The Perfect Corporate Holiday Cards

I love to receive corporate holiday cards. It seems lately that businesses have really put some effort into sending cards to clients and customers. I have received some very lovely cards with some of the most beautiful foil art on the front. And the sentiments are actually more personable than they used to be. I just received one the other day, and I had to place it on my bulletin board for everyone to see.

It was nice to be remembered in such a sweet way. I hope to get more company holiday cards from other businesses that are just as nice. I am actually looking forward to opening all of my cards this year, and maybe I’ll even have the opportunity to send some of my own!

Custom Christmas Cards – Good For Business, Good For Friends

Custom Christmas cards are a great way to truly wish others a happy holiday season or a Merry Christmas. We’ve all been to the stores and card shops looking for cards that will be right to send out to others, but the greetings inside are often so generic as to take away from the well-wishing. Customizing the card adds that touch that shares the holiday warmth without the necessity of settling with “the thought that counts.”

In the wealth of ways that we interact with others – be it co-workers, co-members of organizations, or neighbors – personalized holiday cards allow the flexibility to express ourselves in ways that generic cards cannot. It’s the expression of one’s self that comes through to the recipient of customized cards.

I just recently received such a card from an employer. It was a lovely card on a high quality dark stock paper. As would be expected from a company that has diverse employees, they sent corporate holiday cards without any sectarian words or design. The greeting and signatures were what made it so personal for me. It was a simple note that brought to the fore my importance as an individual to the company, having the titles and signatures of the executives.

I think the finest card that one can give or receive is one that has been custom made to make an accurate expression of the value of another.

Business Christmas Cards are Perfect for the Holidays

I am an owner of a marina of five years now which is year round job. When I first took ownership of my new business I can recall writing all my business Christmas cards out by hand. As my clientele grew so did my time in being extremely involved in overseeing and organizing my day to day workforce. With over 400 customers plus my employees, sub-contractors, suppliers and then some, I couldn’t imagine writing all those Christmas cards out by hand.

As the holidays were nearing I just didn’t know how I would possibly get everything done with Thanksgiving around the corner. So, I decided to do a search online to see how I could simplify my hectic life and I found The Gallery Collection. They have such a large assortment of Christmas cards that if you can’t find what you’re looking for here, you’ll never find it.

As I was skimming over the site I noticed that there were corporate holiday cards as well, which made me think of my grandfather who owned an electrical corporation in Dallas, Texas. I called his secretary and told her about The Gallery Collection. Her reply to me was, “Oh we’ve been using them for years.” I should have known, especially considering how particular my grandfather can be with his choices!

Business Christmas Cards That Work As Gifts

Last year was a tough year for my business.  You see, in the past I sent gifts to many of my clients in appreciation for their continued support.  However, 2011 wasn’t a great year therefore sending a small fruit basket or even a box of candy wasn’t in the budget.  My husband gave me a suggestion; he had received some beautiful sample business Christmas cards in the mail at his office and shared the catalog with me.  The cards were exceptional and with the discounts offered they were well within my budget.

Since I sent the cards last year I received numerous calls and comments from clients about the beautiful corporate holiday cards I sent. I have also done more business with my clients, which I believe was due in no small part to the cards they all received. Sending Christmas cards is a tradition that I intend on keeping for years to come.

Everyone Enjoys Corporate Holiday Cards

Let’s say that corporate Holiday cards are a mandatory thing, required by the policies of your company. Now, really think about it. Would it be as thoughtful and generous to receive if you as an employee were required to send them out to all of your fellow co-workers? What if, when required to send out these mandatory cards, you had to pay for them with your own cash, and were not given any type of re-imbursement. Or worse! The payment for the cards came directly out of your check for that previous week. Makes you think twice about the next time you decide to want to send out Christmas cards right?

Luckily, that isn’t the case with most companies. And that’s what makes receiving business Christmas cards so great. It isn’t something forced upon you. When you receive your card, you know it comes from the heart, and that your boss, or a company you work with, or a business associate, is truly wishing you the best for the holiday season. And it is definitely something people remember.

So, if you want to stand out in the crowd this holiday season, make sure you remember corporate holiday cards for everyone!

The Perfect Corporate Holiday Cards

The corporate holiday cards I send every year are not only my way of wishing greetings for the holidays, but they are also my way of connecting with people I have not had contact with for a while. At least I know once a year we can catch up with each other’s lives and bring back some good memories.

The holiday cards I pick out have to be a reflection of my thoughts and feelings. This requires me to spend countless hours reading countless cards to make sure I find the right design that expresses exactly what I. This became an impossible task over the years!

However, I finally realized that in order to be able to address all the different holidays of the season and also be able to say the “right” words, I needed to order custom holiday cards.

The cards had to be beautiful and I needed them personalized with my name along with a special greeting. The array of greeting card designs offered by The Gallery Collection is incredible, and the designs are all distinctively beautiful. There is such a great selection of greetings that I didn’t even need to create my own. And the quality of the cards and envelopes is very impressive, to say the least.

So now I can send company holiday cards that are impressive and says exactly what I want.

Corporate Holiday Cards Equal Smart Business Sense

What says “I love your business” like receiving Corporate holiday cards?  I am not sure if some companies realize how important it is to send their customers Christmas cards. As a customer it so nice to be recognized with a note of holiday cheer. It feels great to be acknowledged and appreciated.

A few companies were really using their heads when they made their decisions on what to send; they chose Calendar cards. These cards not only include the customary holiday wishes, but address and phone number of the business as well!  Last year, after the holiday season ended, I put all these special cards in my kitchen drawer. As the year progressed, there was no doubt about which companies I would give my repeat business to, as I had their information right at my fingertips!

Business Christmas Cards Give Holiday Thanks

What joy it brings when we see sparkling lights and bright faces, people with bags and packages scurrying everywhere and the feeling of holiday cheer is in the very air you breathe. Tis’ the season for goodwill toward all and it is as easy as using business Christmas cards to say Thank you to spread that goodwill to your customers and clients.

Whether your customer is a once a year or once a week customer; they want to be given good customer service and they want to know that their business is appreciated. With that in mind, why not give them great customer service? To take the time to go the extra mile will earn you points in the “I will return to business again” column. Although, it certainly is not a new practice to send business Christmas cards, and it is almost expected, saying thank you in that same card will just add a fabulous closing to your business year. Your customers will experience the feeling of goodwill you are sending and look favorably when they have need of your product or services again. Just knowing that you appreciate their continued patronage will realize an immeasurable benefit to your company. Really, everybody can use as much goodwill as they can get if their business is to flourish in today’s market.

In the impersonal computer age it goes a long way when we take a more personal approach to our customers. The human touch is so much more welcome for having become such an infrequent occurrence and you will be heads above your competitors by providing that touch. Taking the time to let your customers know that you are aware of how much they have contributed to your success is an easy step. Sit down and send corporate holiday cards and you have taken a huge step towards great customer service.

Company Christmas Cards Can Be For More Than Just Business

About two years ago I moved from Danbury, Connecticut to Seattle, Washington. This was a big step in my life. I was starting a new career and moving away from all my friends and family on the East Coast. After a couple months at my new job the holidays rolled around and I received beautiful company Christmas cards. The quality of the card was outstanding from the paper, to the raised design, to the writing inside. I was in awe. I was also caught by surprise because I had never received a holiday card at my old job, in Connecticut, and I had been an employee there for 4 years. This immediately made me feel special but I could not get over the quality of this card.

The next year the holidays rolled around again and I get another Christmas card from my boss. This time the card was even more dazzling. It came on blue paper with silver snowflakes and the inside had silver writing. I couldn’t resist asking my boss where he got these cards from. He told me The Gallery Collection. That day I visited the website and found hundreds spectacular cards. I knew right then I wanted to share these cards with my family.

This year I am sending all my family back on the East Coast some of these beautiful Christmas cards. I am selecting a card that has a breathtaking picture of the Seattle skyline. I love this picture because it will really give my family back home an idea of what I get to see everyday and how much I love it here in Seattle. So, don’t think corporate holiday cards are just for at work. Give them a personal touch and I’m sure your family will enjoy them as much as I have.

Sending Corporate Holiday Cards Is Just Good Business!

There are a number of good reasons I send corporate holiday cards to my customers. The rationale is simple; it’s good business. I use them to impress my customers with the fact that I truly appreciate working with them and working for them. At a time of year that’s all about goodwill, sending a card is a great way to connect with the VIP’s of our business…the customers. Christmas cards work for me, but for bigger companies with a more diverse customer list the solution is easy; go with more general holiday cards.

The biggest problem I have is selecting a card! But it’s time well spent, because there’s only one thing better than sending the card, and that’s sending a card that really gets noticed. I get compliments on the cards I send every year; how stunning they are, how original, nostalgic, sophisticated, etc. What started out as a sincere effort to say “thanks” turned into an amazing marketing tool. It’s a  real win-win proposition.

I’m usually pretty traditional with my selections, but this year I might go out on a limb. I’ve been looking at a couple Christmas cards for business on black paper. With bright gold, green and red foils they’re really attractive and classy. They caught my eye right away, and I’m thinking they might be just the right touch this year!