Easy Does It – Presentation Folders

Presentation folders from the Gallery Collection are making it easy for you to impress your customers.  These high quality, customizable folders have two 4 inch pockets that can hold up to 25 sheets of standard sized paper in each pocket and have a universal business card slot on the right pocket making them perfect for presenting sales information, handing out important forms and marketing materials and for use internally for employee information. 

The Gallery Collection pocket folders are available in black, blue, green, burgundy, cream, white and matte white with embossing available in gold, gold prismatic, silver or silver prismatic. You can actually have your logo and other information right there on the front cover.  You can also have customization done on the inside and back cover depending on the details.  One plus is that you can get a digital proof of your folder before the printing process begins to ensure the quality of your logo.  The Gallery Collection also offers you the ability to order a physical sample of your folder at an additional charge.

These professional Presentation Folders are useful products that can be foil stamped with your custom logo and imprint.  All this and they are made in the United States.  There are not many products that can say that nowadays. 

Presentation folders are the way to go to impress your clients and customers.

Top 10 Things to Consider When Picking out Personalized Folders

So you have decided to purchase some presentation folders to present your business in the best light possible to your clients. Seems simple enough but once you go online you realize there are more things to think about than you first imagined. Let me walk you through some of the things you should think before placing your first order.

Folder Color – What color best represents your company? If you have colors you typically use whether in your office décor, company logo, business letterhead etc. Consider choosing a folder that is similar in color.

Weight of Paper – Look for a folder with a medium to heavy cardstock to be sure your corporate pocket folder is not flimsy to the touch and able to house your paperwork that you will place inside.

Ink Imprinting or Foil Stamping – There are many, many ink printed folders out in the market place and some are indeed very nice. Consider a solid color with some rich foil stamping it can literally be the thing that stands out amongst a desk full of clutter and gives your client a feeling of confidence in your company.

Ink/Foil Color – Again look to your company colors or the impression you wish to make when making this very important decision.

Pockets – Are the pockets deep enough and roomy enough to put all of your marketing materials inside?

Business Card Slits – Do you need them? You do if you are planning to put your business cards in the folder.

Vertical or Horizontal Business Card – If you are putting your business card in the slits are the silts designed for both a horizontal and vertical oriented business card?

Personalization – Folders look great when they feature your company logo. Consider adding your company slogan, name, address or url.

Personalization Locations – Where you can print information on your folder is definitely something that can present some additional sales opportunities. Why not print important numbers on the inside pocket or your various locations and hours on the back?

Quantity – Typically the more presentation folders you order the lower the price per folder will be so be sure to order an ample suppy if you wish to get the most value for the dollars spent.

Should I Purchase Presentation Folders?

Owning a small business can be tough. Often a small business owner is working countless hours out of his or her home, reaching out to friends and family to establish a circle of clients or customers and looking for ways to extend their reach. My best friend has a photography business and while she loves the memories she captures for her clients, it’s been a struggle to increase her client lists. She is very active on social media, showing off what she can do for her clients. My suggestion to get to the next level? Presentation Folders. The old saying, “You have to spend money to make money” is still relevant in the digital age. Presentation folders can be a smart investment for any small business.

Often a small business invests (either in time and effort or money) in an eye-catching logo for advertising purposes. My friend has a beautiful logo for her business, but there are not many opportunities for her to use it. Getting a folder to give to her clients with that logo printed on the front will help keep her and her business in mind whenever her past clients are in need of a photographer.

When she’s on location, in a park or at a party, having a few folders pre-set with samples, pricing, and available options would be perfect for when passersby see her at work and consider hiring her as well. A business card alone is nice, and can work for networking events, but they can get lost very easily. That presentation folder can have a much greater impact. Add in a business card placed in a special slit in the inside pocket of the folder, and she’ll look just as professional as her competition. One of the reasons why a customer chooses a small business is the personalized service and attention to detail that is not the hallmark of large chains.

Large companies use custom folders for informational packets. Schools get custom folders for students and staff to use. Wouldn’t your business benefit from such an effective marketing tool?

Secrets to Creating a Smashing Presentation Folder Your Clients Won’t Put Down!

What transforms an ordinary presentation folder into something spectacular? A little thought and planning along can go a long way.

First be sure you are starting with a quality product meaning a nice heavy weight card stock at least 100lbs for that substantial feel.

Next, consider doing something a little bit out of the ordinary and try a prismatic foil to give your foil stamped imprint some additional shine and dimension of color. The prism like effect will make the foil literally dance and can captivate your audience as they move the folder difference ways to catch the light.

Ideally, you place your order online and find an excellent user interface that allow you to see exactly how what size your logo and imprint information will look best on the presentation folder dimensions. You don’t want to go too big but you definitely want your logo big enough that it stands out and in a position that showcases your brand name.

Don’t be afraid to add some information towards the bottom of your folder for that added touch of class. The bottom front of your pocket folder is an excellent place to put your company name, address, phone number, or just your URL. Make it easy for your customers to find your contact info on your presentation folders and sit back while the sales start roll in.

Custom Presentation Folders

You may be unfamiliar with Custom Presentation Folders and wonder what they are and why your business needs them. A short explanation is that these folders are made of premium stock, have two inside pockets and a holder for a business card. The customization of your logo or company name can be printed in gold or silver foil on the front of the folder. The bigger question would be why your business needs them.

In an ever shrinking economy it is extremely important to have your company be remembered as a quality and efficient business. You want your clients to remember you whether they need to contact you tomorrow or 3 months from now. A great way to achieve that goal is to have your materials in a custom presentation folder that will organize your information.

The top ten reasons to use presentation folders are:

  • Presents a strong image of the company.
  • Reaches a wider target audience.
  • Makes a great first impression.
  • Organizes promotional materials.
  • A versatile tool that is functional and practical.
  • Professional looking folders speak of a well put together company.
  • Keeps your name and image around long after the initial contact.
  • Contains your company information for easy contact.
  • Information about your company is at your clients fingertips.
  • Enhances your professional standing.

Whether you are providing contracts, important documents or promotional material, the use of presentation folders are a subtle but effective way to highlight your professionalism. Stand out from the masses and help grow the success of your company with Custom Presentation Folders.

Foil Folders and My Presentation

I have been trying to sell my new online ordering business to every restaurant you can imagine. Yes, you can send the marketing email hoping that the right person reads it. Yes, you can do some cold calling hoping you talk to the right person. But let us be honest the odds of that working is slim and none and slim just left town. That is why I turned my idea into reality wrapped up with a nice bow called Presentation Folders.

I took my company logo and slogan and slapped it on the front of this sweet black folder in some sweet gold foil. I also made sure to pop my website on the bottom of the front as well. The key is to also add in some business cards to the inside so make sure your folders have slits for that. Print out nice documentation to put in the actual folder. Now you have something of substance to sell. Since I have started doing this my business has noticeably gone up. The best part is this is without a big financial investment. I buy the Presentation Folders, print the documentation and then drop them off where I think I can drum up some business.

Presentation Folders: Your Company’s Chance to Stand Out

Presentation Folders, sometimes referred to as Pocket Folders, are not only functional but they give companies an opportunity to stand apart from their competition.

Simple in concept but very powerful in the impact a quality folder can provide. Quality is key. When shopping for presentation folders you should consider the following:

  • Weight of the paper – A flimsy feeling to the paper will create a subtle yet negative impression of your business. Exactly the opposite of what you trying to create! Look for at least 100lb paper with a smooth or linen finish.
  • Printing vs Foil Stamping – Printed folders are everywhere. Why not consider standing out with having your folder stamped in a rich foil that showcases your logo.
  • Minimum Quantities – If you are trying out a company for the first time, you may want to place a smaller order to ensure you are satisfied with the quality before placing a larger one.
  • Pockets and Business Cards Slits – Think carefully about the intended use for the folder and make sure to choose one that meets your needs. Are you planning to include a business card? Materials that go in 2 pockets? These are the things you will need to think about prior to placing your order.
  • Information – Folders today can convey a lot of important information that is easy for your customers to reference by printing on the front, back and even the pockets of your folders. Consider printing things like your company name, slogan, hours of operations, address, important phone numbers and URL just to name a few!

Remember, you may only get one chance to make a positive impression on your clients. A quality foil stamped pocket folder with attention to detail can set you apart from your competitors. Don’t miss out!

Ways to Customize Your Presentation Folders

A great way to increase your clientele is to send out advertisements promoting your business or services. Stray away from the typical mailings and handouts and go with something bigger and better; presentation folders. Follow these tips on customizing your company presentation folders.

The first thing you want your customers to see when they receive your presentation folder is your company colors. Pick the right color folder, as well as the right imprint color, to match your company colors. The Gallery Collection offers nine different colored folders and sixteen different foil imprint colors.

Next, you definitely want to have your company logo front and centered. You can either have the logo printed large with the company name following beneath it, or have the logo printed a bit smaller to fit the company name next to it. Either way, the name of the company needs to be big, bold and noticeable.

The Gallery Collection offers five different print areas for their presentation folders. If your company has a slogan or catch phrase, you can have that printed at the bottom front of the folder, the bottom back, or on either inside pocket.

Use another imprint area to add your contact information. Your customers are going to need a form of contact once they receive your impressive folders. Include a phone number, an email address, a website and even a contact name.

One last thing to add to your company folder is a business card. Whether it be your own personal business card or a generic company card, insert the card in the folder pocket with the business card slits. This way, if your customers don’t want to carry the folder with them, they can take your business card with them wherever they go.

Custom Presentation Folders Leave A Lasting Impression


If you want to really stand out from the crowd, try utilizing custom presentation folders for your business or personal use. Customizing presentation folders with The Gallery Collection is easy and risk free. You can be involved as little or as much as you like and no order is produced without customer approval.

Presentation folders are a superb way to display your company logo—and or advertise your slogan—while distributing to clients, employees, or potential business partners. There are many options at The Gallery Collection to create your perfect presentation folders. You can decide where to place your logo, which of the foil colors you would like to print in, and in which color you would like your presentation folders to be produced.

These quality folders stay vibrant for a long time and are relatively durable. Each pocket in the customized presentation folders holds 25 sheets of 8.5” W x 11” H paper. There are also options to have one or two spots inside to display your customized business cards. This would be perfect for handing out resumes or to welcome a new member to your company’s sales or marketing team. Outshine the competition with these high-quality presentation folders.