Holiday Cards For Business – It’s The Thought That Counts

We have all heard of the age old saying, “It’s the thought that counts.” You would usually refer to this saying if you receive something that you either did not want or felt someone put very little thought into presenting you with. The same comparison can be made about holiday cards for business. You get a card, open it up, and it is so flimsy that you only response can be, “Well, it’s the thought that counts…I guess.”

When a company chooses to order their holiday cards from The Gallery Collection, they are demonstrating the fact that they care about the message that they’re sending to their customers and clients. They can choose from many appealing and appropriate designs. Next they can select a greeting from the many offered, or they can customize their own greeting. Next they choose the coloring of the print inside from one of the lovely ink choices or elegant gold or silver foil. A company can further personalize their corporate holiday cards by adding a company logo or employee signatures.

From the time the recipients open up one of these holiday cards and see the elegantly lined envelopes, and after pulling out the card and seeing how beautifully it is adorned, they will realize that this is a card experience like no other. Once they feel the weight of the sturdy card and proceed to open it they will be excited by the elegance within. They will definitely know that a lot of thought went into the selection of that card and that their business relationship with the company was appreciated.

As a business you do have the option of buying a box of ordinary holiday cards, but when your customers receive Gallery Collection business holiday cards, they will know that they were well thought of…and that is what really counts!

Calendar Cards Say Thank You and Happy Holidays

The holiday season is a great time to thank all of your clients, employees, and peers for supporting your business throughout the year. The problem is how to say thank you. For years, our firm has sent out corporate holiday cards but, a few years ago, we began to look at other tokens of appreciation as well. We looked into ordering flowers, calendars, gift cards, and many other small gift items. Thankfully, we stumbled upon calendar cards, and they have proved to be exactly what we were seeking.

For the past two years we have sent out calendar cards as our holiday cards, and they are quite a hit. We have the cards imprinted with a holiday message and a Thank You from our business. I have had more clients remark on these beautiful cards than ever before. Not only do they look great, but they’re functional, too! I am so glad we switched to calendar cards. I hang one by my desk so that I have a calendar there, but also a reminder to be grateful for all the people in my life who help make my business work.

Business Christmas Cards a.k.a. Good Will Ambassadors

Business Christmas cards will never be passé, and I’ll tell you why. Last year I almost cut sending corporate holiday cards from the budget. When I discussed this idea with my office manager, she was appalled. She reminded me of how the look and tone of our office changed last year when we started receiving our holiday cards from customers, vendors, and business associates. Her question was, “If we enjoyed receiving holiday cards from other businesses, why would we not expect the recipients of our cards not feel the same way?”

Instead of thinking of how much they would cost, I started to think of the positive effect these business Christmas cards created. The Gallery Collection’s cards are among the finest I have seen. The selection is varied so that I can always find a card that reflects my company’s image and that I know will not offend anyone. They are truly more than cards; they are good will ambassadors.

When you peruse the selections, you will notice the magnificent quality of these cards. Embossed, colorful, high quality paper, and an envelope designed to let people know that something special is inside. The highly competitive pricing is another reason I chose my corporate holiday cards from Gallery Collection. Of course, Martha, my office manager, was quick to remind me that shopping early and getting us an especially good discount was her idea.

As her reward, I will make sure we get the seal fast envelopes again!

Show your Company’s Strength with Business Christmas Cards

In today’s unstable economy, it is important for corporations, big and small, to let both their customers and vendors know that they are fiscally strong and solvent. With the holiday season fast approaching, what better way to do so then by sending business Christmas cards? Even in normal market conditions, sending business Christmas cards is a classy and thoughtful way to express the greetings of the season. They also allows you to let your customers and vendors know how much you appreciate the relationship you have with them.

This year more than ever, sending corporate holiday cards will send all the right messages to customers and vendors alike. You want them to know that your corporation is successfully weathering these tough financial times. Sending business Christmas cards with a beautiful design on the finest card stock imprinted with high-quality ink is a perfect way to do so. Not to mention how surprisingly cost-effective and convenient it is! More importantly, it shows that despite the difficulties we are all facing, your company still realizes what and who is important. It may seem like a simple and subtle gesture, but it can also function as a powerful tool to reassure recipients that your company is financially sound and that you are looking forward to continuing your fruitful business relationships with them in the future.

What do Brushing Teeth and Christmas Cards have in Common?What do Brushing Teeth and Christmas Cards have in Common?

Brushing teeth and Christmas cards in my house have A LOT in common. My children are the age of “real teeth” and they must brush them religiously! Every parent loathes the idea of having a child less than perfect in a fashion that was avoidable. That whole parent-child psychology thing is a big topic and not one to get into right now. So you ask what’s the connection? The answer is simple – I constantly remind my kids to brush their teeth.

I have four children and they all react differently. Lindsey is great. She has generally already brushed her teeth, and so when I ask, her response “I did!” comes with a big smile. Daisy most often says “Oh yeah! I forgot,” and she rushes off to brush her teeth (despite the fact that I probably reminded her 20 minutes before…she just gets distracted, I guess). Katie, the oldest, rolls her eyes, huffs and says “Daaaddddddddyyy, pluuuuuuease” and pouts, and won’t make a move towards the bathroom and the toothbrushes. Jackie says “Oh yeah!  I will right after this…” and then she seems to always forget until the next reminder when she promises again “Right after this…”

The thing is, helping customers to remember to order their Christmas cards and corporate holiday cards in time often feels like trying to get my kids to brush their teeth. Everyone knows it needs to be done. Some just put it off more than others or mean to order and then forget. In the end I’m hopeful my kids teeth are beautiful – a testament to their responsible upbringing. Of course, I also worry that too much responsible reminding will impact our relationship if they perceive me to be pestering or annoying.

The Benefits of Sending Corporate Christmas Cards

Working for a business Christmas cards company has made me more aware of the importance of corporate Holiday cards for businesses. Customers will frequently say how well their gesture of goodwill has been received by their clients and vendors.

New clients are impressed when they receive quality greeting cards thanking them for their past year’s business. Vendors appreciate receiving a thank you for a job well done.  Old clients are reminded of the services that were performed for them in the past. Many customers who send business greeting cards to those who have inquired about services reap the benefit of orders in the following year.

Decorating with Christmas cards has become an integral part of holiday season. They are displayed on doors, walls, desks, and mantles. When quality Christmas cards are selected, people’s eyes are drawn to each card, and they will open it to see who had the good taste to send it. Corporate Holiday cards are the perfect way to keep a business’ name in view throughout the holiday season.

All businesses would benefit by sending corporate Holiday cards from to those who have made their progress possible.