The Benefits of Sending Corporate Christmas Cards

Working for a business Christmas cards company has made me more aware of the importance of corporate Holiday cards for businesses. Customers will frequently say how well their gesture of goodwill has been received by their clients and vendors.

New clients are impressed when they receive quality greeting cards thanking them for their past year’s business. Vendors appreciate receiving a thank you for a job well done.  Old clients are reminded of the services that were performed for them in the past. Many customers who send business greeting cards to those who have inquired about services reap the benefit of orders in the following year.

Decorating with Christmas cards has become an integral part of holiday season. They are displayed on doors, walls, desks, and mantles. When quality Christmas cards are selected, people’s eyes are drawn to each card, and they will open it to see who had the good taste to send it. Corporate Holiday cards are the perfect way to keep a business’ name in view throughout the holiday season.

All businesses would benefit by sending corporate Holiday cards from to those who have made their progress possible.

Keep Customers in Mind with Corporate Christmas Cards

Today’s businesses are struggling just to exist! They have to save money wherever they can because of increased fuel costs, higher material costs, and tighter consumer expenditures due to the recessing economy. As a consumer, I would like to commend the companies that still send business holiday cards. They have not forgotten the people that are keeping them in business. There are certain areas in which a business could save money, and cutting back by not sending business holiday cards should not be one of them.

I received some very high quality corporate Christmas cards this past holiday season, despite rising costs. It is very important to thank your customers. Businesses have to go the extra mile to keep their customers happy so they will come back throughout the coming year, especially considering the status of our current economy. The companies that have taken the time to thank their customers are the businesses that I will use and recommend to others. So despite all of the economic setbacks that just about everyone in the U.S. is experiencing, I recommend that businesses keep us consumers in mind with corporate Christmas cards and we’ll keep you in mind the next time we open our checkbooks.

Fond Memories of a Business Christmas Cards Contest

Are you thinking about your business Christmas cards? I know…it’s September and the holidays seem far away. Here at the Gallery Collection we think about corporate Christmas cards all year long and are ready to fill your order right now.

One of my memories of business Christmas cards goes back to a job I had at a software company. We really got to know our customers because of the lengthy sales cycle, which could run up to six months and sometimes longer. Being friendly with our counterparts on the customer side often led to an exchange of business Christmas cards through the years.

Our central office always ordered attractive corporate Christmas cards imprinted with the company name inside to send to our customers. We would add a personal note to the people we saw almost on a daily basis. A highlight of the season was receiving personalized holiday cards back from these customers. In our branch office, we displayed the cards on our office doors for instant festive holiday decorations.

And what was the Business Christmas Cards Contest? Not surprising for a sales branch, there was a prize for the employee who received the most Christmas cards from customers. But there was another prize for the best looking display of the cards. One year I won with a winter scene that included a ski slope, all made of cards from my customers. It still makes me laugh when I think about how intently we all worked on our doors (it was the slow time of year).

Now I work with customers who select their business Christmas cards with care. I really understand the importance of just the right message in a beautifully made Christmas card.

Sending Christmas Cards that Actually Say Merry Christmas

I recently started a side job working in a neighborhood doctor’s office. I’ve worked in many different jobs over the years and the skills used are all pretty similar. Typing letters and transcribing notes is all the same except for the terminology used. However, after a few months it became very apparent that this job was very different from others. The doctor sends out Christmas cards to his patients…ALL of his patients, whether they celebrate Christmas or not! You may be saying to yourself, “So what? Our office sends out holiday cards too.” You may be right, but the difference is that our doctor sends out company Christmas cards.

There is a distinction. In this day and age of everyone being politically correct, we actually pick out Christmas cards that wish everyone a “Merry Christmas.” Not holiday cards that wish “Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays,” but Christmas cards that say the often forbidden words “MERRY CHRISTMAS.”

The doctor’s philosophy, which I happen to agree with, is that there is nothing wrong with sending Christmas cards wishing people a Merry Christmas, whether they are Christian, Jewish or Muslim. He feels that he is sharing his holiday joy with everyone he comes in contact with and how can expressing his thoughtful message with Christmas cards be construed as wrong.

So if you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, our office wishes you the best of the holiday season, peace and the love of family. And may you receive plenty of Christmas cards yourself!

Self Proclaimed Holiday Greeting Cards Snob

Working for a greeting card company has turned me into a snob when it comes to holiday greeting cards! Whenever I see greeting cards in stores, I judge them! First, I critique the design on the front of the card. Second, I have to feel the greeting card to check the quality of the paper stock. Is it matte, glossy, textured, thick, or thin?

I have seen many of our competitors’ business Christmas cards and can’t help but compare them to our own company holiday cards. It seems I am constantly keeping an eye out for greeting cards and how their quality measures up. When I am in the doctor’s office I examine all of the greeting cards they have on display. When I received a flimsy holiday greeting card from my dentist, I asked her why she ordered her Christmas cards from Company X. I then hand delivered a Gallery Collection greeting card catalog to her!

I often stop in stationery and gift stores to check out what’s new in the world of greeting cards. While many of the greeting card designs are quite pretty, the quality is a whole different story. I can’t believe what some companies sell! Some of the greeting card stock feels like construction paper. Other paper is so thin, and sorry, I must use the word “cheesy!” The printing in some of these holiday greeting cards looks like a rubber stamp was used. Oh and touch a greeting card with sparkles and glitter and you’ll be wearing it on your clothes and face well into the New Year!

I know our customers appreciate the quality of our holiday greeting cards. They buy their company holiday cards with confidence. I know OUR (capitalization = pride) holiday cards are the highest quality material and our printing is precise. Certainly a great value for the money!

Business Christmas Cards Can be Appreciated by Everyone

It’s not something you’re likely to think about until a personal experience arises. I wasn’t really aware of sending business Christmas cards until I worked in a small office where the owners were not Christian and didn’t celebrate Christmas. My attention was drawn to exclamations of delight as my bosses opened company Christmas cards sent to them from both clients and vendors. The greeting cards were happily tacked to office bulletin boards and stood up on credenzas and desktops.

I’m reminded of this when I hear debates about whether or not it’s “politically correct” for a company to send out business Christmas cards. The gentlemen I’d been working for recognized that the holiday cards were a celebration of the sender’s joy and goodwill and they felt honored to be remembered and included in these festive greetings.

Another company at which I worked considered company Christmas cards to be so important that the employee with the most attractive handwriting was selected to set aside other work in order to hand address all the envelopes for the greeting cards. At first, they were struck with the dilemma of guessing which holidays each intended recipient might celebrate. The dilemma was resolved by using holiday cards that expressed “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” in order to be inclusive of all their clients.

The preparations for sending these company Christmas cards somehow transmitted a positive attitude through everyone on staff, making this office’s end-of-year busy season less stressful and more cooperative. In every instance, I’ve noticed that the sending and receiving of company Christmas cards is a bright way to end a business year!

Patriotic Cards at Christmas

Even though I appreciate the fact that I live in the United States and that this privilege affords me the freedom other countries do not, it never made me feel that I had to send patriotic cards as business Christmas cards. I guess being just like thousands of other Americans, I took all my advantages for granted and never gave patriotism a thought when buying any type of business Christmas cards, or any holiday cards for that matter.

Then, unfortunately, September 11th happened and forever changed the way I think about our country and how I convey my feelings to others using patriotic Christmas cards. Whenever I can, I try to convey these feelings along with my pride for our country by using patriotic themed cards for Christmas and other occasions. It makes me feel so proud when I can send greetings using a patriotic Christmas card with our beautiful flag on it. I’ve also sent invitations to friends and business associates for my 4th of July parties using a card with red, white, and blue on it hoping to remind others what the holiday is really about.

I hope my efforts make others stop and think about all the things this country has to offer, and maybe they too will send patriotic greeting cards.

Etiquette for Business Greeting Cards Starts with R-E-S-P-E-C-T

As a Human Resources Professional, it is not uncommon to be asked about what is and is not proper etiquette. Proper greeting card etiquette, to me, starts with what the recipient sees on the envelope. If you’re like me, you probably select exquisite Christmas cards that contain your name and display your company’s logo along with a heartfelt message. Let that card have a chance to shine by making sure you have the correct spelling of your recipients’ first and last names. If there is a mistake on the envelope, it is likely that the receiver of the card won’t fondly remember what was inside the envelope.

I know this personally because I have a difficult last name that begins with the letter I, and it often gets confused for an L, depending on the font that is used. When I receive business greeting cards from someone who I am not familiar with and my name is misspelled, in my mind, it is usually a reflection of the sender’s hasty card-sending efforts.

When I am sending business greeting cards to my vendors and employees I always have someone else in my department do a final proofread just to make sure that the spelling I have on file is correct. One incorrect letter can be seen as a missed opportunity and a failed chance to extend a holiday greeting with a positive, lasting impression. Supports Soldiers’ Angels with Holiday Cards

The Gallery Collection is very proud to have made a SUBSTANTIAL donation to Soldiers’ Angels. We have donated 280,000 holiday cards / Christmas cards to be sent to ALL of our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan thanking them for their service to our country. AND, we are including a blank greeting card for them to WRITE HOME!

Here is the card that is now completely produced and is enroute to California for inclusion in the Holiday for Heroes care packages from Soldiers’ Angels!

sa-gallerycollection-2007-front.jpg sa-gallerycollection-2007-inside.jpg

As you can see, the cards are custom personalized Christmas cards (holiday cards) with the Soldiers Angels logo and emblem. You can click the thumbnails to see enlarged images and read the inscription we made just for the men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And here is the “blank” Christmas card for the troops to write home on!

Soldiers Angels Greeting Card Donation





Soldiers’ Angels motto is “May No Soldier Go Unloved” and their credo is:

May no soldier go unloved,
May no soldier walk alone,
May no soldier be forgotten,
Until they all come home.


What are Business Christmas Cards?

People I meet inevitably say, “You work at a greeting card company? Really? Which one?” And inevitably I explain, “Well you wouldn’t have heard of us, but we are the leader in Business Christmas cards.” I go on to explain we are The Gallery Collection by Prudent Publishing and that our website is, but before I get to that point, I always have to explain what Business Christmas cards are. “It’s simple,” I say. “You know those cards that companies send to each other at the holidays? The ones that say Happy Holidays from all of us at Acme Corporation.” Everyone understands pretty quickly what Business Christmas cards are once I explain it like this. However, what I think most people never quite realize that is terribly obvious is that Business Christmas cards or Corporate holiday cards or company Christmas cards (whatever you want to call them!) are really for the most part used as thank you cards. People in business like to take a pause, exhale and say, THANK YOU! Or at least smart business people do! Certainly the holidays are a religious time, but more so they are a time to reflect and to say thank you.