Can’t Beat These Birthday Assortment Boxes!

With all the different types of Birthday Assortment Boxes available online on The Gallery Collection, you’ll be sure to find exactly what you need! I personally order a few different ones and have an amazing variety of beautifully foiled and embossed designs on hand any time I want to send one to an employee or client or business associate or supplier or even a relative, for that matter.

There are different greetings inside these striking cards and plenty of room to add my signature and sometimes a note to make them even more memorable. Having them right at your fingertips makes it easy to let others know you’re thinking of them and remembering their special day.

Each assortment comes in a handsome, sturdy box that keeps them clean and neat & well organized for easy access and use. The pearl lined, self-sealing envelopes make it a cinch to send them on their way either by hand or by mail.

This all makes for an outstanding package of remarkable and delightful cards which anyone can put to good use. I know I’ve had lots of great reactions from people I’ve sent one of these cards to. Besides being thanked in person, I’ve even received calls regarding my thoughtfulness. I’ve found that it doesn’t take much time or effort to be considerate and help make someone’s birthday a bit more festive.

Choosing Our Yearly Birthday Cards

Choosing yearly birthday cards shouldn’t be so hard, right? You pick a card and customize it! Done! Not so fast. I get my catalog from The Gallery Collection and that is when the problem begins. It is not because the designs don’t look good. It is because they look so good! Every design is beautiful. They are enhanced with foil and many are embossed. If you don’t see a design in the catalog, there are many more available on The Gallery Collection website.

Because I can never make up my mind, I request samples. I then show them to my colleagues. Having the actual card in hand, allows us to make a choice, knowing that the recipients will be just as impressed as we are. Here are just a few of our choices:

Design 305326 Glittery Confection Card – The cupcake on this design looks good enough to eat. It is highlighted with shades of blue and foil confetti. This is sure to be a hit.

Design 305328 Sweet Sentiments Birthday – Colorful frosted cupcakes each have their own birthday sentiment. Enhanced with gold foil, this card is a standout.

Design 305414 Contemporary Gifts Birthday Card – Sophisticated birthday presents adorn this photo. It is mounted on the card and is framed in gold refractive foil.

Design 305334 Forest Friends Birthday Card – When you want to send a “From the Gang” design, this card is sure to delight. Whimsical animals are ready to party. The gold embossed lettering and colorful critters invoke thoughts of celebration.

Sending Belated Birthday Cards: We’ve All Been There!

My best friend who recently moved to Florida forgot my birthday! I could not believe it, I was really surprised. We have been friends for years and we even mentioned it a few times in the past month while we were on the phone. I had been making plans to get away from it all with my husband for a long weekend ,and she even gave me some ideas of where to go and a plan for what to do there. When the day came and there was no birthday card in the mail, I was surprised!

This was the day we were leaving, so I forgot about it and off we went on our trip. Understanding that these days, we are all very busy all the time. We’ve all been there, sending a belated birthday card with a special note or an old picture and a joke about being late can make all the difference in the world. She wrote about how long our friendship has existed and that even though she didn’t get the birthday card to me on time, she has always cherished my friendship and cannot wait until we actually get together again in the next few months at her place in the sun and laugh about all the things we have forgotten lately!

How to Customize Your Corporate Birthday Cards

When it comes to corporate birthday cards, there are 5 ways to customize them.

Logo – Using the company logo gives a professional impression that beats a text imprint. No matter the complexity, your logo will fit and look great inside your corporate birthday cards.

Signature – Every business has an Executive Team, whether it be a small business owner and her husband or a Fortune 500 company. Give that personal touch by having their signatures marked in foil on every birthday card. Wouldn’t that make an employee feel good?

Foil – When it comes to cards, there is ink… but then there is foil. Foil, just like trading cards, improve overall quality and attractiveness. Ink never shines (unless it is still wet!) but foil will shine brilliantly forever. Foil makes a great custom feel to business Christmas cards.

Greeting – Want to really show your employees your creativity? Hit them with a custom greeting! Maybe throw in your company’s motto, or an inspirational quote.

All of the Above! – Using a combination of customizations will only make your custom birthday cards more awe-inspiring. Why do one when you can have it all?

Birthday Cards in the Office Elevate Morale

Why give birthday cards to your coworkers? It’s fun and it makes them feel good. The question is what kind of card should I send? Well that’s part of the fun part. Do you really the people you spend one third of your life with? Give it a try now.

Is the person sitting next to you a happy person or do they appear down too often? They may need some cheering up so let’s get them something funny or cute. Do they like puppies or are they a foodie? There’s your start, get to know the people you work with better and when it is their birthday they will appreciate you taking the time to understand what they like.

Here are a few tips:

  • If the person seems like a grouch, they may have problems at home or have bad arthritis, so kill them with kindness and send a warm card on their birthday.
  • If the person is always joking, they will probably appreciate a funny card.
  • If the person is a gossip, don’t give them any fuel to feed the gossip mill, send them a card with a very neutral message.
  • If you really dislike the person, send a card anyway but don’t bother thinking about it too much.

The best approach is to have a ready supply of different designs available so you are always ready when birthdays come around. People appreciate you thinking about them and they will show it. The atmosphere of friendliness makes the morale so much better when you work in an office.

Gift Ideas for Your Boss’s Birthday

Deciding what to get for your Boss’s birthday is definitely a time when the statement “it’s the thought that counts” comes into play. What’s really going to make an impression with your boss is to think of something that she is interested in or has mentioned along the way and gift something along those lines. For example, if you know your boss rides horses, you can find a small horse or something related to horses that she can place on her desk to remind her of the passion she has for horses. It’s sure to bring a smile to her face and remember you in the process. Or perhaps she has mentioned a specific movie she wants to see or a favorite wine that she likes or would love to try. It shows that you have been listening and not just hearing “wa, wa, wa” when she speaks like in the classroom of a Charlie Brown episode.

If you want to go for a bigger ticket item for your Boss’s birthday, group gifts are a great idea and often even preferred by the boss rather than several individual gifts. Just think of the teacher at year end with 30 apples from her students instead of one awesome gift certificate to the spa that she can really enjoy. Your co-workers will be thankful too as you can often make a bigger impact with your gift and end up spending less individually. Again, be sure to consider your boss’s interests and hobbies when thinking of a group gift but some great ideas include a gift certificate, a desk accessory such as a Galileo thermometer or small plant, tickets to a show or movie or even some sweet treats or balloons to celebrate the occasion. If your boss likes the attention, you can make more of a spectacle of her birthday and have balloons or flowers delivered so the whole office can see them, making everyone super jealous in the process.

If you don’t really know your boss that well or are new to the team, keep it simple and generic or ask someone who does know her well.

Good luck with your gift buying! And whatever you do decide to get, do not forget to include a birthday card!

Disclaimer: My boss happens to be a woman which is why I referred to my boss as “she” in this post. But, I’d like to add for the record that male bosses are great too!

The Purpose of Greeting Card Assortments

One of the best things I have come across since starting my new office assistant position is an order form for card assortment boxes. The purpose of greeting card assortments are to be on hand for different types of occasions. There are assortments available in many different categories. For example, Birthday, Anniversary, Sympathy, Get Well, Thank You, Congratulations and of course the little bit of everything All Occasion assortment. I have found that keeping a box of greeting cards in my desk is critical. I don’t always remember everyone’s everything. There is always an occasion coming up that a card is needed and everyone scrambles, who is going to go to the store? Who has time today? The usual suspects will come to me and may I add it is usually an immediately necessity. For my own sanity, I have decided to keep a 2 different boxes in my cabinet. I have an all occasion assortment box since it has 35 cards with 16 different types of cards. The most being Birthday cards – 12, Thank you – 6, Congratulations – 5, Sympathy – 4, and then 2 each of the Anniversary, Get Well, Thinking of you and finally 2 blank Note cards. And I also keep a box of all Birthday. Everyone gets a birthday cards! We all enjoy that – Don’t we?

4 Reasons We Love Birthday Cards

  • They’re personal – There are thousands upon thousands of different card designs to choose from. Do they adore teacup pigs? Do they have an obsession with motorcycles? Would they appreciate something funny, or something more serious? There is nothing better than picking up a card and knowing “This is the one, they’re going to love this!” Just like finding the perfect gift, finding the perfect card can be just as satisfying.
  • They’re thoughtful – If you are a business owner and you want to make your employees feel valued, a birthday card is an excellent way to do so. Taking the time to wish someone well on their special day shows that you care about your employees and their lives beyond work. Asking other employees to sign a birthday card is also a good way to foster better employee relations in the workplace.
  • They’re Sentimental –How often do you let people know what they really mean to you? Birthday cards are an excellent way to express how you really feel about someone. It is their special day, so there is no need to hold back – tell them about how much you appreciate them always being there for you, or how there is no one else you’d rather duo “Don’t Stop Believing” with at karaoke night. You can write something deep and heartfelt or include a couple of inside jokes while taking a stroll down memory lane.
  • They’re Lasting – Long after the confetti has settled and the gift cards have been spent, what will remain? The beloved birthday card! The same kind words that make someone feel special today will give that person the same feeling when they stumble upon the card years later. People never forget the way that you make them feel. Out of all of the gifts that you could choose to give someone, the birthday card is the one gift that will last forever.

Birthday Wishes for Everyone

As a human resources manager I am always looking to make sure the morale of the company is at an all-time high. Any little thing can matter in that regard. We try to plan socials after work to make sure our employees interact with each other, there’s the good old company picnic, and the one that never fails; the Holiday party. However, you must do the little things along the way as well.

One of those little things is the employee birthday card. Sounds like such a given in today’s world that you would get a card for an employee’s birthday but believe me most companies miss this small step towards morale boost. People like to know that you are thinking about them. This is true in life and definitely true in business. So make sure to get online and order those cards for the year because a five minute order process will go leaps and bounds to bringing the morale up in your company this year. Also make sure to vary up the cards so everyone does not get the same one. That will show you went the extra mile for your employees and they will appreciate you for it.

Writing for Business Birthday Cards 101


It can be a daunting task to figure out which birthday cards are right for your office. Luckily, The Gallery Collection offers plenty of business appropriate Birthday Cards. Here are some tips to guide you through the process of writing your business birthday cards. Welcome to Business Birthday Cards 101.

When selecting your business birthday cards, be sure to consider both how the cards reflect the business and how your employees will receive your card. Choose a card that suites your business’ appearance by choosing an industry specific card or a card with your company’s colors. Know that various kinds of people will be getting your cards, so choose an all-encompassing design or opt for a Birthday Assortment Box to best tailor to each employee as their own special day approaches.

With The Gallery Collection’s cards, you are able to entirely edit the inside of the card. This can be intimidating to some, but don’t fret. The Gallery Collection offers plenty of classic greetings to choose from. You still have the option to create your own if these do not meet your needs. You could even add your company logo or printed signatures to your cards! This will make your cards look even more professional, not to mention save time for whomever needs to sign them.