Greeting Cards: A Powerful Marketing Tool

Sending greeting cards as a business can benefit your company in many ways. Here is why this simple gesture can serve your company as a smart marketing strategy.

Sending greeting cards gets your company’s name out there. It adds a personal touch that reinforces good relations with customers and extends a friendly offer to potential customers. Many people are used to getting junk mail from corporations. If you send a nice, quality card the chance that they will not only keep—but also display your card—is pretty high. This will act as a form of free, voluntary marketing. Consider sending a customizable calendar from The Gallery Collection to your clients. You can add your company’s name and or logo to a beautiful tri-fold calendar, which will help work as a classy, yearlong advertisement for your company.

Another way greeting cards may be used as a marketing tool to profit your business is if you send a gift card or coupon offer inside your cards. This extra step will make your potential customers feel that much more special! Plus, the bonus of the gift card or coupon will give them an incentive to visit your business for your services sooner than they may have otherwise. So consider sending a card to your customers for any occasion—the anniversary of buying a car, their birthday with an exclusive deal, or for the holiday season with warm wishes—and see what it does for your company’s growth.

Business Cards Help A Company Shine

Using business cards promotes your company. It helps every employee on your team look polished, and like you are all an established group. This level of professionalism can come in handy (pun intended), especially when the field of work is more abstract and intangible, like fitness services. The card helps customers feel like they can better predict the quality of your service.

Giving out business cards as a company encourages customers to contact your company. Helping clients do that is easier than ever when many business cards having the option to add appointment times, calendars, or hours of operation—in addition to general information. At The Gallery Collection there is also the option to include a few testimonials on the business card! Customer feedback always gains the trust of a potential customer, especially if it is honest and a more positive review.

Using business cards for your company can help spread important information, which will gain business and help effectively brand the company and market as a team. Business cards can help a company shine if the cards are as vibrant and informative as the company is. The cards can be an extension of the business, reflecting the company in many ways. There are endless design options for business cards these days, so it really is possible to find the perfect card for every business.

Believe Me: Business Card Designs That Communicate Trust

You spent a few moments pitching your idea on a napkin to a potential client or customer. How do you reaffirm your brand after that initial meeting?

Business cards are a tool that put you in the position to say what you need to say without saying it. Credibility is established as well giving you an easy way to get in contact with you. Here are 10 designs that will say believe me more than you could say yourself.

Basic – a photo, a logo, a company name, phone number and address. Say what you need to say and say it quick; great for getting the word out without over bearing your contacts.

Fun & Creative – let your artistic ability shine through the colors and designs that shout Hello with style. These kinds of cards are great for creative workers.

Geometric & Patterns – engage your contact with your trendy designs that communicate your tech-savvy. Great for tech consultants and data companies.

Minimalist – simple is better and highlighting that matters when communicating trust effectively. Guide your contact to the most important information by choosing carefully what you need to show in a fashionable way.

Modern & Fresh – Please your contacts eyes with a look that uses the coolest array of colors. Add a unique feel to your design business without being too out of the box.

 Photos & Logos – Look sharp in your suit or represent your company’s logo in full. Great for real estate agents or graphic designers looking to show their best ‘self’s’.

Traditional – Go along with the long established card which effectively gives your info with no frills. Great for that old-school feel and look.

Trendy – Enter the 21st century with a Facebook profile look alike card that shows your hip and about business. Great for social entrepreneurs with a mission to touch the world.

No matter which design you choose to showcase your business with, our business cards will suite your needs. With over 8 design concepts to choose from and the ability to upload your own, we can meet your business card needs.

Choosing The Right Business Card

Choosing the right business card is very important. Your business card often represents you and who you are, before your mouth has even opened.  There are many things to consider before creating your card. Make sure to do an internal checklist before picking your card and its content.

       The first thing to remember is that although this is your business card, it is not your social media page. This piece of stationary represents your business, and a code of professionalism is necessary. If your business has a specific logo, then you must do your best to have it replicated on your card. The recipient should never have to guess who you are representing. Your name and position should also be clear on your business card. Although an address is not necessary, it may be included, but not at the expense of hiding your phone number and email. These are the two most popular forms of contact and they must be highlighted on your card.  

     It is also important to remember that the quality of the business card is crucial. Whether it is done in matte paper or gloss in a shiny smooth finish, it should never be cheaply done in a light paper stock. The business card will not last, and over time it can become unsightly. Less is more, when it comes to the setup on your card. Too many words can create disinterest. Too many designs and colors can create questions in regards to your professionalism. There are exceptions, when designs and color are directly related to your industry. Otherwise, it is best to avoid them. The right card can open many doors, so take your time when choosing the right business card. It could change your life.

Why Branding Is Important To A Successful Business

As a small business, you may be competing against big brands with dedicated customers and limitless marketing budgets. That’s why you have to find ways to differentiate with a solid brand building process of your own.

We all know the Nike tagline: Just Do It. But do you know their mission statement? Nike’s mission is: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world”. You could see their mission everywhere. They focus on all types of athletes using Nike products to be try and help them be their best selves.

Do you remember Apple’s slogan back in 1997-2002? It was “Think Different”. This notion continues to exist, today. It is obviously not just another computer company. One of their key qualities is clean design, and a key benefit is ease of use. From unique packaging to their announcement events, Apple always reminds customers that its products can be used right out of the box.

Customers aren’t looking for another cookie-cutter company offering the same thing as everyone else. They are looking for an experience tailored to their needs, backed by sincere personal contact. Wouldn’t you want your company to be considered classy, professional and prepared?

This is what The Gallery Collection’s mission has been for many decades. The company strives to provide the best quality products that will leave a lasting impression on business partners, clients, or family; you name it. Whether it’s staying prepared for a business meeting with Presentation Folders or staying in touch by sending a Greeting Card, the Gallery Collection is there to help you achieve just that.

Resources to Help Your Business

When you own your own business, it is important to use all the resources available to you to help increase and maintain your clientele.

Presentation Folders are a great way to do that. You can imprint your logo on the front and add other information in up to 3 other locations. Customizable Folders are helpful when putting together proposals or just giving out basic information about your company. People will remember the thoughtfulness and organization a folder provides. You can also get up to two business card slots on the inside of your presentation folder.

Speaking of business cards, these are another great tool to get your name out there and to have your name remembered. When talking to someone, it is always great if they have a take away even if it is just a business card. I have so much trouble remembering names so I find it extremely helpful when I walk away from a conversation with a business card.

Another great resource to help your business is greeting cards. Sending your employees and customers greeting cards to celebrate milestones such as birthdays and anniversary will make you stand out above the rest. I also think the idea of sending calendar cards at the end of every year is a great way to keep your name posted at your clients’ desk.

Be sure to use all the resources available to you to help your business prosper.

Let’s Talk Business Cards…

Is it important to have a Business Card? Surely, it can help identify us and our business to the party we are meeting or individual. This identifier can give the parties we are meeting an idea of our role in the business at stake. I find myself fascinated by all the details represented on a business card. It is uncanny to see the beauty behind such graphic art, text and color.

I particularly love the industry specific cards, these have the most impact. Business cards really make it hard to forget the contact. The business card should tell the recipient something about you and your business. Very common for dentists, lawyers, realtors and photographers to have industry specific cards. Not only is the face of the card important but the feel of it as well.

More and more you see expensive stocks and finishes being used on business cards. They identify the industry and give you the card holder an identity. The ability to give the business card a personal touch shows us where technology meets new trends. A great marriage between art, paper and personalization in a 3.5 x 2 business card. It is not a lot of real-estate. I am excited to see how technology will continue to affect the quality and function of the business card.

Business Cards: Do’s and Don’ts

While it is certainly convenient in our digital age to communicate via cell phone, texting, email, etc; it is still a smart idea for business people looking to get their names and companies known to still carry around business cards.  There is nothing like a personal touch that can make a small thing go a long way.  A well-designed, smart-looking business card still does the trick.

Which brings up the question: What are some dos and don’ts when it comes to business cards?  Here is a list of what to and what not to do when it comes to handing out those little 3.5” x 2” (or 3.3″ x 2.16″) helpers.

  • DO include pertinent information such as one’s name, company name, phone and fax numbers, email address, etc.  Give the recipient several different ways to make contact.
  • DO ensure that there is a tagline (if necessary) along with the company name. The recipients should be familiar with the nature of your business from the information on the business card.
  • DO use a company logo if possible.  Nothing works better than to have your company easily identified—especially if using its official color or colors.
  • DO include writing on both sides of the business card so all information is complete and understandable.  Everything should be clear and concise.
  • DO make sure the font type and size used for any writing is pleasing to one’s eye and easy to read.  Clarity and a well thought out presentation will give a good first impression.
  • DO hand the business card out at the appropriate time.  Waiting until the conversation is about over makes for a solid, effective closing.  (Don’t forget a firm handshake and a “thank you”.)
  • DON’T include too much information.  A cluttered presentation will lead to confusion and/or impatience.
  • DON’T be too cute or creative with the fonts being used.  If wording is hard to read or undecipherable, frustration will occur.
  • DON’T use unusual or imaginative colors for colors’ sake. Hues or shades that are not necessary may tend to draw attention away from the ultimate message of the business card.
  • DON’T be too quick to hand out the card too soon.  Nothing is worse than being pushy – it brings up the feeling of mistrust and phoniness.
  • DON’T forget to always have enough of a supply of business cards on your person. One never knows when and where a good opportunity may occur where that one meeting and card hand off will reap dividends.

Above all else, make sure that a winning personality is coupled with the presenting of one’s business card for possible maximum impact.  When in doubt, keep it simple.

Sending Business Greeting Cards to Build Customer Relationships

Communication and exposure are the crux of growing your business and reaching more customers. If you are reliable, excel at your products or services, and are responsive to customers (both in requests and remedying complaints) then you will attract lifelong customers. Sending greeting cards can strengthen your customer relationships. It is an underutilized marketing tool in today’s instant-gratification world. If you are unsure if sending greeting cards is right for your company, keep reading for a little insight on common concerns.

Sending greeting cards is annoying . . . serendipitous!

It’s not another time-consuming sales pitch, spam, or junk mail. Business Greeting Cards, no matter the occasion, are a sweet, timeless gesture that recipients of all ages will enjoy. Your card will make them feel special and cared about, especially if it is a high quality card.

Sending greeting cards is not economical . . . cost effective!

The bottom line of great customer service is to follow through with your promises in order to meet customer expectations. Customer satisfaction can be improved just by making your company present, but not pestering, which is exactly what a greeting card accomplishes. Being there for your customers through thick and thin is a thoughtful endeavor that will be remembered. The cost of the cards in comparison to their quality and effectiveness is unmatched when you choose The Gallery Collection. See for yourself!

Sending greeting cards is a lot of hassle . . . fast and easy!

Your eye for details will be noted without an exhausting amount of effort. Business Greeting Cards from The Gallery Collection can be customized as much or as little as you please, all consistent with your high standards. Order your cards easily online or over the phone, quickly receive them, and send them out. There are even services The Gallery Collection offers to help you get your cards out faster— like sealing, recipient addressing, and mailing your selection out for you. Find out more by visiting Gallery Collection!

Get Your Business Cards Today!

No matter what your business, business cards are a necessary way of building your relationships and connections.  From the President to a Fortune 500 company to a babysitter, business cards are a way to keep your name out there. 

There are many different designs on The Gallery Collection website to meet anyone’s needs.  The geometric design is great for all and are offered in so many fun colors.  A business card with your picture is not just a great way to get your name out there, but it is a great way to be remembered.  I am great with faces but not so much with names.  A business card with a picture cements that I will remember who you are.

A business card can show off a side of you and your business that will make a lasting impression.  The “Hello” wrapped in pink and purple screams fun.  Then you have the spectrum colored business cards that shows you are innovative and interesting.

The back side of your business card can be useful also.  You can add a calendar, an appointment reminder, your hours of operation or simply just a bright color with your logo.  Business cards are important to the success of any business!