens then next year. All these birthday cards are reminders of where we’ve been and how we got here. Not to mention it’s nice to know your boss cares a little bit.

Business Birthday Cards Make A Great Dentist Even Better

From early childhood right into adulthood, I used to dread dental office appointments. Having moved around a lot in my adult years, there was a fairly sizable list of dentists whose practice of their art in my mouth caused me trepidation.

Now, I make my next 6-month appointment at the end of each office visit, and actually look forward to it. Why? Business birthday cards!

Birthday Cards from the Dentist

The cards aren’t the only reason, but they are the icing on the cake. Also, parking is easy. The waiting room is attractive and comfortable. Everyone who works there is cheerful, pleasant, and warmly welcoming. My dentist is gentle, sure-handed and an entertaining chatterer. They make me feel like an old friend, or even part of their family, by sharing tales and photos of their families and asking about mine with genuine interest. I always depart with good and positive feelings of my time there.

Every time I leave this dentist’s office, I’m also carrying a “goody bag” of dental products and other useful items (he passes out the greatest pens!) with his name and phone number on them. I guess you could say that I think of him and his staff every day because I’m using the promotional items from that gift bag.

I suppose a number of dentists give out little take-away “favors” but I don’t remember any former dentist of mine who also remembers my birthday every year! What a nice surprise it was when I first received birthday cards. His appointment reminders come on a postcard so it was a bit of a mystery to get an envelope that was obviously not a bill.

Here they are, remembering me on my own specific, special day, not for advertising or appointment reminders or bill sending, but just to wish me a happy birthday! Warm, charming, and first class quality: in the practice of their business and in the way they live. This is my dentist for life!

The Lost Business Birthday Cards

Do you still send out business birthday cards even with the economy not quite where we’d like it to be? If not, you might want to reconsider. Although not quite as bad as a couple of years ago, we still have a ways to go before we all feel truly comfortable with spending our hard earned money. When and if things ever turn the corner (more than they have thus far), we want to make sure that our customers will spend some of it with us.

Business Birthday Cards

Speaking for myself, I like to know that I’m thought of even when I’m not spending my money. I went to a local nail salon awhile back and they asked me to jot down when my birthday was. I’d forgotten all about it as I hadn’t been back in a long time. It had been several months actually. Imagine my surprise when I received a happy birthday card. They had also included a discount for a future service. How clever! I had received birthday cards from other businesses that I frequent, but I expected that. I did not expect to receive it from a place that I hardly ever go. You can be sure though, that I took my business back there.

You know the old saying – “out of sight, out of mind”! No business wants to be that! In this day and age, it is the little things that can make all the difference. For a couple of dollars spent on a business birthday card, you have the potential to make many more! Don’t become one of the forgotten!

Birthday Cards Put A Smile On My Face

So, today is my birthday. It’s always fun waking up, and knowing that today is your special day. I’m not one to like being the center of attention, but it’s always an exception on your birthday. I like the gathering of all my friends and family to celebrate the day I was born, in an epic fashion. Usually we go out into the city and decide on a fun looking bar. Other years, we’ll opt for the club scene. And some years, I even feel like being low key and just want everyone to gather at my favorite restaurant. The gathering of everyone dear to me is one of my favorite things about my birthday… aside from the presents of course! Do you know what another of my favorite things about my birthday is? Birthday Cards! Birthday cards are something that I enjoy receiving so much because I can go back at the end of the day and look at each of my “Happy Birthday” greetings one by one, after a fun day of partying. Some are hysterically funny, some are sincerely touching. People can say it directly, but it’s always nice to be able to look back and see what special things everyone had to say about you.

Birthday Cards

So today when I walked into work, I made my way through the office and finally got to my desk. My face lit up with a smile bigger than ever as I walked closer and closer to my chair, already seeing a bunch of envelopes with my name on them sitting on top of my keyboard. I was ecstatic to open each and every one of them! I had some from my co-workers, some from my boss, some from my supervisor. I thought it was so sweet that they got me cards. The outpouring of love filled my heart and made my birthday start off in the best way. After settling down, I put all my cards around my desk, displayed nicely for everyone to see. My mother had commented to me about how she loves the place I work at because they appreciate me and are kind enough to give me a birthday card. I thought to myself “Why don’t all places have business birthday cards?”. For what it’s worth, if everyone gave business birthday cards like my job does, I’m sure their employees would be just as thrilled and touched as I was. It’s just a nice gesture and it’s smart motivation. Even the restaurant that we ended up gathering at gave me a birthday card right before they brought my cake out! That also put a smile on my face… all in all, it was an excellent day!

Corporate Is Never Too Stuffy For Business Birthday Cards

Doesn’t the corporate atmosphere seem so stuffy? Everything so routine and monotonous? Where the big bosses play while all the employees do all the work? Where the atmosphere is so hushed and rushed? In corporations it always seems as though the only focus and main goal is to get work done. To make those big deals, bring in the best clients, and make the big bucks. So where does showing these hardworking employees recognition and appreciation fit in? With business birthday cards!

Everybody loves to be recognized and remembered on their birthday. Whether it’s by friends, family, neighbors, or that place where they spend most of their time at, the job! Imagine that. Waking up on your birthday and having that feeling of dread going to that place where it’s all work and no play; only to arrive and have that elegant envelope with your name sitting on your desk. Not sure what could be in the envelope, you slowly open it expecting to maybe hear bad news. And to your pleasant surprise, it’s beautiful, brightly colored, yet classy and professional birthday cards. “We sincerely appreciate your contributions to the success of our company. Best Wishes for a Wonderful Birthday.” What a way to show employee appreciation! Now how’s that for stuffy?

Birthday Cards Are More Meaningful Than You’d Think

When people think of birthday cards, they often think of family and friends, but what about business associates and co-workers? In today’s time-is-money society, we often find ourselves with tunnel vision, and fail to notice what—and who—is really around us. Sometimes it’s important to take a minute and recognize those that we deal with on a daily basis. A simple birthday card can convey to someone that you care and are thinking of them. From personal experience I can tell you how appreciated I have felt when my co-workers and employers have remembered my birthday; it has made me happy to spend my special day at work with people that care.

You may be thinking, “Okay, it’s important to give out business birthday cards, but where can I find some that are appropriate and tasteful?” Imagine finding an entire collection of cards dedicated for just this purpose. That is exactly what The Gallery Collection can provide. The best part is you’ll be paying much less than chain store prices for superior quality and personalization. It’s great to find a company that can make your life just a little bit easier, and help you to make someone else’s day brighter. Now there’s no excuse—recognize your business associates and co-workers on their birthdays; they’ll surely remember you fondly for it.