Why Company Logos On Corporate Greeting Cards is a Good Idea



We all know sending corporate greeting cards is a great way to create a good customer relationship and adding your company logo is a smart idea. You spent time creating the perfect logo, you chose the right colors, the right shape, the perfect tag line-what better place to put it than on your holiday cards. When you send holiday cards to your clients, it sets your business apart from others; your logo should work for you. Since holiday cards are welcome you are creating goodwill and not a sales pitch. Your logo is like a small ad for your company and people remember images better than they remember words – I am sure you have heard that a picture is worth a thousand words!

I patronize the companies that care enough about the business I give them to remember to thank me during the holidays; sending Christmas cards is a cost effective way to let your customers know that you appreciate their loyalty. Putting a visual reminder on the inside of the card is a great way to promote your business. You’re sending the cards out anyway, so why not make it work for you?

And remember, it is incredibly important to send the highest quality Corporate Greeting Cards your budget will allow.

5 Reasons Why Everyone Still Loves Greeting Cards


1. They are tangible – Similar to a bouquet of flowers, greeting cards are real and show appreciation. When you receive a greeting card, you can place it on your desk and be reminded of it.

2. Shows that someone is thinking of you – A greeting card with a personal touch shows that your friend, family or company put some effort into showing you that they care about you and wanted to make you feel special.

3. Look better than E-Cards – Greeting cards beat out E-Cards out any day. Which would you prefer? A 2 dimensional cookie cutter card emailed to you or a gorgeous embossed card with stamped foil?

4. They are timeless – No matter what your age is, everyone associates greeting cards to special events such as Birthdays, Weddings and Christmas. In a sense, they are forever tied to gift giving!

5. Endlessly customizable – You can write, draw decorate your greetings cards however, whichever, whenever you want! If there is anything people love, it is something completely unique!

What is a Correspondence Note Card?

Simply put, a correspondence note card is a high quality buff colored index card that comes with a matching envelope. However these “index cards” can be customized with one line of type at the top in blue, black or gold/silver foil imprinting in a variety of font choices.  Customization options can be professional (company name), personal (your name) or generic (Thank You, Thinking of You or Just a Note).

What would you use these for?  These cards are great when sending an email is too impersonal and a full size greeting card is too much. They can be sent as special recognition to an employee for “a job well done” or as a “thank you for your time” after an interview.  They can be included as a professional gift enclosure or as a reminder for an upcoming event or meeting. They can be mailed via the post office or sent to the recipient via inter-office mail. On a personal note, they can be tucked into a child’s backpack for the teacher when a note might be needed or slipped under a neighbor’s door to advise “we are having a neighborhood garage sale, care to join us?”.

The uses for these small yet elegant single sided cards are as endless as your imagination. They don’t seem like much but once you have one box, you will surely find a myriad of reasons to take pen to paper on them!

Warmest Wishes – What to Write on Your Co-Worker’s Retirement Card

A co-worker’s retirement is a wonderful occasion to celebrate.  You will no doubt want to share a heartfelt sentiment to wish your co-worker well on a retirement card.  Here are some tips and suggestions to help you express your warm wishes.

-Be positive.  Sometimes retirement can be a scary time of transition in a person’s life.  While he or she may really want to retire, it is still a big lifestyle adjustment and can make even the most financially comfortable retiree a little nervous.  Also, retirement signals that one is definitely getting older, which can also be a little unsettling to your co-worker.  You can help ease the tension by being nothing but positive in your message on the retirement card.

-Be personal. While it’s nice to express standard congratulatory sentiments-like wishing your co-worker the well-meaning but generic “good luck”, it’s even better to try to be specific and show your co-worker that you connected to him or her on a personal level.  Instead of just saying, “Now you will have more time to pursue your hobbies”, get specific!  Is he or she an avid reader? Say “Now you’ll be up-to-date on all the current bestsellers!” Maybe gardening is more your co-workers thing?  Mention that “now you’ll have more time to tend to those gorgeous roses!”  If she or he is a sports and fitness enthusiast, you can quip that you expect to see her in the next marathon, or see him serving aces on the tennis court.  Many retirees long to travel, having put it off while working.  If this applies to your co-worker, you should definitely wish her or him exciting and safe travels. If you happen to know where he or she is interested in visiting, it’s even better to mention it specifically!  Whatever your co-workers interests or hobbies, it will mean so much to her or him that you remembered and mentioned it!

-Be sincere.  Everyone wants to hear that they will be missed, so make sure to end your message with such a sentiment.  It’s great to get personal here as well and mention something that you will specifically miss about your co-worker.  We all want to be remembered for something other than just showing up every day and doing our jobs; we like to be recognized as individuals.  Maybe she has a great sense of humor and you will miss her witty one-liners that always made your Mondays a little less bleak; be sure to tell her!  Maybe he always had a bowl of candies that often got you through a rough day; let him know!    If you don’t know your co-worker that well, try to at least think of one anecdote or memory that you share and mention that-perhaps there was a dreadfully long meeting you both attended or a festive holiday party where you shared a toast?  Taking the time to recall such memories will make your co-worker feel very special.


Assortment Boxes Are Indispensable

Our All Occasion Assortment Box is Indispensable

You KNOW your intentions are good when it comes to sending cards to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.  You WISH you had just the perfect card on hand when condolences or get well wishes are in order.  You REGRET missing an opportunity to let someone you care for realize that you’re thinking of them and value their friendship.

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This is why, in my opinion, EVERYONE should have an ALL OCCASION ASSORTMENT BOX on hand.  You’ll never again have to flounder around looking for just the right card.  It will be right there at your fingertips, in the sturdy and colorful box that keeps them fresh and clean and at your disposal.  No more last minute trips to the store to pick up a card, or time spent going through the racks to find an appropriate one.

In this nicely organized box, there will be a matching envelope for each card – even a few extra – and they’ll have those wonderfully convenient self-adhesive peel strips.

There are two assortments to choose from – Box 1 and Box 2.  They both have an excellent variety of cards including Birthday, Anniversary, Get Well, Sympathy, Thank You, Congratulations and Thinking of You, along with a few blank Notecards which have proved very useful to us.  Each of the boxes has the same set-up but with different designs.  We keep one of each on hand and find we NEVER have to waste time running to the store for cards.

With the beautiful designs and excellent card quality, we’ve had so many compliments on the cards we’ve sent that for us, the All Occasion Assortment Box is indispensable.

Corporate Greeting Cards Can Mean Big Business

A corporate greeting card can be an important business tool, especially during the holiday season. Adding a personal touch to a business or institution by sending an elegantly crafted card can help separate your business from the pack. It is far too easy to blend in with the crowd in today’s fast-paced world of industry and commerce, but a thoughtful card can make a big difference in this case.

business handshake

Not only is a corporate greeting card a tool for growth, it is also a tool for creating and maintaining business relationships. Choosing a card that both represents your business, as well as the person or company receiving it, will make your message even stronger.

There is even a way to implement something truly unique by sending a corporate holiday invitation to help keep the spirit alive and well during this important time of year.

Making sure your business maintains close relationships with consumers, partners or even family and friends is an extremely beneficial business strategy. Greeting cards than send a warm and positive message can be a powerful and effective way to get this message across. From birthdays to holidays, and everything in between, there is certainly a card to fit whatever occasion with the Gallery Collection’s extensive selection.

How Corporate Greeting Cards Add a Personal Touch to Your Business

     Growing up in my household, my mother explained to me that a card was the most important part to any gift.  She always used to tell my brother and I that “It’s ok if you can’t afford a gift, but at least make or buy me a card.”  Through the years, greeting cards have become an important yet convenient way to express our feelings during the holidays or during a special occasion.  In many ways, a card can represent how you are as an individual.


     If you have your own business, greeting cards are a perfect way to add a personal touch in the corporate world.  Sending a card to customers, clients, or co-workers immediately leaves a positive impression.  It shows that you are thoughtful and that you appreciate their business or time.

     As a boss or manager, a card can be a wonderful option to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work.  You can use greeting cards as great recognition around the holidays, on an employee’s birthday, or even to congratulate them on a big event in their life.  As an employee, a card can be a great way to show your boss or managers that you appreciate their assistance and guidance.  Maybe there is a holiday that one of your employees celebrates, but no one else shares this holiday in the office.  A card is a great way to show this employee that you acknowledge and respect their beliefs.

     Cards are always a good idea to send to customers or clients as well.  In the corporate world, a card is the perfect way to remind customers or clients that you haven’t forgotten about them.  It may even bring some of them back in the near future to help you close that future sale or business contract.  My dentist always sends me a birthday card every year and I always appreciate it.  It always reminds me that I need to go for a cleaning soon as well.  They are being thoughtful, but also helping bring business in.

     A card can show those in the corporate world your overall lifestyle and personality.  What colors did you pick out for your card?  How long is the greeting inside?  How personal is the greeting inside?  Did the person write their own message? What type of theme does the card have? These can all reflect the type of person that people see day to day in the work place. If you are sending cards to customers or clients, always remember that a card can reflect your entire business.