Choosing the right business card is very important. Your business card often represents you and who you are, before your mouth has even opened. There are many things to consider before creating your card. Make sure to do an internal checklist before picking your card and its content.
The first thing to remember is that although this is your business card, it is not your social media page. This piece of stationary represents your business, and a code of professionalism is necessary. If your business has a specific logo, then you must do your best to have it replicated on your card. The recipient should never have to guess who you are representing. Your name and position should also be clear on your business card. Although an address is not necessary, it may be included, but not at the expense of hiding your phone number and email. These are the two most popular forms of contact and they must be highlighted on your card.
It is also important to remember that the quality of the business card is crucial. Whether it is done in matte paper or gloss in a shiny smooth finish, it should never be cheaply done in a light paper stock. The business card will not last, and over time it can become unsightly. Less is more, when it comes to the setup on your card. Too many words can create disinterest. Too many designs and colors can create questions in regards to your professionalism. There are exceptions, when designs and color are directly related to your industry. Otherwise, it is best to avoid them. The right card can open many doors, so take your time when choosing the right business card. It could change your life.